I wish we could bring in Brian Roberts, at least he has someyouth to him.
I'm not even mad at Castillo, the Mets shouldn't even be in this situation.

I don't understand how you don't come out sharp defensively in a "must-win" situation during this part of the young season. Braves areputting a "hustling" clinic out there, Mets laying down @ ATL as usual.

Ball game, 1 game below .500.
Nothing beats ending a game with a double play. (I know there's only 2 outs but Delgado's up with a lefty pitching)

Worst luck ever during this stretch.

Beltran smoked that ball.

I kicked my chair pretty hard.
Great 4 game series BRAVES SWEEP
This feels so great to beat Santana already 2 times this year.

Braves beat Santana with our own Ace Tim Hudson who pitched great lots of great hitting and very aggresive baserunning Huddy is 7-3 record

Braves on fire at home

Get sick watching this club. Hope we get swept in Colorado and say bye to Willie. Get the hell out you sensitive biatch.

ATLANTA - Silence from ownership might have spoken volumes about Willie Randolph's shaky job security yesterday.

Randolph admitted he was rebuffed after reaching out to Mets owner Fred Wilpon and his son, chief operating officer Jeff Wilpon, to apologize personally for his racial remarks and criticism of the team's own TV network.

Instead of hearing back from the Wilpons, Randolph was told in a phone call from GM Omar Minaya that Minaya was returning Randolph's call on behalf of the owners.

Minaya also relayed to Randolph that the Wilpons wanted to meet with the embattled manager once the team returns from its current trip to Atlanta and Denver on Sunday night.

A team spokesman repeated to reporters for the second day in a row that the Wilpons would not comment on the controversy that continues to dog Randolph in the wake of his comments and the Mets' inconsistent play.

Randolph tried to downplay the snub by the Wilpons when asked about it before last night's 4-2 loss in the series finale with the Braves - completing a four-game sweep for Atlanta.

"I reached out to both of them, and when I spoke to Omar after that, he said that they had gotten my call and that they would probably get back to me," Randolph said. "But I don't read anything into that."

Randolph described his conversation with Minaya as positive.

"He was supportive," Randolph said. "Omar and I are tight. I talk to Omar every day."

If Minaya was supportive, he would appear to be one of the few people in Randolph's corner these days as the Mets hover disappointingly around .500.

The biggest criticism of Randolph is that the players don't respond to his stoic, unemotional style, a knock that appeared to pick up steam with comments third baseman David Wright made in a story on the Mets' Web site after a 11-4 loss Wednesday night.

"I can accept losing," Wright was quoted as saying. "Not easily, but every team loses here and there. But to go out and give the effort we're giving, to go out and lose without a fight . . . I just don't think we have the fire I would hope we'd have."

Wright questioned the demeanor of a clubhouse that Randolph appears helpless to motivate.

"Losing like this, I hope, would ruin their nights," Wright told the site after the Mets' third straight loss to the Braves. "I want them to take it personally when we lose. I want them to be ticked off. If it was a matter of talent, it'd be different. If we just weren't any good, I could put my head on the pillow at night and sleep. But to go through the motions every night . . . "

Randolph wasn't as critical as Wright after Wednesday night's mess of a loss, but made it obvious that the Mets' inconsistency is exasperating.

Randolph indicated that his team appeared to have gotten overconfident with its two-game Subway Series sweep at Yankee Stadium last weekend and came to Atlanta expecting to roll over the Braves.

"You can't just assume that, because you had a couple of good games in New York, that you're going to do the same thing here," Randolph said. "We have not gotten the job done the first three games of this series."

As a result, the calls for Randolph's head have grown louder with the Mets in the middle of the pack in the NL East despite having the league's highest payroll.

The Mets haven't said anything about Randolph since Minaya gave him a tepid vote of confidence last Friday, and they have heightened speculation by letting Randolph twist in the wind this week with their lack of public support.

The players have tried to tune it all out.

"We can't pay any attention to that," closer Billy Wagner said. "If we win, everything will take care of itself."

For the record, last night was probably the first time I was truly UPSET as a fan, my girl left me alone for a good hour.

This team needs a spark NOW if they want to salvage this season. The rest of the NL East has played mediocre-average baseball at best, and there is noexcuse for the Mets to under-achieve the way they have. Its one thing to lose giving it your best, but to lose and give up during games is what makes fansupset.

They will be sooooo much better off next season when they part ways with the over-the-hill players and their excess contracts, bring some youth into theteam. Sure Pedro and Alou are still effective when they play, but they are not even with the team for an extended period of time so its nothing more than anadditional distraction to the team.

As for this weekend, I'll be out of state till Monday (still have the SK), so I'll try to catch the games. Win 2 out of 3 please.
This team needs a spark NOW if they want to salvage this season. The rest of the NL East has played mediocre-average baseball at best, and there is no excuse for the Mets to under-achieve the way they have. Its one thing to lose giving it your best, but to lose and give up during games is what makes fans upset.

Could not have said it better myself. At least go out there and give a damn. Wright is right on(no pun intended) with them going through themotions.
I think you guys are panicking WAY too early. Yes, the team should be much better. But look at the Yankees last year. The Astros a couple years back. It'snot like the Mets are last in the division and 15 games under.

Calling for Willie's head... Honestly, name a manager who is available that you guys think would be a better fit right now.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Calling for Willie's head... Honestly, name a manager who is available that you guys think would be a better fit right now.
Felipe Alou...

he may be old but he is a Latino which would be good for the team especially Reyes... he has ties with the Mets and Omar Minaya through Montreal and of coursehis son is on the team.
They want to find new ways to lose.

Love ya Reyes, but c'mon.

Mets run the bases like the 3 stooges lately.
Would love to know what Reyes was thinking. Two huge risks in a tie ballgame in extras. If I'm Willie, I am all over him after that, is he tryna get himfired for making bonehead plays?

Wondering why I'm still awake watching this disgrace on the field.
Well, the effort was there, just the lack of focus on the basepaths and bad karma (now marlon anderson is out).
I don't blame Reyes for forcing the issue going to 2nd, but you cannot be picked off.

Gonna really have to pull for these guys, as long as the effort is there they won't lose for much longer.
someone tell me why they didnt walk Holliday..... first base was open and he's the same guy who took you deep to tie the game last time up and he is theirbest hitter... doesnt make any sense...
I really can't even comment on this team anymore. I'm getting to the point where i'd rather watch the price is right during a game. In my lifetimeI have never witnessed a pitcher (Heilman) given so many chances. Am I the only one that sees this? What kind of ties does this guy (Heilman) have with Metsownership and the higher ups. I'm beginning to feel like Heilman's pops is on the board of directors or some %#%. He'sl like that kid that was onyour little league team that sucked $#+, but batted cleanup because he was the coaches son. Mets show no intensity on the field or at the plate and it'sbeginning to rub off on me. Last night when Reyes got picked off I just threw down the remote real sluggish like on my sofa and went to go try and cop a pairof Carmines real lazy like. I totally forgot to even watch the game after that. I never forget to go back to the game and this was a first. It was like I wasin the same zone this team is in - La La land. I had to watch sportscenter when I woke up to find out they lost. We suck and until we make some major changesthis team is in for a long season.
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