Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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QFT. Game 7 against the Suns in 2006 Anyone?

I was thinking of that game in particular. Look at this quote...

"If we were going to get back in this type of game we had to have everybody contributing," Bryant said. "In the first half I started to pick it up offensively just to keep us in the hunt. If we were going to get back into the game in the second half everybody has to get into a rhythm and that didn't happen."
why does #24 always either play way too pass-heavy or shoot-heavy |I

The pass-heavy schtick is a passive-aggressive way of saying "our woes aren't due to me." It's childish. He can say he reacts to what he is given, but that **** is so transparent.

Some of ya'll are ridiculous man. Anything Kobe does has to be some type of scheme, no way the guy is simply trying to win games like any other player.

Maybe it's just me, but I would think he cares more about trying to save LAs season and make the playoffs, than playing mind games. He may not have had his best game, but clearly the way he played got Dwight going tonight and his team won.

And even if he was trying to prove something, prove it to who? He's not Dwight. He has 5 championships and a HOF career in the bag, he could have been retired. At this point do you really think he cares about the media or LAs lazy *** fanbase.
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At this point do you really think he cares about the media or LAs lazy *** fanbase.

Yeah, I really think he does care. It's why his game has been so bipolar. I'm not a Kobe hater or whatever...but yeah, I think when he alters his game that drastically I think he is doing it simply to prove a point.

and this pass heavy thing hasn't been just about making the team better. He's passed up open dunks.
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Kobe can shoot 1/8, 6/24, 15/11 ... as long as the Lakers get the W, IDC.
To say Kobe does things for stats/attention/childish reasons may be true, but you only win 5 rings by caring to win. Period.

Altho I do think he needs to find the LeBron medium of when to pass and when to shoot.
Maybe he doesn't have it.
Tony Allen taking shots at Tyreke Evans lol

how are these directed at Tyreke?? Why not Cousins or IT?? 
Tyreke Retweeted this:

A fan told Tony Allen that Tyrke retweeted that and TA got mad lmaooo.
I find it hard that TA would be salty about a unimportant play at the end of a game..
Cot damn, that was sick as hell :wow: :wow: :lol:

good luck trying to decipher TA's vocab:

@KateeForbis. Lol" man" 1st team !!! He know that!!! That's why he was able 2 do that at the end!!! When the Game whas in our favor!
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At this point do you really think he cares about the media or LAs lazy *** fanbase.

Yeah, I really think he does care. It's why his game has been so bipolar. I'm not a Kobe hater or whatever...but yeah, I think when he alters his game that drastically I think he is doing it simply to prove a point.

and this pass heavy thing hasn't been just about making the team better. He's passed up open dunks.
Come on man. You're thinking like a fan. Be realistic and try to think like an actual player would.

If you were an NBA player in Kobe's position and the position that the Lakers are in right now, would trying to prove a "point" to people you don't know mean more to you than trying to win games and put your team in position to make the playoffs? I mean the guy isn't spending 8 hours a day reading internet comments and taking notes.. he's out there practicing, working out, meeting with teammates, coaches, etc.

Most likely he felt like he wanted to get his teammates going and wanted to experiment and try something different. If players are in a situation like the Lakers are in, they have to be willing to do that. Kobe has shown that willingness, and he's shown a willingness to sacrifice for the team, but somehow he still gets bashed for it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I suppose.
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Come on man. You're thinking like a fan. Be realistic and try to think like an actual player would.

If you were an NBA player in Kobe's position and the position that the Lakers are in right now, would trying to prove a "point" to people you don't know mean more to you than trying to win games and put your team in position to make the playoffs? I mean the guy isn't spending 8 hours a day reading internet comments and taking notes.. he's out there practicing, working out, meeting with teammates, coaches, etc.

Most likely he felt like he wanted to get his teammates going and wanted to experiment and try something different. If players are in a situation like the Lakers are in, they have to be willing to do that. Kobe has shown that willingness, and he's shown a willingness to sacrifice for the team, but somehow he still gets bashed for it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I suppose.

Had Kobe not purposely been passive to prove a point in the past then yes, it would be foolish to think so.

People are saying the Lakers are a better team when Kobe Doesnt score, but rather takes the role of playmaker and passes the ball. So, in essence, what they are saying is Kobe shouldnt be the Kobe we've known for 17 years. He shouldnt do what hes done best for the past 17 seasons, which is score. Do you think he would rather pass the ball, or score?

We cant think like Kobe does because we are not Kobe. We dont have his skills, his championships, his accomplishments. But can you tell me what Kobe was thinking in the 2006 Game 7 against the Suns?
The heat with just bosh and wade wouldnt beat the celtics and probably brons cavs

So just stop that talk about the heat would still be good without lebron

you dont have to beat the celtics or brons cavs for a team to be good

if you took all them players minus the big three and put them on the lakers ****** in here would get their panties in a bunch talking bout the lakers got a stacked team.

dont play that bs

battier, ray ray, chalmers, haslem, and rashard lewis. also former 3 point champ in jones.

mike miller aint even active...

and you also added birdman

what else do you want?

does a team have to have 5 starting all stars to be stacked?

the heat are stacked

you have 3 of the top 10 nba players. no other nba team has that right now. now add the players mentioned above. thats not stacked?

people are trying just a little too hard to fluff the legacy of lebron james. having a stacked team doesnt change the fact that lebron james is one of the greatest to ever play the game.

:lol: @ comparing what lebron has now compared to the cavs teams... omg
Kobe can shoot 1/8, 6/24, 15/11 ... as long as the Lakers get the W, IDC.
To say Kobe does things for stats/attention/childish reasons may be true, but you only win 5 rings by caring to win. Period.

Altho I do think he needs to find the LeBron medium of when to pass and when to shoot.
Maybe he doesn't have it.

if kobe was so much for his stats he wouldnt have sat out the last game of the season last year and let durant win the scoring title...
Does anyone know if players get paid the full salary if they sit out the whole season with an injury?
If they do get paid does it get paid by the team or insurance company?
Been wondering that for D. Rose
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Yea, this isn't football. Once they sign the contract, that money is theirs.

Whether the team or insurance pays them is another story. I think they'd have to medically retire to get paid by insurance.
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