WHAT AN ENDING!!!!!!!!!!


3 OUT OF 4!!!!!!! SO SATISFYING!!!!!!!
Who cares about the Yankees, you want to be a contending team? You beat the hell out of these last place teams, not play down to their level (or even BELOW onsome cases).

These guys make so many mental mistakes, they basically handed this game on a silver platter. Alou was tossed last night early but Williot gives him a day offtoday, talk about no sense of urgency (which is, no coincidence, how the Mets tend to play).

So many holes on this team, they will def need a bat like Tex after this year and some extra bullpen arms.
^^ You think the Mets should've had Santana on the mound today instead of saving him against the Yankees? The Mets are over-emphasizing their matchupagainst the Yankees, imo; take care of your divisional rivals first.



LOL this team is garbage. Am i the only one that really doesnt care what happens with this team anymore? W or L, i just feel indifferent. I used to hang ontoevery pitch, now, i rarely watch. Even with Santana i cant get up for games. 06 was the greatest season in my life and since then, there's been more of acorporate feel to this team now. Like winning is the only thing that matters and there is no more fun so i cant really make a connection since everyone is"rented". We've basically become the Yankees without the all star players. Except we have old, past all-stars that are shells of themselves. Ijust hate what this team become. They were going in the right direction, but then reverted back to the same OLD Mets.
Originally Posted by briannnnn

^^ You think the Mets should've had Santana on the mound today instead of saving him against the Yankees? The Mets are over-emphasizing their matchup against the Yankees, imo; take care of your divisional rivals first.

Why does that matter Pelfrey had a no hitter through 6 and gave up 1 measly run in the 8th inning.
Wagner ripping his team mates again saying why the media is asking him questions when he didn't even play todays game.

Reyes should've been questioned why he ran to 3rd base.
I think the Giants winning the Super Bowl has taken pressure off the Mets when I watch em. Especially cause I just don't think they are all that special ofa team. Last year didn't just happen because stuff happens as Willie says all the time, this team choked because they are not all that great. Two years agoreally spoiled us and I believe that was the one year window we had to win it all. I still root for them, but don't get as pissed as I used to when theylose.
<---Thank god for this ring, I def needed that as a fan.

^^ You think the Mets should've had Santana on the mound today instead of saving him against the Yankees? The Mets are over-emphasizing their matchup against the Yankees, imo; take care of your divisional rivals first.

The subway series lost its luster IMO. When I think subway series, I think of a young Jeter, Mike Piazza, etc. Its twowhole new teams now.

LOL this team is garbage. Am i the only one that really doesnt care what happens with this team anymore? W or L, i just feel indifferent. I used to hang onto every pitch, now, i rarely watch. Even with Santana i cant get up for games. 06 was the greatest season in my life and since then, there's been more of a corporate feel to this team now. Like winning is the only thing that matters and there is no more fun so i cant really make a connection since everyone is "rented". We've basically become the Yankees without the all star players. Except we have old, past all-stars that are shells of themselves. I just hate what this team become. They were going in the right direction, but then reverted back to the same OLD Mets.

I understand what you mean, but its a bit different now because the PIECES ARE THERE, they are simply under-achieving(and haven been for an entire year). The starters have done well for the most part...Maine is developing into a great # 2 starter and we've been flipflopping our # 5 (Pedro and Duque haven't even pitched a game yet).....but the poison in Sosa is finally gone, and Heilman should be demoted (he hasoptions on his contract so nobody can claim him). The rest of the bullpen arms have been great (we have the solid pieces, they just need to cometogether).

2006 was a beautiful season to watch, they dominated everyone and unfortunately lost Pedro, Duque, AND Duaner Sanchez,three extremely important guys (we had Steve Trachsel pitch a game vs the Cards, and Mota/Heilman being the setup men, ugh).....but that's in thepast.

On the bright side though, they are in a good spot because the following contracts come off the books ($140 milliondollar payroll will shrink significantly, so they can go after a 1B slugger like Tex <or cheaper alternatives like Adam Dunn>): Pedro Martinez, Duque,Delgaddago, Alou, Oliver Perez, etc.

As for Willie, he's playing with the cards he's dealt, but at the same time this team looks very unprepared andunfocused wayyyy too much for a "top-tier team". They play with half-assed effort at times and lackadaisical. They need a new face, a newenergy.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

The subway series lost its luster IMO. When I think subway series, I think of a young Jeter, Mike Piazza, etc. Its two whole new teams now.
I agree. I totally forgot about it because it's been that "meh" in recent years
Santana should have started in this series, that way he could get a start vs the Braves early next week, two divisional opponents are more important than aYankee series.

Go here to view a brief video clip of Wagner after the game cursing out (just scroll down a bit).


Wagner on the michael K show:

And for good reason. Billy Wagner, easily the most accessible player on the Mets, was not happy to be fielding most of the questions after today's 1-0 loss to the Nationals. The main reason? He didn't play in the game.

Luckily for The Michael Kay Show on ESPN 1050, the incident just happened to coincide with Wagner's regular Thursday appearance. Here's a transcript of the first five minutes of that interview, during which Wagner suggests there is a lack of "accountability" among some Mets.

KAY: Is this a Mets team that's kind of reeling right now?

WAGNER: (laughs) You'd have to say so. Today was a tough game. It was very well pitched, but you know, we had plenty of opportunities to make something happen and we just weren't able to come through today.

KAY: Obviously I have to ask you what happened after the game. We've been told that you did not like the fact that everybody came to you to ask you questions and you kind of said where is everybody? People weren't there. Tell us what happened there Billy?

WAGNER: Well, I mean, it gets to a point where, I didn't even play today. I was not a participant in the game, and the guys that had participated were gone. I mean, we're all upset, we're unhappy with things that are going on, and how we're playing, and I just felt like I hadn't even played. I had no role in the game. David Wright's always there, and the same guys are always there. But there needs to be other guys that are accountable. It gets a little old when the same people keep getting interviewed even when they don't participate.

KAY: Can I ask who do you think should be there that wasn't there today?

WAGNER: No, I think that will be rectified tomorrow.

KAY: How so?

WAGNER: Well, I think that those guys will be talked to about how you need to stand there in the bad times rather than just stand there in the good times. So that will be something that will be focused on tomorrow by the team I'm sure.

KAY: I know you're a good quote, but that doesn't excuse other people from not being there …

WAGNER: Well, I mean, it gets frustrating for some of the guys that are there. Whether I'm there or David Wright or whoever is there constantly, there comes a point where they don't need to be answering the questions that should go to someone else. Then it causes that tension because my opinion on something may not be the way it really was.

If you're not there to answer the questions, the reporters can write whatever they want to. They can write you stunk, you su.cked, whatever. But if you're there to say, 'Hey man, I wasn't very good today. I came up and I had a chance and it didn't work out.' Well, you're accountable. When you're not there, it gets a little ridiculous.

KAY: Last year there were similar complaints by Paul Lo Duca. Do you think it has anything to do with Latin players or anything like that?

WAGNER: I think it's just certain guys. I don't think it's Latin or white or black. I don't think it's a color thing. I think it's just as a whole there's guys that need to stand there and take the bad with the good.

KAY: Do you want to be the spokesman?

WAGNER: I don't think I'm nowhere near the captain of this team. I think that, like you said, I'm a good quote. I'm not afraid to stand out on an island. We all hear the complaints. We know the situation, and yes, we're all frustrated because we want to win. We're out there putting out the effort. But somebody's got to stand up and say enough's enough. Things aren't going well, let's stand there and take the beating and then when it turns around, let's reap the benefits.

KAY: Have you gone to Willie and Omar about this?

WAGNER: I think they understand. They know what goes on and I'm sure they've talked to everybody. That's just a situation where I'm sure some of this stuff will be brought up tomorrow and see where we'll go from there. I'm not saying it's like earth-shattering. I'm just saying that I'm the closer of the baseball team -- I'm not the captain. There's other guys on this team that need to stand there and answer the questions during the tough times too.
I was DYIN when I saw that interview w/ Wagner, son was cursin up a storm

And smh, I was going to make a Subway Series thread...

Both teams desperately need to get back on track, more so the Yankees at this point. If it isn't our hitting, it's the pitching and vice versa.Hopefully Willie is still a team player and puts in Heilman EVERY game of this series (in a perfect Yankee world that is)
Just a heads up, Tickets are available right now for all three games at the stadium. got tomorrow nights game in the tier boxes behind homeplate ($65 butI'll do it for Mets/Yankees) and box 546 in the lodge for $60 a ticket.

Figured I let you guys know
y'all like zimmerman's emphatic swag, stomping on the third to end the game?

alright i'm outta here...SPLENDID SERIES!
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Just a heads up, Tickets are available right now for all three games at the stadium. got tomorrow nights game in the tier boxes behind homeplate ($65 but I'll do it for Mets/Yankees) and box 546 in the lodge for $60 a ticket.

Figured I let you guys know

Thanks, picked up my ticket
Bad weather is in store for Friday, which is probably why tickets became available. I hope the rain holds off long enoughso I can see "quality" Yankees baseball.
^I'm in the same boat about wanting to see quality baseball, especially my mets.

Heard about the weather also but I think the tickets were released due to what they have saved for ticket packs and season ticket sales that weren't sold.Hopefully the mets release their yankee games soon also.
^^ should I come with a big black garbage bag? should be cheaper than some $19.99 yankee poncho they'll try to hawk

Knowing my luck, I'm probably gonna be stuck in the middle of a bunch of Mets fans
I hate Joe and Evan as much as the next man but they nailed the situation perfectly.

No Hustle, urgency, focus, accountability - Randolph has lost this team, probably lost it a long time ago, and i think the main problem has been the completeinconsistency with which he deals with players.

Vet makes a mistake - He blows it off. Vet struggling? He blows it off. He makes excuses "He wouldn't have scored anyway"

Young player mistake - he calls them out in public, and benches them.

....and the media is complaining about Wagner and quite possibly a divided clubhouse cause of him, well you know what? These dudes need to stand there andspeak with the media when things don't go their way. I'm tired of seeing Wright and Wagner do ALL the media talking after every single game (at leastHEILMAN stands up there like a man and speaks as poorly as he has been pitching).
Joe is a TRUE fan. Everything a Met fan is...mad, angry, depressed, sarcastic. Some may not like it, but he is just a die hard met fan.

"Ohhh the pain"
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