The next homestand will be brutal, and I actually got box seats to the Tuesday game against the Marlins. FIRE WILLIE
They deserve whatever boo's they get, and I'm not one to boo. I'm still shocked that Alou strains his calf just from standing still. He'll probhurt his wrist when he waves by bye to Willie next week.

I just hope the Mets don't win tomm, and then sweep Colorado, that just means Willie gets an extra 3 weeks of work.

Its miraculous how a team can go from explosive and exciting to lifeless zombies in such a short period of time. At least 50 million comes off the books thisseason, and the old farts like Alou, Gadadgo, Pedro, Duque, etc are all gone.

Bring up F-Mart to play left field, let Mike Carp (who's hitting damn near .400) to play 1st base. We need youth, we need LIFE!
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They deserve whatever boo's they get, and I'm not one to boo. I'm still shocked that Alou strains his calf just from standing still. He'll prob hurt his wrist when he waves by bye to Willie next week.



BTW, a friend went to that Mets at the Movies thing Weds night...said it was a waste of money, gas, and toll fare
Tomorrow is a must-win. Not because it's the Braves, not because we need to salvage some dignity from the series, but because...

...if we lose, we'll be 22-23. To be under .500 this late in the season is UNACCEPTABLE.

Serious discussion:

Who here think Jose Reyes has already reached his ceiling? That the Reyes of '06 is the best we're ever gonna get?
I don't think he reached his ceiling, but he def needs to mature and not put so much pressure on himself....his BA has quietly climbed up to .280

It also doesn't help that pitchers throw him junk when Castillo is behind him, Mets fare better with Church # 2.

Further proof the Mets have no leader:


Standing at his locker, most of his teammates already departed, Wright pointed toward manager Willie Randoph's office, then to the room where the coaches dress.

"The problem," he said, "isn't there or in there. ... The problem is with us, in here."

Without any other pointing, he wondered aloud about the general confidence of a team that now has 22 victories, 22 losses and more problems than solutions. The Mets had been beaten by a team with less talent and, now, with more injured key personnel.

"Losing like this, I hope, would ruin their nights," Wright said of his departed teammates.

He didn't appear to think that it had.

"I want them to take it personally when we lose," he said. "I want them to be ticked off.

"If it was a matter of talent, it'd be different. If we just weren't any good, I could put my head on the pillow at night and sleep. But to got through the motions every night ..."

Wright interrupted himself again.

"Talking about it doesn't get it done," he said.

But neither had playing.
He can definitely get better at the plate, so he hasn't reached it yet. He has to get better doesn't he? I swear reyes makes me so nervous behind theplate. one week he's swinging like he's lost his mind and the next week dude patience poise. I really don't know how to describe his tendencies, orlack thereof. I think maturity is definitely an issue though, but some players never "mature". Idk, dude just frustrates the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Mets is getting smacked... What more can I ask against the team I hate the most

....go see where you gotta go

obviously we're all in terrible moods and we are all disgusted so just get the hell outta here

But not for nothing I felt the same when Mets' fans were doing the same when the Braves got knocked out of 1st place during the 2006 season... Sothis just makes me happy, a little payback
On our team.....

these are the guys who care:

David Wright
Jose Reyes
Brian Schneider
Moises Alou
Ryan Church
John Maine
Pedro Feliciano
Duaner Sanchez
Billy Wagner
Johan Santana

guys who dont care

Carlos Delgado
Ramon Castro
Luis Castillo
Marlon Anderson
Damion Easley
Carlos Beltran
Endy Chavez
Aaron Heilman
Mike Pelfrey
Oliver Perez
Scott Schoenweis
Claudio Vargas
I watch the over-achieving Marlins losing 1-0 to Webb yesterday, and everyone is at the top of the dugout into the game,enjoying themselves even when they are losing and accepting the challenge, while the Mets lose 1-0 or 2-0...they have the "here we go again" attitudeand look lifeless on the bench (and at the plate).

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Mets win in blowout fashion today just because thats how they are. They'llwin 2 out of 3 vs. COLORADO and Willie will get 2-3 extra weeks of work.

Just for argument's sake, some contracts that come off after this year.

Pedro Martinez- $ 11M (2008, final year)
Carlos Delgado- $ 16M in 2009, but has a $ 4M buyout which the Mets will def use
Moises Alou- $ 8.5M (2008 final year)
El Duque- $ 6.5M (2008, final year)
Oliver Perez- $6.5M (2008, final year)

That is a TON of money off the books after this season, plus a lot of old guys off the team (thankfully). We alreadyhave a very young pitching staff, I would like to see a younger lineup as well.

Plus a lot of 1 yr contracts in Pedro Feliciano, Damian Easley, Duaner Sanchez, etc

If the Yankees overspend for Tex next year, I would like to see Mike Carp at 1st base, and we would need to fill a voidin left field (I love Fernando Martinez's game but he is still only 19 yrs old, please do not rush him).

guys who dont care

Carlos Delgado
Ramon Castro
Luis Castillo
Marlon Anderson
Damion Easley
Carlos Beltran
Endy Chavez
Aaron Heilman
Mike Pelfrey
Oliver Perez
Scott Schoenweis
Claudio Vargas

I disagree with Scott Scho, who's been pitching excellent this year. Pelfrey is a rushed kid who doesn't have an effective 3rd pitch yet, so thatsunfair as well. Beltran is a love/hate me guy....he will finish with 30HR and 100RBI regardless of how average he;s been this year, but I don not think he is acleanup hitter. He pitched effectively in Kansas City as the lead off hitter, and as the #2 hitter in Houston. He makes the game look very easy so its easy tojudge him that he may "not" care, but he always speaks to the media after the game regardless of the outcome. Players like Delgado DON'T CARE.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I just remembered I have tickets for Saturday against the Rockies. That should be an interesting game.

dont even waste your time dude.....im not buying any tickets until this team shows me that they actually want to play....I don't mind if they lose butif they dont even try or care then i have a problem with them.

in the 90's i used to go to games all the time when they sucked....but they actually tried to win and they played hard....they just didnt have thetalent...
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I just remembered I have tickets for Saturday against the Rockies. That should be an interesting game.

dont even waste your time dude.....im not buying any tickets until this team shows me that they actually want to play....I don't mind if they lose but if they dont even try or care then i have a problem with them.

in the 90's i used to go to games all the time when they sucked....but they actually tried to win and they played hard....they just didnt have the talent...

Well I'm clearly oblivious to the world because I jsut looked at my tickets and its to the game in June, so it works out. Agreed on that 90s team,outside of the jerk offs like Carlos Baerga, they were decent to watch. Todd Hundley FTW
Well Reyes has at least been hitting lately so maybe he will get things going. Who here really expected Delgado to contribute anything this year. It was clearto me from the day we got him that we mortgageged mike jacobs future for 1 great year out of Delgado and I bleieve it was worth it. But I knew after that yearit would be a sharp decline for him. My real problem is Beltran. This guy is the king fo no effort. Do not give me this he always looks like that crap, he justplain does not care. I cant even wat h game anymore this season. This team is probably my most dislikd team in mets history. Aside from Wright and Reyes Idon't really have any affection for any players on this team.
Reyes isn't close to his ceiling yet. What kind of pitches do you expect him to get with Luis Castillo behind him? Check the numbers with Church behind himand Castillo. They're startling. Yet Willie continues to put Slappy behind him.

And Wright needs to stop being a @%!#+ and do something about it. If you're trying to be a leader show it in the locker room and on the field.
Here we go!!! maybe this will get them goin....

Smh just as i type this, schneider messes up a simple play

:DMX: Here we go again :DMX:
First of all, I've been following the team but haven't really been watching full games due to the NBA playoffs. But I was watching this game so far andwas originally gonna just comment on the TWO bone-headed plays by Schneider. But reading the last few replies of the thread, I felt like adding a couple ofcomments about the team.

As many of you have stated, the old dudes like Alou, Delgado (who I've been complaining about since last season), and El Dookie need to go. Like right now.There are quite a few younger players who deserve playing time over those old bastards. Pelfrey (who will get bumped from the rotation once Dookie returns) andEndy (who should have BEEN a starter in the outfield yet keeps getting passed over for other players) are two examples. There have also been a ton of youngtalent traded away in the past few years (Nady, Lastings, Gomez, etc). Though what we got back in return for those young players was certainly enough to stampthe trades as justifiable.

The next issue... This so-called rift between the Hispanic players and the "American-born" players can really hurt the club. I honestly don'tknow how serious it is or if the media is just blowing this out of proportion. But my personal opinion is that the club should be balanced and well-rounded.There should never be this type of issue on a club in this day and age. It's silly to think the Hispanic players would make the other guys feel unwelcomeand vice-versa. Issues like this fall on the Mets organization (public relations people and such, Minaya, and to a lesser degree, Willie) for bringing in guyswho may possibly have questionable personality traits that would push them to form cliques.

Ah yes, Willie... Mez's favorite guy. Personally, I don't have an issue with Willie. Imo, he is and has been a better manager than Art Howe was for theclub up to this point. He's far from perfect (who is?), but he certainly is under the gun (and rightfully so) because of the team's performance. Hemade some legit comments about SNY's skewed view towards him. It's true that when you see other managers (Bobby Cox, Joe Torre, LaRussa) on the bench,they DO look like bumps on a log. And Willie imo, DOES show fire. Not everyone can be as animated as Piniella or Bobby V guys.
Even with my support though, I still feel as if Willie is losing the team. I think the NY media paints a bad picture of him which in turn feeds the fans'anger towards Willie... when in reality, the blame should fall equally on Minaya for assembling an aging team. Before the Santana trade, I was VERYdisappointed by the lack of activity that Omar and the Mets had during the winter.

After Minaya, obviously the players deserve their share. It's sad to see so many professionals show lack of caring and spirit on such a talented team. Anunderrated reason for this lack of passion can be traced to Pedro's injuries. He's one of those guys who if he's happy, the whole locker room ishappy. And if he's down, the whole locker room is down. I pray all works out well for him and his father so that Petey can kill that talk about retiringearly. Yes, I want him back.

And finally, Wags I think is a bit of a cancer. I think all the whispers of friction between Hispanic players and American players gets fueled by Wags.He's so valuable as a closer though that it's tough to say get rid of him. His comments about Beltran and Fat Cat always leaving ealry were spot on.But the Mets knew Beltran was a quiet guy to begin with so I don't think he should get faulted for that.

The bottom line is that the Mets are still in a good position. I don't think a mangerial change would do the trick. Guys just need to step up and acceptthe challenge (ahem, JOSE). And Minaya needs to start weeding out the bad seeds. The chemistry was good in '06 and through the middle of '07. So Idon't think it would be too hard to find the culprits.

Sorry for the rant. Been a minute since I been in here.
Managerial move wont solve all the problems but its a step in the right direction. Willie is too sensitive with his image and brings distractions to the club,plus he manages a bullpen poorly. Some teams can handle a laid back demeanor, and some teams need to be SMACKED OVER THEIR HEAD...and this Mets teams needs tobe PUSHED.

As for this game (catching a few innings here and there), there has been poor defense played the entire game. Mets should have been out of the last inning ifDavid ran back to 3rd on the sac bunt...he still has not adjusted to Santana's gold-glove fielding.

Mets still cant drive in RISP with less than 2 outs (or in this case, ZERO outs). For every positive this team has, there is an equal amount of negatives...andthats not a good thing. The talent is there, this is simply a team with NO IDENTITY (are they a small ball hitting club or power team), and NO LEADERSHIP (itsnot fair for Wright to be the team leader with all these vets here). Talent is not the issue, its all mental with this team.

They are in for a rude welcome once they come back home if they lose todays thats for sure....they would be 1 game below .500.

One game BELOW .500.
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