^^^ That would be nice, but not sure if I was another team that I would be willing to give up a first for a guy who wants to leave his current team anyway. Maybe a contending team that sees DJ as the missing piece to compete with the Dubs, but I can’t think of any teams that fit that description.
^^^ That would be nice, but not sure if I was another team that I would be willing to give up a first for a guy who wants to leave his current team anyway. Maybe a contending team that sees DJ as the missing piece to compete with the Dubs, but I can’t think of any teams that fit that description.

From the conversations I've had with DJ and his circile, he's opting in and then asking for a trade. So whoever takes him is stuck with him.
^^^ I have no doubt DJ will opt in and I have no doubt we will trade him after he does. I’m just not holding out hope of getting a 1st rounder for him. Expiring contracts and a second rounder is my guess.
If tha happens I'm not inviting Jerry to my 4th of July pool party. If that's all we get, I keep him.
IF healthy, (big if)

Ty Wallace / Tobias Harris / Lou Williams / Pat Bev / Marcin (Who was bad last year) / Gallo / One of our young guys takes a leap / whatever else we get this summer,

That MAY get you to 40 wins, especially if Doc has another really good year coaching this clipper team.

The benchmark for 40 wins IMO is vital. With everyone coming off the books after next season, we can't be bad if we want to pitch to the surplus of FA's that'll be available next summer. Under 40 wins isn't good enough. FA's are about winning right now, ****** weren't giving the Lakers FA meeting when they were bad, they sure as hell aren't doing that with us.

It's a fine line we're walking in terms of how good / bad we're going to be next season.
I’m honestly not sure I want us to be a 40 win/8th seed team. We lose our 1st draft pick in 2019 if we make the playoffs...
From what I’m hearing, looks like we’re pretty much out of the Kawhi talks.

A DJ deal may still happen though. The Mavs apparently withdrew a contract offer from one of their current centers. Seems like something they would do only if expecting to bring in a new C.
I was able to talk to Trez earlier today and he said he and his agent were gonna recieve a qualifying offer from the clips today. Wasn't able to verify it myself but I heard the same about Ty Wallace.

Bye Bye DJ

DJ was verbatim telling fools "I'm not coming back to this ****" :lol: :lol: forgone conclusion.

Regardless, he became a really good center who ended up being a much better pro then anyone expected. I know when DJ was drafted in 08, no one expected him to end up an Olympic gold medalist, 1st team all NBA center, and an all star who was the defensive Anchor to the best clipper teams ever.

At his age, given what the Clips are trying to do, this isn't surprising. Salute DJ.
Never was a fan of DJ.

Good riddance

I’ll concede DJ became a much better player than I ever thought he would, but I always had mixed feelings about him. Felt like his numbers exceeded his actual value.

That said, best of luck to him.
I’ll concede DJ became a much better player than I ever thought he would, but I always had mixed feelings about him. Felt like his numbers exceeded his actual value.

That said, best of luck to him.

It's been that way the last couple of years tbh he's been the Russell Westbrook of centers for a minute, and I think we all can agree that a DeAndre Jordan who's outside of the top 20(!) in blocked shots like he was last year signifies his decline...
I always felt like dj didn't block enough shots the last 2 seasons to justify being on the court. I'm an old school guy...I don't really believe that you have to acquiesce into playing like everyone else plays just because. If you have the right personnel, you play to your style and force the other team to adapt. If your big guys can defend on the perimeter, even better. So, dj still has value to me if he can block 3 shots and change a bunch more.
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So, not that DJ is gone, someone on the radio just mentioned us as a team that might try to sign Boogie. That’s a pass for me and, IMO, doesn’t seem like someone Jerry and Larry would be too high on.
So, not that DJ is gone, someone on the radio just mentioned us as a team that might try to sign Boogie. That’s a pass for me and, IMO, doesn’t seem like someone Jerry and Larry would be too high on.

Well, for what its worth, the same radio host who mentioned us signing Boogie also had trouble coming up with Manu Ginobilli’s name when talking about the Spurs, so I don’t know how much of an NBA “insider” he really can be...
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