{Official} Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. Vol. Fit for a King...(1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT)

Originally Posted by jphonix

thinking about buying one of those memorial programs on ebay.

i'd frame it, hang it up somewhere in my house, it'd just be nice to show my grandkids one day...

should get one now tho, while they're authentic, i'm sure soon most of them on ebay will be fake copies...
Just wait a bit and the family will be ready to make a few bucks by selling them in stores. Who cares if its an actual program from the show? Thecopy will just as good.
MJ's daughter brought tears to my eyes. I feel real bad for his kids. On another note; for some reason I felt like michaels body wasn't in that casket.I think that he might of been buried the night before or as the viewing was going on to avoid fans getting all crazy.
gentry187 wrote:
MJ's daughter brought tears to my eyes. I feel real bad for his kids. On another note; for some reason I felt like michaels body wasn't in that casket. I think that he might of been buried the night before or as the viewing was going on to avoid fans getting all crazy.

i was thinking the same...
I actually had to go to Gary Indiana yesterday... and I saw this


This is the place where they 1st started performing, I stared at it for a few minute looking like the tourist that I was ;lol
When Paris was up there, ahhh mannn.

I couldn't help shedding a tear. I'm sure there was not a dry eye in there.
Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by JDB1523

Someone mentioned a few pages back that the only family members that seemed sincere were the kids, and after watching that replay I have to agree. I know I'm going to get bashed for this but Janet seemed almost emotionless, like it was just another day in the office. Personally, if my brother died, I don't care if there are 3 people there or the whole world, I'd be bawling my eyes out. I just got the sense that beyond his kids, no one in that family kept in touch with him on a consistent basis. Of course I could be 100% wrong, and I probably am, but beyond his kids and closest friends, the family seemed scripted.

RIP Mr. Jackson. I hope I'm wrong, but if your family are a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags, there's millions all over the world who truly cared about your life and spirit.

maybe she was trying to remain strong...he died two weeks ago...you really think she hasn't cried since then...what you saw on tv is what you know...you don't know what that family went through behind closed doors since his death...

Who does (know what happened behind closed doors)? We all go by what we see on tv. When a family member dies in a regular/normal family they cry when it first happens, and no matter how much they cry they cry some more when any kind of ceremony is being held for a family member that has passed.
Not necessarily true. My best friend passed from natural causes back in 02 and neither his mother nor father shedded a tear while everyone at thefuneral was tore up about it. It doesn't meant that they don't care everyone deals with their own emotions in a way that works for them and it'snot up to us to judge how they feel because we honestly don't know
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