Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He's been getting a lot of flack in the media here because he came out and did that story with the USAToday stating that he would potentially miss the year after he hadn't talked to local media. He has made everything about his injury, stated that the reason he isn't ready to play because he isn't ready to play. He stated that his leg isn't feeling right, he can't even dunk in stride, and the last thing he wants is to come back before schedule and potentially re-injured himself or has lasting effects.

He has gone out several times and said he'll play with whoever they give him and that he doesn't want the team to change or his teammates to leave because he's loyal, TOO loyal if you ask me given the history of this franchise. Reggie is just looking out for his brother, saying what every non-biased fan and outsider has said 100x's over. Their is only so much he can do, we don't have the fire power necessary to win it all.

However the media is too concerned with others are saying and whether or not adidas has more say so than the brass and not the fact that the kid is saying he doesn't feel he's ready to go yet.
You'd be foolish to believe that they have not had conversations about bringing in more talent with Gar/Pax.

Appreciate the insight.

However, the problem with Reggie Rose speaking up is that he's his brother's manager. That's where the conflict of interest lies. He has ZERO business speaking on stipulations of his brother's return possibly being tied to who is on the roster. It's a bad look and he would have been better served keeping his mouth shut. It's like Giselle Buncheden coming outta pocket in defense of Tom Brady. Dude should have stayed in his lane regarding the Bulls roster, IMO.
1) the spurs aren't getting to the finals
2) If they get there The heat would run circles around these dudes. I've said it once and i'll say it again your only going to get as far as your stars take you. Outside of Parker their stars aren't gonna give them 7 straight great games because their going to be tired from the playoffs
He's been getting a lot of flack in the media here because he came out and did that story with the USAToday stating that he would potentially miss the year after he hadn't talked to local media. He has made everything about his injury, stated that the reason he isn't ready to play because he isn't ready to play. He stated that his leg isn't feeling right, he can't even dunk in stride, and the last thing he wants is to come back before schedule and potentially re-injured himself or has lasting effects.

He has gone out several times and said he'll play with whoever they give him and that he doesn't want the team to change or his teammates to leave because he's loyal, TOO loyal if you ask me given the history of this franchise. Reggie is just looking out for his brother, saying what every non-biased fan and outsider has said 100x's over. Their is only so much he can do, we don't have the fire power necessary to win it all.

However the media is too concerned with others are saying and whether or not adidas has more say so than the brass and not the fact that the kid is saying he doesn't feel he's ready to go yet.
You'd be foolish to believe that they have not had conversations about bringing in more talent with Gar/Pax.

Appreciate the insight.

However, the problem with Reggie Rose speaking up is that he's his brother's manager. That's where the conflict of interest lies. He has ZERO business speaking on stipulations of his brother's return possibly being tied to who is on the roster. It's a bad look and he would have been better served keeping his mouth shut. It's like Giselle Buncheden coming outta pocket in defense of Tom Brady. Dude should have stayed in his lane regarding the Bulls roster, IMO.

He was wrong to tie his return from this injury to the roster or lack there of. But to be honest Pooh would be foolish not to look at the roster, lack of support and the way that Thibs runs his guys and not be hesitant. As well as the brass shouldn't be foolish as to believe that he isn't paying attention to the way they are managing the team or that there isn't a possiblity that he's frustrated.

Damn Near Every Single Commercial He's Ever Had He's Said The Following "I JUST WANT TO WIN!" that's it that's all.
What exactly makes Kawhi Leonard a future star?

He's a good defender and he can shoot. Son is like Shane Battier 2.0.
I'm never a fan of anyone in a player's family/entourage being given a platform to give their opinions on team matters. Who cares what Reggie Rose (or Colin Love) thinks about anything?

Ever since The Decision this whole "I need help ****" has gotten out of control. ****** act like they need all star teams to be successful now.
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I agree friends & family having a platform does more harm than good more often than not, but again the things he's said have been said 1000x's over by fans, sports analysis, reporters, & commentators. This is NOTHING knew. But because Pooh is rehabbing and its his brother now all of a sudden it's a level orange situation.

It's not about needing all stars its about having quality talent capable of filling holes. The biggest hole we have is getting buckets

Who on this team can create their own offense outside of Pooh & Nate? That's the issue. That's Always Been The Issue. The two moves they've made to bring in someone to help offensively (Boozer & Rip) have failed miserably. Then they let their biggest strength get depleted by allowing Asik to hit free agency & letting their entire bench go afterwards.

If these actions aren't enough to question the direction of your team I don't know what is.
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I agree friends & family having a platform does more harm than good more often than not, but again the things he's said have been said 1000x's over by fans, sports analysis, reporters, & commentators. This is NOTHING knew. But because Pooh is rehabbing and its his brother now all of a sudden it's a level orange situation.

It's not about needing all stars its about having quality talent capable of filling holes. The biggest hole we have is getting buckets

Who on this team can create their own offense outside of Pooh & Nate? That's the issue. That's Always Been The Issue. The two moves they've made to bring in someone to help offensively (Boozer & Rip) have failed miserably. Then they let their biggest strength get depleted by allowing Asik to hit free agency & letting their entire bench go afterwards.

If these actions aren't enough to question the direction of your team I don't know what is.
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yea i dont see him being a star, a very solid/good player yes but a star is kinda.....
1) the spurs aren't getting to the finals
2) If they get there The heat would run circles around these dudes. I've said it once and i'll say it again your only going to get as far as your stars take you. Outside of Parker their stars aren't gonna give them 7 straight great games because their going to be tired from the playoffs
1) We are going to the NBA Finals, OKC isnt the same team and the Clippers are frauds.

2) The Heat would not run circles around us, that series would be very compeitive and we have the size to match up with them which is their biggest flaw.
What exactly makes Kawhi Leonard a future star?

He's a good defender and he can shoot. Son is like Shane Battier 2.0.
Hes a GREAT defender and teetering on the line of being an elite one. Can shoot is an understatement; He is one of three players who is shooting above 49% from the floor 40% from three and 80% from the line. Who are the other two? Steve Nash the greatest shooter ever, and Kevin Durant. That is excellent company right there. Of course no one really sees it yet, because its the Spurs and we get no national attention whatsoever, and his contributions are overshadowed by the play of Parker, Duncan, and Ginobli, but the guy can play ball. Once he starts getting more touches and involved in the offense he will become a force. Shane Battier? Please. If we're going to make reasonable comparisons hes what Joe Johnson was when he was in Phoenix. A guy that everyone knew would be a star, he just needs the right opportunity except that Kawhi wont be grossly overpaid and will actually fufill his expectations.
He was wrong to tie his return from this injury to the roster or lack there of. But to be honest Pooh would be foolish not to look at the roster, lack of support and the way that Thibs runs his guys and not be hesitant. As well as the brass shouldn't be foolish as to believe that he isn't paying attention to the way they are managing the team or that there isn't a possiblity that he's frustrated.

Damn Near Every Single Commercial He's Ever Had He's Said The Following "I JUST WANT TO WIN!" that's it that's all.

That's my only problem with it. If Reggie Rose had only said that his brother would be returning when/if his knee is 100%, most people wouldn't have batted and eye. However, when you make the additional comment about the construction of the roster and how that is tying in to whether or not he returns, well, that's opening a can of worms.

Another's not like Derrick Rose doesn't have enough clout with the team that he can't walk into the front offices and voice his displeasure. It just should have never come from his brother. Derrick Rose IS the Chicago Bulls right now. I'd have to think that if Rose did complain, there would be a few people who would think of the possibility of him leaving the team via free agency if things didn't improve.

I'm never a fan of anyone in a player's family/entourage being given a platform to give their opinions on team matters. Who cares what Reggie Rose (or Colin Love) thinks about anything?

Ever since The Decision this whole "I need help ****" has gotten out of control. ****** act like they need all star teams to be successful now.


I also think mixing business with family/friends can sometimes be a recipe for disaster. Reggie Rose, IMO, put his foot in his mouth.
I'm never a fan of anyone in a player's family/entourage being given a platform to give their opinions on team matters. Who cares what Reggie Rose (or Colin Love) thinks about anything?

Ever since The Decision this whole "I need help ****" has gotten out of control. ****** act like they need all star teams to be successful now.
how is it different then teams in the past? Lets not act like the teams of the 80's-90's didnt have all-star teams... to be honest moreso seeing most of the championship caliber teams were filled with hof. True they didnt make grand forums etc....televised specials etc... to annouce it all. But please believe it wasnt a coincidence, luck or chance that certain teams stayed stack and continuiously keep all-star caliber players.

Difference now is, with the www, and this whole inside look and everything that is said and done is under a microscope and recorded, viewed, and broadcasted for the world to see. I have no doubt the top tier players in the league had the same attitudes and expressed desires to get great players and load/stack their team....difference then to now didnt have cameraphones, facebook, ustream, tmz, twitter etc.... documenting it all and within seconds, having it for all the world to see.
reggie dun goofd. I do agree that family/entourage should keep their mouthes shut period. The media gonna try to get responses like that outta them but their not the ones that have to deal with it the player does
Like Cake said, everything that was said was 100 % right... We as fans have been echoing Reggie's thoughts for years.. it's like the team has been 1 piece away for damn near 4 years, and the lack of desire and will to acquire that 1 piece by the FO is aggravating.

Letting the Turkish homie Omer ride was huge... To the casual Bulls fan they won't see it, but to the die harders like us it was catastrophic because you can't replace that size, his defense and rebounding... We got our ho3 card pulled by Houston... We could have signed him for cheaper earlier in the season, but the FO got lax and didn't make it a high priority, Asik played his *** off, showed improve and HOU seen it and took a risk and put them dollars up.....

Blueprint to contending against the Heat: have size, pound the glass and be physical yet the Bulls let a player who does all that well walk over money....

Derrick is loyal, but you'd be a fool to think he doesn't feel the same way as Reggie..... The only good that can come from this is it lights a fire under the FO ***.
I see a better shooting Luol Deng in Kawhi Leonard than Joe Johnson.
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kawhi is a very good played.. but i dont see him as a star..

very good 3rd option on a team.. but i dont see him carrying a team.. depending on who the best player is and how solid the rest of the team is, i could see him being the 2nd best player on a championship level team
Leonard is gonna be a star? A wing player that can't create his own shot? :lol:

Hell of a role player tho.
Can Kawhi create for himself or he's just catching and shooting in Pop's system?

If he can't create, can't throw star labels on him just to do so.

Defensively he can be a star no question. He's really good and still getting better.
I dont think u need to be a chicago fan to know how big Asik leaving was. He is a perfect hustle player with big size to pair with noah

This team up bff stuff will only continue. At this point it has to unless u want miami to win chip after chip with an easy path in the east
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