There is a 90% chance of rainfall until tomm, you can forget about tonight's game.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

LOL this team is garbage. Am i the only one that really doesnt care what happens with this team anymore? W or L, i just feel indifferent. I used to hang onto every pitch, now, i rarely watch. Even with Santana i cant get up for games. 06 was the greatest season in my life and since then, there's been more of a corporate feel to this team now. Like winning is the only thing that matters and there is no more fun so i cant really make a connection since everyone is "rented". We've basically become the Yankees without the all star players. Except we have old, past all-stars that are shells of themselves. I just hate what this team become. They were going in the right direction, but then reverted back to the same OLD Mets.

i thought i was the only one that felt that way... 06 was such a great year... go back to our record and see what it was at this point... its sickening....this team pisses me off
Well I have no time tomorrow (running stupid errands), or Sunday (graduating) or even Monday for the potential make up game (stupid eye doc appt to get pupilsdilated)

I need to kick down a water cooler, word to Paul O'Neill
I just heard Wagner's comments on Kay's radio show and I wholeheartedly agree. Guys that should be leaders on this team like Delgado and Beltran andReyes need to step up and speak to the media when things aren't going well. He and Wright are leaders but they can't be the only visible ones on thisteam.

And it's NOT a racial thing at all. ALL players need to be accountable at this point and it just so happens that only two of the handful of white guys aredoing so.

Please don't let there be a double header this weekend.

There probably will be, though.
May 16, 2008
Figueroa clears waivers

Nelson Figueroa has cleared waivers and is expected to report to Triple-A New Orleans, Surfing the Mets has learned. No word yet on Jorge Sosa's fate, but that's to be expected. There was no advantage to placing Sosa right on waivers, since the Mets would first try to trade him.
This is a very important series for the Mets. We really need to swipe the Yankees. It will be a good boast for our team. And we really need to start hittingthe ball. I think that we are in a good place. Our division is very inconsistent and if we go on a run we can get back in the race.
Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

LOL this team is garbage. Am i the only one that really doesnt care what happens with this team anymore? W or L, i just feel indifferent. I used to hang onto every pitch, now, i rarely watch. Even with Santana i cant get up for games. 06 was the greatest season in my life and since then, there's been more of a corporate feel to this team now. Like winning is the only thing that matters and there is no more fun so i cant really make a connection since everyone is "rented". We've basically become the Yankees without the all star players. Except we have old, past all-stars that are shells of themselves. I just hate what this team become. They were going in the right direction, but then reverted back to the same OLD Mets.

i thought i was the only one that felt that way... 06 was such a great year... go back to our record and see what it was at this point... its sickening.... this team pisses me off

my sentiments exactly. one of the reasons i've been mia from this thread. it just wasn't fun to see the skid they took at the end of the season lastyear and be so seemingly nonchalant about it.

i had hoped for some good moments at the beginning of this season, but they're few and far in between and honestly, it's made me lose interest in thesport of baseball in general

when you have a manager who just seems so passive about his losses and defeats and a bunch of high-profile and highly-paid so-called "leaders" ofthe team cowering and avoiding their responsibilities and being put on the hot seat like they should, it's a recipe for another disaster. i just ain'tinterested until willie and a few of the underachieving players are out. one of my favorite shortstops to ever play the game, but his career with the mets asmanager has been tragic and embarrassing.
Got nervous when I saw Wags was coming in to get 4 outs. Wright hopefully get on track with the homer to Wright and 3 hits overall. Should be tough tomorrownight with Wang at home.
Good solid win, but the team needs to remain "consistent". Ollie has been great vs the Yanks and should feast vs the leftiy lineup, I expect a lowscoring game though.

They need to stop giving Santana all these extra days rest, its not easy to have command of your changeup (which was obvious early on) when you're notpitching every 5th day.

The solo homeruns don't bother me AT ALL because they usually come with leads and are pretty much always solo shots....so I like that he challenges thehitters to put the ball in play rather than "nibble" and end up getting walks. I can't imagine what Santana's ERA would be without anyhomeruns, probably ZERO.
If Reyes and Beltran don't start picking it up, I think the organization needs a change for coach. Willie is not cutting it but the real question is, ifthey fire him, who can they really bring in. Personally, I would welcome Bobby V back to the Mets but I doubt others would but there doesn't seem like areal, viable canidate to take over the position. I wish we could get a younger hispanic manager, someone who would help Reyes a lot.
I have a question...

I don't necessarily support Willie, FYI. And as much as I'm nostalgic since I grew up in the 80s as a huge Mets fan...but when do people start toquestion HoJo for the lack of hitting? I mean, I wasn't too fond of Rick Down, but dude got the axe last year. We've got a bunch of guys who we knowcan hit...but they're not doing it so far this season and weren't at the end of last season. So, does that responsibility fall on the hitting coach?Like I said, just because he was important part of the 80s team the "idea" is a good one, but has he shown that he's done a sufficient job?
Ehhh, these guys are major league hitters, hitting coach is over-rated and are only "important" if he catches a hitter doing something out of hisnormal routine or something. A lot of players are simply pressing and putting too much pressure on themselves, ie Reyes. Beltran looks like he's snappingout of it, Gado will always be up and down this year because he's past his prime, and Reyes/Wright you know will be there, its only a matter of time.
Castillo should NEVER bat behind Reyes ever again. Just check Reyes' numbers with Castillo behind him. He gets nothing to hit with Slappy there. So nopitches to hit, plus him trying to be aggressive to make something happen, equals a bad combination. And since Jose is the engine that gets them going, youhave to put him in a position to succeed.

Also im hoping Val Pascucci gets called up to platoon wit Delgado. He had a huge year in AAA last year and was a former prospect. He can maybe be our CarlosPena.
Then, maybe I missed something, but what was the reason Rick Down was fired last year?
Coaches get too much credit and too much blame. If an offense is bad, the bottom line is that the hitters aren't getting it done. Something needs to bechanged, and the only option besides benching a star player is to fire a coach. One reason why I like Joe Torre is his batting A-Rod 8th in the lineup. Prettymuch a clear-cut message of "YOU SUCK". How long did it take for Willie last season to realize that Delgado simply didn't have it anymore? Therewere times last season when I thought Reyes should be moved down to 8th in the order and let Castillo lead off.

Down was fired because the offense wasn't doing too well. Delgado was slumping badly, and Wright didn't have a good first half. Add in injuries, andyou get a fired hitting coach. We all know how last season ended.
Nah, I hear you. To some extent I'm just playing devil's advocate, but it's just strange to me that our offense/hitting overall was fairly solidlast year with Down and everything fell apart towards the end of the season. Now, aside from today, of course, we've been hitting poorly with RISP and someof the important part of our lineup hasn't been hitting but everything falls on Willie. I know it's a carryover from last year and I'm apathetictowards whether he's fired or not. Hopefully this jump starts our season and we're only a game out of 1st. We'll see...

I was real impressed with Ollie tonight battling back outside of the Matsui HR. I think the Jeter and Cano steals were signs of him losing focus, but hedidn't let it get beyond that and hurt him any worse. I think it was Cano that would've been out if Scheider's throw hadn't sailed.

Church has been pretty incredible. If Beltran can really get going, we'll be okay.
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