Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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%!+% does TMZ know...???
SO let me ask you this. Do you think LeBron has basically relinquished ANY chances of him being considered the best of all time if he teams up with Wade?
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT. 
There's a difference between playing with Rose and co./STAT and co. vs. Wade/Bosh and co.

He would be THE man if he's in Chicago, Cleveland, NY, NJ, etc. He will forever be Robin by going to MIA. Not saying it's bad...but his legacy won't be looked at the same, no matter how many rings they win down there.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

I mean, what about competitive spirit?
Just as a competitor, wouldn't you rather win a ring going to war against top notch Bull/Celtic/Heat teams rather than hopping on the next man's bandwagon...
Word. This move solidifies he ain't built like MJ and Kobe.

You're the greatest talent in basketball. You have the opportunity to create a unique legacy somewhere and possibly take MJ's throne (depending on his success). Why wouldn't you try and seize that?


Different strokes.

Co-sign all of this. More than any other sport the NBA NEEDS parity. If Lebron joins with Wade and Bosh, it will make the rest of the Eastern Conference damn near unwatchable. I want to see Lebron develop a rivalry with a team like Kobe and the Lakers did with Sacramento, MJ did with the Pistons etc. The NBA was GREAT when the Heat/Knicks rivalry was poppin off. I'd love to see that again 
Why does the NBA need parity?

We had a long stretch in the 90s where it was just the Chicago Bulls followed by everyone else. Then we had the Lakers dominate for 3 straight years, followed by the Spurs + a couple other teams. In the last 3-years its been the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, Magic and Cavs and the other 25 other teams have really failed to compete.

The NBA has been like this for decades now. A handful of contenders with maybe 2-3 teams standing out from the rest, and then 25 other teams who are just there as fillers.
He's gonna need someone to back him up. No one can do it on their own. BUT, I highly doubt he's gonna wanna team up with Wade. LeBron wants the spotlight. He's not gonna wanna share that spotlight with another superstar.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

And now with 6 mil on the books in Miller, but that has to be the MLE right?
The Heat don't get an MLE because they're under the cap. I'm not sure how the Miller signing would work either. Does a sign-and-trade with Bosh allow them to do that?
Originally Posted by outkast9984

its kind of stupid for people to say his legacy will be altered....if they run off 5 or 6 rings in a row nobody is going to say well you are less of a player except the people on niketalk.... look at all the teams who have won rings before.... kobe and shaq...magic and the showtime lakers....jordan and pippen....all those great celtics teams....none of those guys are looked at differently because they played alont with other stars....
LeBron AND Wade AND Bosh

Wade > Pippen and Kobe (when Kobe was runnin with Shaq)

Then you also add Bosh (a career 20/10 guy)

If he was concerned about winning why not go to Chicago? That's the most solid roster if you add in LeBron imo.

Also, I get what you're saying about his legacy and winning rings, but there will always be the people who will question what he could accomplish on a team where he was the focal point. If he announces Miami, I'll be a little disappointed because we won't have that question answered. So it will be difficult to gauge how great he really is/was.
The main reason why I hate that lebron would go to miami is because ELITE players should be competing against each other, not playing on the same team! Then NBA is going to become sooooo boring to watch! Its like... If Mj, Bird and Magic started out on different teams and then joined each other on the same team, while still in their prime.

People talk about lebron not coming to chicago because he will always live in the shadow of MJ and wont be able to build his OWN legacy. How the hell can you build your own legacy if youre playing with Wade and BOsh? Hes still young, but hes already become a ring chaser. SO SAD! and they call him KING, %$##@!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

SO let me ask you this. Do you think LeBron has basically relinquished ANY chances of him being considered the best of all time if he teams up with Wade?

No doubt in my mind. Debate is over as of today. Dwayne and Chris Bosh are top 8 players right now. His singular greatness will never be properly defined when he has this much help. I am one of those who thinks he could go down as the GOAT. I'll change my opinion the second he says Miami.

EDIT: I still say he is staying in Cleveland. My opinion hasn't changed on this. I will not post in S&T again until 9/21/10 if LeBron says he will go to Miami.

Also, this is funny.

TBJ exclusive: 'Multiple Sources' uncovered from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.
People actually believe he's going to Miami? There's a SI article right now that says exactly what I'm thinking. It makes absolutely no sense for him to leak out that he's going to Miami before he holds that stupid 1 hour infomercial. This is a really lame attempt to create some drama for that thing and make him appear like a hero to Cleveland when he announces that he's changes his mind, turned down Miami, and is instead staying loyal to Cleveland.

That guy is too infatuated with money. I had a hard time believing he'd sign elsewhere and leave so much money on the table. At least with New York/NJ and Chicago, the argument that he could make it up in endorsements had some truth to it. But with Miami, that's gone. If he goes there, the team is pretty bare too so the championship thing isn't guaranteed either. When the Lakers picked up Malone and Payton, everyone thought it was a slam dunk championship and we all saw how well that turned out. There's just really no logical reason to choose Miami.
Chris Broussard sounds a little skeptical when he talks about Lebron going to miami on espn. He sounds like he aint sure that this story is just rumor or the truth
i do see Bron going to the Knicks...Bron and Amare was discussing about CP3 joining them down the road.

and today CP3 just left his management team to join lebrons management team.
Anybody watching OTL?

They are roasting LBJ and I don't understand why. Hell they even said he is a Robin looking for Batman or an A-rod looking for a Jeter.


This dude can't win in this situation. Yeah I think some of this crap is over the top but he wants to win rings and if he goes to MIA to do then so be it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

SO let me ask you this. Do you think LeBron has basically relinquished ANY chances of him being considered the best of all time if he teams up with Wade?


Maybe LeBron just wants to be a part of the best TEAM of all time.  I mean, if they win somethin like 4 rings in a row, he'd still be considered part of the Miami Heat legacy.
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