Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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No doubt in my mind. Debate is over as of today. Dwayne and Chris Bosh are top 8 players right now. His singular greatness will never be properly defined when he has this much help. I am one of those who thinks he could go down as the GOAT. I'll change my opinion the second he says Miami.

I agree with your point, however to nitpick here - there is no way Bosh is "top 8" player nor would he be the 8th-highest salary if every NBA player was put into a pot.  Lebron will get flack (if he signs with Miami) because he is signing with two other mega-contract stars yes.  But let's be real with just how good the third cog is. Good player don't get me wrong - But one total All-NBA 2nd team and no playoff series wins.

Then again NBA bigs are so bad Bosh automatically becomes better than he is so maybe you're right.
Wade&Bosh&Lebron = Pierce&Garnett&Allen in their younger days.
Imagine Bostons big 3 about 5,6 or 7 years ago? They would've kicked the Lakers &*^%& no problem. With Lebron on board, Miami will have a dynasty for atleast 5 seasons.
Anyone know how much money MIA will have left if they do sign bron, bosh and wade to max contracts to fill out rest of the roster? Seems highly unlikely they could do something like that.
Wade&Bosh&Lebron = Pierce&Garnett&Allen in their younger days.
Imagine Bostons big 3 about 5,6 or 7 years ago? They would've kicked the Lakers &*^%& no problem. With Lebron on board, Miami will have a dynasty for atleast 5 seasons.
@ Lebron this is too much hopefully a rumor and sorry if already posted

With all of this meeting hosting, lawsuit fighting and television show having, LeBron James(notes) must be super stressed-out. It is not easy to be made a multi-millionaire in a matter of minutes, you guys. Ergo, it is easy to understand why he would want to kick back and unwind after this week of figuring out which team is most worthy of his considerable talents.

So that's exactly what he's doing, which is not a surprise at all. Everyone deserves a vacation now and then. However, where he'll be partying is more than a little interesting. From US Magazine, favorite of wives around the country:

LeBron James has rented six cabanas at the W Hotel South Beach this weekend to celebrate his team decision, two sources confirm to

That adds more fuel to the fire that James, 25, will announce he's joining the Miami Heat Thursday night, as several insiders told ESPN this morning.

You know what? It is almost like LeBron James likes being in Miami. Consider the fire fueled, and the plot thickened. As any subscriber to Small Businessman Weekly can tell you, there is no better place to connect with four new teammates than in six cabanas in the town where those new teammates are employed. It's just common sense.

[Photos: See images of coveted superstar LeBron James]

Sure, Miami is a very common place to vacation and every day there is like Mardi Gras, but when you consider reports that LeBron is leaning towards joining the Heat, the increased salary cap number and the fact that this vacation takes place just days after "The Decision," things are a little more complicated. It's kind of hard to not assume that LeBron is heading to South Beach to chill with his best bros and new teammates while simulataneously making everyone in Ohio very sad.

Then again, maybe this is just the NBA version of an end of summer bash before everybody gets back to working out for the next season. Supposedly Miami brings the heat, for real. But really, if we don't see grainy pictures of Chris Bosh(notes), Dwyane Wade(notes) and James at an all-white party sometime next week, I'll be very surprised.

However, if this does turn out to be a little foreshadowing for LeBron's team choice, Cleveland is already preparing for the aftermath. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer's Michael Sangiacomo:

[Video: Warren Buffett to LeBron: 'Call me']

Whatever decision LeBron James makes tonight, the Bath Township police department is ready to maintain order near the basketball superstar's home.

Police Chief Michael McNeeley said they have an extra squad of police officers working tonight around the James home to make sure there are no problems.

"Whether we get loads of happy fans or unhappy fans showing up outside his home, we will be prepared to keep the traffic moving," he said.

Good thinking, Cleveland. Either a potential uprising will be quelled or the city's favorite son will be safe from overenthusiastic fans hoping to congratulate him. Whichever way it plays out, it sounds like everything is under control, but there have been a lot of zombie movies that started the same way. LeBron's going to need to keep his head on a swivel, for sure.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

Wade&Bosh&Lebron = Pierce&Garnett&Allen in their younger days.
Imagine Bostons big 3 about 5,6 or 7 years ago? They would've kicked the Lakers &*^%& no problem. With Lebron on board, Miami will have a dynasty for atleast 5 seasons.
Wade and Lebron aren't the shooters that Allen and Pierce are. IMO this team won't operate as fluidly since Lebron and Wade are both players that dominate the ball. On the Celtics, Allen is a spot-up shooter and doesn't need the ball in his hands except to shoot. Neither Wade or Lebron are spot-up shooters.
I just hope Cav fan doesn't overreact too much, I mean this is what happens when you're a small-mid market team. Sucks sometimes but this stuff happens
I just hope Cav fan doesn't overreact too much, I mean this is what happens when you're a small-mid market team. Sucks sometimes but this stuff happens
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT. 
There's a difference between playing with Rose and co./STAT and co. vs. Wade/Bosh and co.

He would be THE man if he's in Chicago, Cleveland, NY, NJ, etc. He will forever be Robin by going to MIA. Not saying it's bad...but his legacy won't be looked at the same, no matter how many rings they win down there.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

I mean, what about competitive spirit?
Just as a competitor, wouldn't you rather win a ring going to war against top notch Bull/Celtic/Heat teams rather than hopping on the next man's bandwagon...
Word. This move solidifies he ain't built like MJ and Kobe.

You're the greatest talent in basketball. You have the opportunity to create a unique legacy somewhere and possibly take MJ's throne (depending on his success). Why wouldn't you try and seize that?


Different strokes.

Co-sign all of this. More than any other sport the NBA NEEDS parity. If Lebron joins with Wade and Bosh, it will make the rest of the Eastern Conference damn near unwatchable. I want to see Lebron develop a rivalry with a team like Kobe and the Lakers did with Sacramento, MJ did with the Pistons etc. The NBA was GREAT when the Heat/Knicks rivalry was poppin off. I'd love to see that again 
Why does the NBA need parity?

We had a long stretch in the 90s where it was just the Chicago Bulls followed by everyone else. Then we had the Lakers dominate for 3 straight years, followed by the Spurs + a couple other teams. In the last 3-years its been the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, Magic and Cavs and the other 25 other teams have really failed to compete.

The NBA has been like this for decades now. A handful of contenders with maybe 2-3 teams standing out from the rest, and then 25 other teams who are just there as fillers.
So the best solution to the problem is to simply add more fuel to the fire, huh?

As a Knicks fan, I could have accepted Lebron going to Chicago or staying in Cleveland more than him creating such a power house in Miami. It would have made the East more interesting to watch and still allows the Knicks to create a good team with a decent shot at contention. However, with the East now becoming a three team conference (Pretty much the Heat, Magic, and Boston), most hope for the bottom seed teams to have any success in the playoffs are down the drain. Can I say this for certain that the Heat will win championship after championship? No, but history agrees with me. In the past 20 years, only 9 different teams have won the championship. So in such an imbalanced conference that the East will turn out to be, good will not cut it. There will be no hope for a Cinderella story out of the East.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Anyone know how much money MIA will have left if they do sign bron, bosh and wade to max contracts to fill out rest of the roster? Seems highly unlikely they could do something like that.
that's what I'm thinking... these guys are gonna end up with a 7-man roster
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT. 
There's a difference between playing with Rose and co./STAT and co. vs. Wade/Bosh and co.

He would be THE man if he's in Chicago, Cleveland, NY, NJ, etc. He will forever be Robin by going to MIA. Not saying it's bad...but his legacy won't be looked at the same, no matter how many rings they win down there.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

I mean, what about competitive spirit?
Just as a competitor, wouldn't you rather win a ring going to war against top notch Bull/Celtic/Heat teams rather than hopping on the next man's bandwagon...
Word. This move solidifies he ain't built like MJ and Kobe.

You're the greatest talent in basketball. You have the opportunity to create a unique legacy somewhere and possibly take MJ's throne (depending on his success). Why wouldn't you try and seize that?


Different strokes.

Co-sign all of this. More than any other sport the NBA NEEDS parity. If Lebron joins with Wade and Bosh, it will make the rest of the Eastern Conference damn near unwatchable. I want to see Lebron develop a rivalry with a team like Kobe and the Lakers did with Sacramento, MJ did with the Pistons etc. The NBA was GREAT when the Heat/Knicks rivalry was poppin off. I'd love to see that again 
Why does the NBA need parity?

We had a long stretch in the 90s where it was just the Chicago Bulls followed by everyone else. Then we had the Lakers dominate for 3 straight years, followed by the Spurs + a couple other teams. In the last 3-years its been the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, Magic and Cavs and the other 25 other teams have really failed to compete.

The NBA has been like this for decades now. A handful of contenders with maybe 2-3 teams standing out from the rest, and then 25 other teams who are just there as fillers.
So the best solution to the problem is to simply add more fuel to the fire, huh?

As a Knicks fan, I could have accepted Lebron going to Chicago orstaying in Cleveland more than him creating such a power house inMiami. It would have made the East more interesting to watch and stillallows the Knicks to create a good team with a decent shot atcontention. However, with the East now becoming a three team conference(Pretty much the Heat, Magic, and Boston), most hope for the bottomseed teams to have any success in the playoffs are down the drain. CanI say this for certain that the Heat will win championship afterchampionship? No, but history agrees with me. In the past 20 years,only 9 different teams have won the championship. So in such animbalanced conference that the East will turn out to be, good will notcut it. There will be no hope for a Cinderella story out of the East.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by outkast9984

its kind of stupid for people to say his legacy will be altered....if they run off 5 or 6 rings in a row nobody is going to say well you are less of a player except the people on niketalk.... look at all the teams who have won rings before.... kobe and shaq...magic and the showtime lakers....jordan and pippen....all those great celtics teams....none of those guys are looked at differently because they played alont with other stars....
That's not the issue. The issue is if he wants to be the greatest basketball player of all time it's a major cop out to go and play with another superstar and elite player.

Do you think MJ or Kobe would have taken the easy way out or opted to go somewhere else that presented a challenge and where they would truly be the top dog?
Now that I think about it, you're right. No way would they have played w/......lets say Top 50 (in NBA history) players on the same team. NO. WAY.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

They just KILLED LeBron on Outside The Lines.

What they say P?
They said that if he makes this move to MIA he is a Robin looking for a Batman or an A-Rod looking for a Jeter. Saying there is no way he can be the best player in the game because he won't be leading his team to anything. He will be playing second fiddle to Wade. A bit much if you ask me.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I'm still saying the Knicks...ESPN is just trying to stir the pot in order to try and get people to watch the Lebrocalypse tonight.

ESPN is MILLLLLKKING this thing to the fullest, any links to what they said on OTL though?
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

They just KILLED LeBron on Outside The Lines.

What they say P?
They said that if he makes this move to MIA he is a Robin looking for a Batman or an A-Rod looking for a Jeter. Saying there is no way he can be the best player in the game because he won't be leading his team to anything. He will be playing second fiddle to Wade. A bit much if you ask me.

I'm just glad that more and more people are starting to use the Robin analogy that I brought to life regarding Kobe and his first 3 championships.  Let's me know that people are really listening out there.  Like I said before, in any and every team or organization situation everybody CAN'T be Batman, somebodies got to be Robin, which is exactly what Lebron will be if he joins Wade and Bosh in Miami.......Robin.     
Im more and more convinced he is NOT choosing Miami. It's too anti-climatic now.

He let this rumor leak so when he goes back to cleveland tonight he can get all the love, start crying, etc.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

Wade&Bosh&Lebron = Pierce&Garnett&Allen in their younger days.
Imagine Bostons big 3 about 5,6 or 7 years ago? They would've kicked the Lakers &*^%& no problem. With Lebron on board, Miami will have a dynasty for atleast 5 seasons.

KG > Bosh in his prime. He won an MVP. Bosh has never been close to MVP level.

And Wade and LJ are clearly MVP caliber players. Ray and PP have never been MVP caliber.
is it safe to say if he goes to miami he can never ever be called "'king"' james? we need a new nickname for him
Believe it or not If lebron signs in Miami, he'll actually make a little more than if were to stay in Cleveland due to all of the tax benefits of living in Florida.

I honestly hope he goes anywhere but Miami, Like someone said earlier it would be almost a copout to go to Miami with two other all-stars in their prime.

He's better than that.

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Anyone know how much money MIA will have left if they do sign bron, bosh and wade to max contracts to fill out rest of the roster? Seems highly unlikely they could do something like that.
that's what I'm thinking... these guys are gonna end up with a 7-man roster
When ESPN had someone explaining this and all three players get the max, it leaves Miami with a little of $15000 to play with
.  I don't know how they will get role players to play with minimum salaries if that's the case.  I still think he's staying in Cleveland though.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

Even in july, Lebron knows how to make the whole city sweat more than the humidity.
The drama, anticipation, the waiting and this humidity is too much for me to handle. Gotta keep hydrated lolol


If he goes to...

Cleveland - He'll never win a ring, taking everyone for a ride, Attention *%%%+, stupid

New York - Attention *%%%+ that's only concerned with $$$$$ and not winning

Miami - Sidekick that will win rings, but can never be the best player ever
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