Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Bron is an attention @@**+ he knows where he wanted to go from day 1 of this thing, he's just trying to milk it for all it's worth. It really is just getting tiresome, he tried to upstage the Finals with his antics, just make your choice already. The website is just icing on top of the cake...he's loving this right now.

And as far as marketing he's got the philosophy first and the other stuff will fall into place...that's how MJ did it for the most part. Once he won that 1st title and subsequent ones he was a marketing god. Bron's trying to get all that before taking care of business on the court. Ol pseudo-King %+%
If Lebron goes anywhere else other than New York, I'd be salty as hell if I was a Knicks fan. Like it was said, he's been playing with yall for the past 3 years and leading the ENTIRE city on. That considered, are SOME of the crab %#@ Cavs fans here on NT (yall know who I'm talking about) gonna come out of the woodwork and embrace the dude like nothing ever happened? I honestly couldn't believe all the salt dudes from Cleveland were throwin' on the dude after that loss to the Celtics. Questioning his character, commitment, playing style, etc. There are a few Cavs fans on this board who have been level-headed through the whole Lebron ordeal....and that I can respect. Now that things are coming to a conclusion, it will be interesting to see who's gonna reappear and carry on like they did prior to the Cavs 2010 playoff exit.

*Random question....if Maverick Carter wasn't attached to Lebron at the hip, would anyone respect his business acumen? 
bijald0331 you are WAY too impressed with this whole process 
I'm just looking forward to him going back to Cleveland...winning 50+ games and getting tossed out the playoffs again next year. Cause team is %%$#. Doesn't matter who the coach is.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Bron is an attention *%!%$ he knows where he wanted to go from day 1 of this thing, he's just trying to milk it for all it's worth. It really is just getting tiresome, he tried to upstage the Finals with his antics, just make your choice already. The website is just icing on top of the cake...he's loving this right now.

And as far as marketing he's got the philosophy first and the other stuff will fall into place...that's how MJ did it for the most part. Once he won that 1st title and subsequent ones he was a marketing god. Bron's trying to get all that before taking care of business on the court. Ol pseudo-King *!@

What are you talking about Mars Blackmon? Are those black bars on your shoes? MJ marketed plenty before he won a title.

Of course winning is the best marketing. No doubt. It would be foolish to not take this opportunity, right? I mean look at how often his name is being brought up in discussions with people who never discuss the NBA.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm just looking forward to him going back to Cleveland...winning 50+ games and getting tossed out the playoffs again next year. Cause team is %%$#. Doesn't matter who the coach is.


Unless Cleveland can do a sign and trade for Bosh that squad as currently built won't win championships. 
Originally Posted by DubA169

bijald0331 you are WAY too impressed with this whole process 

I've never seen this before, especially if it's all for nothing. I mean, yeah, I'm impressed. Can you name any similar sports marketing just from a transaction? Serious question.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DubA169

bijald0331 you are WAY too impressed with this whole process 

I've never seen this before, especially if it's all for nothing. I mean, yeah, I'm impressed. Can you name any similar sports marketing just from a transaction? Serious question.

no i cannot. you are 100% right that this is by far the craziest thing i've ever seen sports wise. But i think that you are just giving him far too much credit. This is more about how we network in this day and age, the 24 hour news cycle, the "first to be the one to crack the story" journalism, than lebron's intelligent plan.

I also don't think it benefits him in the long run as much as you.
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm just looking forward to him going back to Cleveland...winning 50+ games and getting tossed out the playoffs again next year. Cause team is %%$#. Doesn't matter who the coach is.


Unless Cleveland can do a sign and trade for Bosh that squad as currently built won't win championships. 
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Al3xis

LeBron could dress up but he's handled the situation pretty well from what I can tell..

and that's by him not whoring himself out like Bosh/Wade.

Please. He made it a point to grab headlines for this free agency since the beginning. Going on Larry King.
Making announcements during the Finals to stay relevant.

You LeBron fans see what you want.

well, I'm talking about July 1st on.

Unlike most on here, I could care less what a player is like off the floor or what we perceive their personality to be like. I don't know and I don't care.

I am a fan of LeBron James the basketball player, could care less what else he does.

but you call kobe out for been "fake" or "corny"
He annoys me time to time, but I don't let it cloud my judgment of him as a player. I don't dislike Kobe as a player. I wasn't a part of the Anti-KG movement because of his antics, it was his play.

I'm not 'seeing what I want' in regards to LeBron. I'm a fan of the basketball player, not the person. I think from July 1st on he's handled it well, by not speaking or tweeting or throwing out dumb quotes. And that's what he should have done the past 2 years.

As a Knick fan...I don't see how ya'll don't feel some type of way if this was all a PR stunt and he never had any intentions of going to NY. can find solace in a consolation prize of Amare Stoudemire...but you got to give Lebron a side eye for playing with ya'll emotions for a couple of years now.

me personally, no. It'll be disappointing but I'll still be a fan.

If it's all a PR stunt, yeah.
If Lebron goes anywhere else other than New York, I'd be salty as hell if I was a Knicks fan. Like it was said, he's been playing with yall for the past 3 years and leading the ENTIRE city on.
Only if it's New Jersey. Chicago is fine because that's the best basketball situation as well as the 'dream team' in Miami.

If he chooses to remain, I'll respect his loyalty, but quesetion his decision making... it makes the worst basketball sense out of all, and I'd start to come around on the 'when does he win a ring?' angle.  Cause as stated, that roster sucks. And Cavs fans are living in la la land if they think they can dump JJ Hickson and Mo Williams off for Chris Paul.
Yeah I see what you are saying. Just the point of not resigning with the Cavs before this past season or even during the season, to let this all play out, and then to resign after all this deliberation and meetings and summit talk and dream teams and hoopla and sopranos remakes... $%#@ is crazy.

The thing with the journalism though. What if LeBron's team caused any of this? What if the sources were credible but just stirred the pot? I mean I hated the sports media for the past few weeks just because of all the rumors and what not. Definitely a chunk of it is what you are saying with the state of journalism nowadays.

I don't know how much it will benefit him but it definitely benefits him. I said in another thread: it makes his name bigger while keeping his hometown integrity and roots.

All of what I just said is provided he resigns with CLE, which I think he will do.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Bron is an attention *%!%$ he knows where he wanted to go from day 1 of this thing, he's just trying to milk it for all it's worth. It really is just getting tiresome, he tried to upstage the Finals with his antics, just make your choice already. The website is just icing on top of the cake...he's loving this right now.

And as far as marketing he's got the philosophy first and the other stuff will fall into place...that's how MJ did it for the most part. Once he won that 1st title and subsequent ones he was a marketing god. Bron's trying to get all that before taking care of business on the court. Ol pseudo-King *!@

What are you talking about Mars Blackmon? Are those black bars on your shoes? MJ marketed plenty before he won a title.

Of course winning is the best marketing. No doubt. It would be foolish to not take this opportunity, right? I mean look at how often his name is being brought up in discussions with people who never discuss the NBA.
You act like Bron isn't being marketed right now. Hell he's the face of the league and the biggest name at Nike outside of Tiger Woods. MJ was marketed before he won but AFTER he won title(s) it went to an entirely different level, same with Tiger and Kobe before the rape case. It just seems to me that Bron is trying to circumvent that process and is acting like a diva right now.
And as far as marketing he's got the philosophy first and the other stuff will fall into place...that's how MJ did it for the most part. Once he won that 1st title and subsequent ones he was a marketing god. Bron's trying to get all that before taking care of business on the court. Ol pseudo-King *!@
I've drawn this comparison before, but...LeBron = Shaq.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Dammit. Now that Cavs video has me feeling bad for them

Who gives a damn about Cleveland?????

EXACTLY!!!! and that goes for any city too. This is a business. It's a game and as it was said before, "you play to win the game!" He needs to come to the Chi and start winning. If he doesn't, he will be salty for the next 3-6 yrs as he watches every team pass him by.

Honestly, I will be shocked if he didn't sign with Bulls.
Why do ppl act like Cleveland sucks....what team wins 60 plus year in year out and doesn't eventually win a chip......give the team a chance to keep developing...Lebron is only 24, he has 6 more years before his physical attributes will begin to diminish
So apparently according to Marc Stein he's going to wait until after his camp ends on Wed to make his decision. Only way we get word tomorrow is if he's for sure staying in CLE.
Brian Windhorst twitter:

Sources say LeBron plans to wait until after 3-day Nike camp in Akron is over to announce decision. Ends Wed. nite
I officially take back my stance on LeBron waiting being bad for the Bulls . LeBron waiting until after an Akron basketball camp is good for the Bulls.

It means one of two things:

1: He doesn't know yet.

2: He knows, and he's leaving.

If he knew and he was staying then he'd announce prior to the camp and enjoy the love at the camp and set everyone's mind at ease.

If he knew he was leaving then he'd wait until after the camp and avoid the horribly awkward experience of working with campers who are Cavs fans and have to deal with the issue of leaving.
Originally Posted by itstmac

Why do ppl act like Cleveland sucks....what team wins 60 plus year in year out and doesn't eventually win a chip......give the team a chance to keep developing...Lebron is only 24, he has 6 more years before his physical attributes will begin to diminish

Ok What Team you know has Back 2 Back 60 Win Seasons & don't even make it to the finals? The Cleveland Cavs are a Front.
Originally Posted by Remi23

Originally Posted by itstmac

Why do ppl act like Cleveland sucks....what team wins 60 plus year in year out and doesn't eventually win a chip......give the team a chance to keep developing...Lebron is only 24, he has 6 more years before his physical attributes will begin to diminish

Ok What Team you know has Back 2 Back 60 Win Seasons & don't even make it to the finals? The Cleveland Cavs are a Front.

If Cleveland had a bunch of young guys I would agree with the let them develop argument but this team is full of veterans that have played in the NBA for a long time.  Shaq isn't going to get any younger, Antwan is an undersized 4 that can't defend his position, Mo Williams is a chucker, Anderson hustles but gives them nothing on offense, Z is limited and the bench is full of undersized combo guards that are streaky at best.
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