Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Like Cake said, everything that was said was 100 % right... We as fans have been echoing Reggie's thoughts for years.. it's like the team has been 1 piece away for damn near 4 years, and the lack of desire and will to acquire that 1 piece by the FO is aggravating.

Letting the Turkish homie Omer ride was huge... To the casual Bulls fan they won't see it, but to the die harders like us it was catastrophic because you can't replace that size, his defense and rebounding... We got our ho3 card pulled by Houston... We could have signed him for cheaper earlier in the season, but the FO got lax and didn't make it a high priority, Asik played his *** off, showed improve and HOU seen it and took a risk and put them dollars up.....

Blueprint to contending against the Heat: have size, pound the glass and be physical yet the Bulls let a player who does all that well walk over money....

Derrick is loyal, but you'd be a fool to think he doesn't feel the same way as Reggie..... The only good that can come from this is it lights a fire under the FO ***.
lol this is the bulls... they bout as cheap as sterling is.... if it was for the luck of drafting ie...mj pippen etc... i serious doubt they would have ever did anything. Them dudes are just cheap like that. They are a org, that pretty much try to get the most out of spending the less.
Spurs is a great regular season team, but I don't see them making the finals. OKC is repeating as a finalist again.

This. I don't see how this year is gonna be any different than the past few years for the Spurs. They have a great coach and good enough pieces to win a lot of games but I don't see them beating OKC. Even though OKC is a little worse w/o Harden I still think they have enough to get to the finals.
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This is too sensitive of a topic to post in the Knicks thread, but how would you all fix that team?
im surprised a lot of people see kawhi as just a role player. like someone mentioned, he is similar to luol. aint a megastar but can be a all-star. there's really only a handful "stars" in the league anyways.

his handles arent great but they are good enough.
Like Cake said, everything that was said was 100 % right... We as fans have been echoing Reggie's thoughts for years.. it's like the team has been 1 piece away for damn near 4 years, and the lack of desire and will to acquire that 1 piece by the FO is aggravating.

Letting the Turkish homie Omer ride was huge... To the casual Bulls fan they won't see it, but to the die harders like us it was catastrophic because you can't replace that size, his defense and rebounding... We got our ho3 card pulled by Houston... We could have signed him for cheaper earlier in the season, but the FO got lax and didn't make it a high priority, Asik played his *** off, showed improve and HOU seen it and took a risk and put them dollars up.....

Blueprint to contending against the Heat: have size, pound the glass and be physical yet the Bulls let a player who does all that well walk over money....

Derrick is loyal, but you'd be a fool to think he doesn't feel the same way as Reggie..... The only good that can come from this is it lights a fire under the FO ***.

Are you fine with Rose not coming back due to the construction of the roster? Like I said before, I think that's a bigger issue more than anything. It was the words of his brother, but that's almost insubordination. Even if he feels that way, those words should have never been spoken to the media.

I know what Derrick Rose means to Chicago, but excusing this is the equivalent of treating him w/ kid gloves. I really think it would do Derrick Rose some good to come out (at least to his teammates) and clear the air.
Spurs is a great regular season team, but I don't see them making the finals. OKC is repeating as a finalist again.

Shut up. They have 4 NBA titles within the last 14 years. Your acting like they are the Peyton Manning led colts of the NBA.
This is too sensitive of a topic to post in the Knicks thread, but how would you all fix that team?

100 mil for Stat and then running him into the wood was a bad idea.
Melo is gonna be Melo
JR, is JR. Uber talented, but uber stupid too.

They had such a good mix early in the year, but Stat coming back is almost like too many bodies to use. You have old guys like Chandler and Kidd that play D and move the ball, hustle, etc, and then shooters like Melo/JR, in theory, that's a nice mix for them. Kinda don't make sense, but it works.

But when you have Sheed, Kidd, Camby, Thomas, a not the same Stat, the legs ain't there for 82. If they had a way to rest up and go into the playoffs warm, they'd be fun to watch and see what they could do. I don't think they'd be a Final club, but they'd be noisy at least. And in NY, with a run, that could be enough to push them that last little bit, ya know?

We played them early in December, and they were RAINING 3's from all positions, all game long, 7-8 guys deep. It was unreal. I remember Allen sayin that when this streak runs out..........well, at some point, Kidd/Felton have run dry, almost none of JR's shots are a good idea ( :lol: ) and it's slowly breaking down.

To fix, here's the catch. They are locked into 75+ mil for the next three years. :wow: :lol: Good ******g luck.

They almost have to hope that Melo opts out after 2 and leaves, maybe they can deal him for something, kill Stat, and start over there.

Felton has FOUR years worth of contract left including his own option. :rofl: For the love of........

My advice, prayer, and lots of alcohol.
I posted this in the season thread, but it sheds some light as to what was going on behind closed doors w/ Crawford. I still think we didn't get anywhere close to fair value for him, but I now understand why he was moved out w. the quickness.

But let me paint you the bloody truth about Crawford and why this deal was bound to happen: he was the laziest defender on the roster, the one who didn't give a flying f*** about winning, or team chemistry. You can let someone like Monta Ellis or Deron Williams get away with behavior like that. But not Jordan Crawford.

Or how about this nugget (which you'll see itself play out in the upcoming year):Crawford was sabotaging Bradley Beal from becoming the leader of the Wizards.

Beal, who let's remember is still 19, effectively bossed around older players at Florida last season, and the Gators began to click. He's a much more cerebral leader and speaker than John Wall, who would gladly hand the authoritative keys to Beal. Here's the thing: Wall wasn't around for the first few months of the season and at the exact same time Crawford was flourishing (averaged 19.1 ppg in December) and Beal was sputtering. Crawford acted like the alpha dog and wasn't welcoming to Beal. Randy Wittman idiotically let this situation continue to play out, delaying Beal's emergence and giving false hope to Wizards fans about Crawford's fools gold appeal.

Now Beal won't feel like he's stepping on anybody's toes. Using one of Crawford's old quotes, "people gravitate towards me," is actually true in a good way about Beal. Without Crawford snorting laughter in the background and undermining any type of serious approach to basketball, Wizards fans are about to meet the real Bradley Beal.

100 mil for Stat and then running him into the wood was a bad idea.
Melo is gonna be Melo
JR, is JR. Uber talented, but uber stupid too.

They had such a good mix early in the year, but Stat coming back is almost like too many bodies to use. You have old guys like Chandler and Kidd that play D and move the ball, hustle, etc, and then shooters like Melo/JR, in theory, that's a nice mix for them. Kinda don't make sense, but it works.

But when you have Sheed, Kidd, Camby, Thomas, a not the same Stat, the legs ain't there for 82. If they had a way to rest up and go into the playoffs warm, they'd be fun to watch and see what they could do. I don't think they'd be a Final club, but they'd be noisy at least. And in NY, with a run, that could be enough to push them that last little bit, ya know?

We played them early in December, and they were RAINING 3's from all positions, all game long, 7-8 guys deep. It was unreal. I remember Allen sayin that when this streak runs out..........well, at some point, Kidd/Felton have run dry, almost none of JR's shots are a good idea ( :lol: ) and it's slowly breaking down.

To fix, here's the catch. They are locked into 75+ mil for the next three years. :wow: :lol: Good ******g luck.

They almost have to hope that Melo opts out after 2 and leaves, maybe they can deal him for something, kill Stat, and start over there.

Felton has FOUR years worth of contract left including his own option. :rofl: For the love of........

My advice, prayer, and lots of alcohol.

Interesting point, CP.

It may seem unfathomable, but trying to move Melo might be the key to getting this team better and younger pieces to move forward. There is NO ONE who is going to take STATs uninsured contract. The team is flawed beyond belief and the hot start to the season was nothing but a smokescreen. It's an absolute mess. This is not what Donnie Walsh was envisioning a few years back.
Loul Deng is a more reasonable comparison I have to admit. Deng 2.0
kawhi is a very good played.. but i dont see him as a star..

very good 3rd option on a team.. but i dont see him carrying a team.. depending on who the best player is and how solid the rest of the team is, i could see him being the 2nd best player on a championship level team
The second best player on a team is a star though. He probably wont reach superstar level, but he will be a star.
Leonard is gonna be a star? A wing player that can't create his own shot?

Hell of a role player tho.
Can Kawhi create for himself or he's just catching and shooting in Pop's system?

If he can't create, can't throw star labels on him just to do so.

Defensively he can be a star no question. He's really good and still getting better.
Its a product of the offense though. Its how we play, who doesnt get most of their opportunities off of spot ups outside of the big 3. We cant really fault him when hes being told to play this way. As I said previously once Duncan retires and the lineup makes the shift, he will get more PT and touches then you will see him become more aggressive. Hes actually a pretty good ball handler and is long enough to get his shots off the dribble.
Nearly 40% of Leonard's offense is through spot ups.
Where do you find such a stat? I love stuff like this.
Spurs is a great regular season team, but I don't see them making the finals. OKC is repeating as a finalist again.
This. I don't see how this year is gonna be any different than the past few years for the Spurs. They have a great coach and good enough pieces to win a lot of games but I don't see them beating OKC. Even though OKC is a little worse w/o Harden I still think they have enough to get to the finals.
im surprised a lot of people see kawhi as just a role player. like someone mentioned, he is similar to luol. aint a megastar but can be a all-star. there's really only a handful "stars" in the league anyways.

his handles arent great but they are good enough.
This man knows.
Spurs is a great regular season team, but I don't see them making the finals. OKC is repeating as a finalist again.
Shut up. They have 4 NBA titles within the last 14 years. Your acting like they are the Peyton Manning led colts of the NBA.

Fire the head coach and vilify the point guard.
PG is a MAJOR issue. They ran kidd into the ground, and he's pretty much useless if his shot isn't falling.

As far as the coach....Woodson is Woodson
I dont want to see him fired. Its not his fault the team is built poorly. He doesnt deserve to get the same treatment he got in Atlanta because he keeps having to coach teams that are on the road to nowhere.
Loul Deng is a more reasonable comparison I have to admit. Deng 2.0

The second best player on a team is a star though. He probably wont reach superstar level, but he will be a star.

Its a product of the offense though. Its how we play, who doesnt get most of their opportunities off of spot ups outside of the big 3. We cant really fault him when hes being told to play this way. As I said previously once Duncan retires and the lineup makes the shift, he will get more PT and touches then you will see him become more aggressive. Hes actually a pretty good ball handler and is long enough to get his shots off the dribble.

Where do you find such a stat? I love stuff like this.

This man knows.


I dont want to see him fired. Its not his fault the team is built poorly. He doesnt deserve to get the same treatment he got in Atlanta because he keeps having to coach teams that are on the road to nowhere.
i wouldnt lol call them the peyton manning lead colts of th nba... a better comparison would be the patriots... a pretty dominating team that always have a realm of a shot to be a contender, but ppl put to much stock on their championships, in which happened several years ago...and act as if those teams are the team they are today.
Interesting point, CP.

It may seem unfathomable, but trying to move Melo might be the key to getting this team better and younger pieces to move forward. .


I'm no Melo fan but that's crazy. They are what they are and if they sell him off nothing would change much. Unless then you want to trade off Chandler and just blow things up for no reason. They're still 13 games above .500

Woodson is an average coach - this is becoming obvious and average might be kind. He had a group that was pissed off and motivated to come out of the gates this year and you can even trace it back to D'Antoni leaving. My theory has all along been the players knew they didn't have any excuses anymore. Not coaching, not personnel, nothing. So, you have a group motivated - you start to look better than what you are. That wears off + teams catch onto what you're doing + regression to the mean shooting the ball anyhow and you're left with some struggles. Plus, Melo is still not an impactful player outside of scoring. As a group they also don't care to defend much at all.

On top of Kidd breaking down - Shumpert sucks. Knick fans don't want to hear it, but he stinks and looks like he rushed things to get back. Amare has actually fit in nicely and the 'Big 3' lineups have been very productive.

The Knicks are the true front-runners of the NBA - they get hot, it's over. Don't even come out for the 2nd half. But when things get difficult they bag it and start blaming X, Y and Z for why things don't go right. They crumble at adversity, this is what annoys me most.

But, They have still have the formula to test Miami if they can find it again. You spread the floor with shooters and get the ball moving side to side. Zach Lowe said it better than me:

The Knicks can just about match Miami in terms of scoring and, having (mostly) committed to using Carmelo Anthony at power forward, can approach Miami's small-ball units without any awkward matchup issues. The Knicks have kept right on firing 3s, and while their shooting percentage from deep has declined after a red-hot start, it has settled in at a very good number — 38 percent — that more than justifies the chucking.

New York is also scoring like gangbusters when they go big with Amar'e Stoudemire, Tyson Chandler, and Anthony on the floor together — a 180-degree turn from last season, when New York couldn't function with the Max Contract Brothers playing together. Mike Woodson's creative sets have helped, as has Raymond Felton, but the uptick in scoring is mostly the product of slight but sophisticated improvements among those three stars. Stoudemire is better at hunting cuts to the basket, and Anthony has refined his timing as a passer.

Alas: New York has been playing well-below-average defense after a stingy first dozen games. They're down to 15th in points allowed per possession, and they've been unwatchable defensively when Melo and the always flat-footed, switch-prone Stoudemire play together. The Knicks have allowed more than 109 points per 100 possessions when those two share the court, worse than the league's 30th-ranked defense, and Chandler's presence alongside them hasn't moved the needle at all. Units with Anthony at power forward and no Stoudemire haven't been much better since the start of the season, and for those to work well, Anthony's help defense along the back line has to be in top form.

Can they find that form? If they can, the Knicks are the most dangerous team in the Eastern Conference.
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Felton is getting paid 3-4 million the next few years, his contract isn't a huge concern to me.

Woodson being an average coach is one of the problems you can trace a lot of the smaller problems to. I said the same thing... the team rebounded after D'Antoni left and fans are slowly realizing Woodson hasn't changed much (if at all) from Atlanta.

I'm no Melo fan but that's crazy. They are what they are and if they sell him off nothing would change much. Unless then you want to trade off Chandler and just blow things up for no reason. They're still 13 games above .500

Woodson is an average coach - this is becoming obvious and average might be kind. He had a group that was pissed off and motivated to come out of the gates this year and you can even trace it back to D'Antoni leaving. My theory has all along been the players knew they didn't have any excuses anymore. Not coaching, not personnel, nothing. So, you have a group motivated - you start to look better than what you are. That wears off + teams catch onto what you're doing + regression to the mean shooting the ball anyhow and you're left with some struggles. Plus, Melo is still not an impactful player outside of scoring. As a group they also don't care to defend much at all.

On top of Kidd breaking down - Shumpert sucks. Knick fans don't want to hear it, but he stinks and looks like he rushed things to get back. Amare has actually fit in nicely and the 'Big 3' lineups have been very productive.

The Knicks are the true front-runners of the NBA - they get hot, it's over. Don't even come out for the 2nd half. But when things get difficult they bag it and start blaming X, Y and Z for why things don't go right. They crumble at adversity, this is what annoys me most.

But, They have still have the formula to test Miami if they can find it again. You spread the floor with shooters and get the ball moving side to side. Zach Lowe said it better than me:

Like I's probably unfathomable :lol:

But can this team be fixed so that they can get over the hump? No joke, no matter if they finish as a 2-4 seed, I see them being an easy out. Their mental make up is real bad. This team totally falls apart when the going gets tough. Playoffs are a different beast. The funny thing is, this team CAN put in max effort and have success. I think we've all seen glimpes of it at certain points this year. You just have to wonder which Knicks team will show up once the second season starts.
Are you fine with Rose not coming back due to the construction of the roster? Like I said before, I think that's a bigger issue more than anything. It was the words of his brother, but that's almost insubordination. Even if he feels that way, those words should have never been spoken to the media.

I know what Derrick Rose means to Chicago, but excusing this is the equivalent of treating him w/ kid gloves. I really think it would do Derrick Rose some good to come out (at least to his teammates) and clear the air.

I feel u, but I feel that was SOLELY Reggie making a comment based off emotion and anger that a move wasn't made, just talking out his ***... People are fools to think Pooh doesn't want to be out on that court right now... His issue is he mentally feels he isn't ready to come back and I get that, if he was good to go he would be on that court right now, all he wants to do is win and hoop for the Chicago Bulls, that comment was Reggie talking out his ***
But can this team be fixed so that they can get over the hump? No joke, no matter if they finish as a 2-4 seed, I see them being an easy out. Their mental make up is real bad. This team totally falls apart when the going gets tough
Before the Knicks even get to the point, the mindset of the players would need to change.  Mentally, as a team the Knicks appear to just not have "it".  The Knick players have to want to win, and not just be the Heat or even the Bulls with a healthy Derrick Rose whipping boy.  I think it starts with Melo, he can play great at times, but as far as being a leader goes, it appear there's still alot of room for improvement in that area.   
I feel u, but I feel that was SOLELY Reggie making a comment based off emotion and anger that a move wasn't made, just talking out his ***... People are fools to think Pooh doesn't want to be out on that court right now... His issue is he mentally feels he isn't ready to come back and I get that, if he was good to go he would be on that court right now, all he wants to do is win and hoop for the Chicago Bulls, that comment was Reggie talking out his ***

I hear you...the situation is kinda like when Marcus Vick was poppin' off at the mouth about his brother. Mike Vick cleared the air in the days following. I don't have any doubts that Rose is 100% committed to the Bulls....but he should put his brother in check. The problem is that this is also his manager.
Rose and his brother need to ****

and Tony Parker is the MVP with LBJ
I dont think we will ever see the MVP split between two players. People would think it devalues the award especially this season where LeBrons contributions are on an unheard of level, people would say "To think that Tony Parker is on his level is absurd" and things of that nature.
I hear you...the situation is kinda like when Marcus Vick was poppin' off at the mouth about his brother. Mike Vick cleared the air in the days following. I don't have any doubts that Rose is 100% committed to the Bulls....but he should put his brother in check. The problem is that this is also his manager.
Do you think he's relaying things he hears from Rose? Not like he's sitting there  trashing his team or wants to leave Chicago but just off-hand, frustrated comments every once in awhile
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