{Official} Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. Vol. Fit for a King...(1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT)

Originally Posted by JDB1523

Someone mentioned a few pages back that the only family members that seemed sincere were the kids, and after watching that replay I have to agree. I know I'm going to get bashed for this but Janet seemed almost emotionless, like it was just another day in the office. Personally, if my brother died, I don't care if there are 3 people there or the whole world, I'd be bawling my eyes out. I just got the sense that beyond his kids, no one in that family kept in touch with him on a consistent basis. Of course I could be 100% wrong, and I probably am, but beyond his kids and closest friends, the family seemed scripted.

RIP Mr. Jackson. I hope I'm wrong, but if your family are a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags, there's millions all over the world who truly cared about your life and spirit.

maybe she was trying to remain strong...he died two weeks ago...you really think she hasn't cried since then...what you saw on tv is what you know...youdon't know what that family went through behind closed doors since his death...
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Someone mentioned a few pages back that the only family members that seemed sincere were the kids, and after watching that replay I have to agree. I know I'm going to get bashed for this but Janet seemed almost emotionless, like it was just another day in the office. Personally, if my brother died, I don't care if there are 3 people there or the whole world, I'd be bawling my eyes out. I just got the sense that beyond his kids, no one in that family kept in touch with him on a consistent basis. Of course I could be 100% wrong, and I probably am, but beyond his kids and closest friends, the family seemed scripted.

RIP Mr. Jackson. I hope I'm wrong, but if your family are a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags, there's millions all over the world who truly cared about your life and spirit.

i would disagree w/ this statement b/c they had a private ceremony b4 hand ... joe didn't look sincere and a couple of the brothers were emotionless imobut others looked very sincere also ... i would not reserve judgement though ... they've been grieving for a while now ... and am sure they're sad ...
one thing people tend to forget ... normally (not saying they're a normal or not normal family) in a time like this petty and major differences are putaway and even w/ all the problems they have had i'm sure they are all very heartbroken ... you could see it all over Janet's face @ the BET awardswhile Joe was smilin' every time the camera was on him it seemed
just my 2 cents
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JDB1523

Someone mentioned a few pages back that the only family members that seemed sincere were the kids, and after watching that replay I have to agree. I know I'm going to get bashed for this but Janet seemed almost emotionless, like it was just another day in the office. Personally, if my brother died, I don't care if there are 3 people there or the whole world, I'd be bawling my eyes out. I just got the sense that beyond his kids, no one in that family kept in touch with him on a consistent basis. Of course I could be 100% wrong, and I probably am, but beyond his kids and closest friends, the family seemed scripted.

RIP Mr. Jackson. I hope I'm wrong, but if your family are a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags, there's millions all over the world who truly cared about your life and spirit.

maybe she was trying to remain strong...he died two weeks ago...you really think she hasn't cried since then...what you saw on tv is what you know...you don't know what that family went through behind closed doors since his death...

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Man , even though the media are saying his kids aren't his ...

I really think Blanket is for some reason .
he looks like young mike or late mike?

come on now lets be real the amount of work mike had on his face would make alot of white kids look like him
Young Mike ...

He looks like him as a child IMO .

Maybe it's just me though ...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Man , even though the media are saying his kids aren't his ...

I really think Blanket is for some reason .
he looks like young mike or late mike?

come on now lets be real the amount of work mike had on his face would make alot of white kids look like him
Young Mike ...

He looks like him as a child IMO .

Maybe it's just me though ...

Its just you.

Mike blood aint no where in that boy.
Wait im confused..those 3 kids are not michaels kids?

I heard one of them is adopted,and the other two are actualy his,correct me if im wrong....
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Man , even though the media are saying his kids aren't his ...

I really think Blanket is for some reason .
he looks like young mike or late mike?

come on now lets be real the amount of work mike had on his face would make alot of white kids look like him
Young Mike ...

He looks like him as a child IMO .

Maybe it's just me though ...

i just think deep down you wanna believe those are his kids that why he looks like him...
Why does "bloodline" matter so much? Who cares if they're "not" Michael's kids. He was still a father to them, he still loved them,cared for them, raised them...doing what a "real" father should be doing anyway. Some people grow up without their "real" fathers, but thatdidn't stop them from being them.

I'm just saying...
Son, not ONE of those kids is biologically Mike's kid....NOT ONE! There isn't even a clue to who Blanket's Momis...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Man , even though the media are saying his kids aren't his ...

I really think Blanket is for some reason .
he looks like young mike or late mike?

come on now lets be real the amount of work mike had on his face would make alot of white kids look like him
Young Mike ...

He looks like him as a child IMO .

Maybe it's just me though ...
young mike with the big round nose,brown skin and fro young mike?

we cant be talkin about the same young mike
Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Why does "bloodline" matter so much? Who cares if they're "not" Michael's kids. He was still a father to them, he still loved them, cared for them, raised them...doing what a "real" father should be doing anyway. Some people grow up without their "real" fathers, but that didn't stop them from being them.

I'm just saying...

we know that...its been said already...only reason it came up is cuz someone said Blanket looks like him...
Ya like I said I could be 100% wrong, and to be honest I totally forgot it's been almost 2 weeks because it doesn't feel like it at all. What you guyssaid makes total sense...and again, I'm hoping I'm wrong, just my observations though.
Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

its all over cnn, abc, fox, just go to those sites
All those sites have it in pieces, I want to watch the whole thing front to back
i was on the road and had the convenience of iheartradio app for the phone, to play through the car. what i saw on television was awesome. an amazing serviceto say the least. but while on the road, i caught the LA station KFI, the jon and ken show? that had to be some of the most disgusting broadcasting i have everheard. the comments this dude made were atrocious. and they couldn't wait til after. it was DURING the service. did anyone catch this too?
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