OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

--We can afford to rest Pau IMO.
--I aint worried. Its only January. JANUARY. Its almost the equivalent of a whole NFL season from now till when the playoffs start.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

we need to pick rafer up!!!
I read somewhere else (NBA thread?) that Miami's going to pick him up.

Odom says he has no doubt what the perfectionist coach would be telling the club.

"He would be telling Kobe to move the ball," Odom said with a laugh recently. "But he was always telling Kobe to move the ball, even when Kobe was moving the ball.

If the triangle and Jackson's methods remain something of a mystery for the team, one thing does not - Bryant's approach to the game.
"We know what he wants to do," Odom said with a laugh. "He's gonna come out and be offensively aggressive at all times. But he earns that. He earns that."

Lakers center/forward Pau Gasol recently pointed out that he has to keep working the offensive boards because he's only getting about five shots a game in the offense.

Some observers might take that as criticism of Bryant or teammates, but both Gasol and Odom say that's not the case at all.

Winter always said Odom is one of the finest humans he ever coached, and that's saying something because Winter coached for better than six decades.
[h1]No stat can measure clutch players like Kobe[/h1]

[h1]Vince Thomas[/h1]

At this point, Kobe Bryant could rise for a 50-foot fade-away jumper off the wrong foot and, if he releases within the last second of the game, I'm thinking it's good.

You would, too.

Admit it.

I mean, after his buzzer-beater madness these past few weeks, Kobe could shoot a left-handed jump hook from beyond half court for the win and the Lakers would probably start celebrating while the Spalding was still in the air. This Kobe dude can't be serious ... but he is -- he's so serious.

Last Saturday's buzzer-beating baseline trey against the Kings (one of the few open looks I've ever seen him get at the end of a game) gave Kobe three game-winners in about four weeks. His first was in early-December, an off-balance, semi-runner that he banked off the glass on poor Dwyane Wade. Then there was his little shake-n-bake, turnaround fade-away on the Bucks two weeks later. All these end-of-game shenanigans are adding to Kobe's clutch lore.

Oh wait ... I forgot, some of these newfangled stats will tell you that Kobe isn't actually all that clutch. My bad.

There are "stats" out there that say Carlos Boozer and Corey Maggette are better late-game options than Kobe Bryant. John Schuhmann (our numbers expert here at wrote this column at the beginning of the season, which included a list that ranked Kobe 38th in "clutch situations." Give Schuhmann a break though, it wasn't his fault. It's math and science's fault.

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With "clutch situations" defined as "the last five minutes of a game with a scoring margin of five points or less," an equation was used to find each player's True Shooting Percentage (TS%). True Shooting Percentage basically takes all the points a player accumulates during these "clutch situations" and divides it by the product of doubling a players field goal attempts and 44 percent of his free throw attempts.

It would look like this on Albert Einstein's chalk board: True Shooting Percentage = PTS/ (2*(FGA + (0.44*FTA))).

Got all that? Good. Now let me tell what you already know: the results are bogus -- especially if we want to call this some kind of "clutch stat." Why? Well, at some point in our cultural history, the word "clutch" went from being just a noun and verb and became an adjective, too. Clutch, as in, "tending to be successful in tense or critical situations." That definition seems like you can regulate it to "stats" and math, but we all know that, in sports, it's more abstract than that. But before we even get into that, there's the reality that there are so many factors and variables that can result in Mehmet freaking Okur sporting a higher "clutch" TS% than LeBron bleeping James.

For instance, LeBron is probably shooting more contested shots than Okur, who gets more open looks off Deron Williams' dribble penetration. Amar'e Stoudemire converting off a Steve Nash pick-and-roll pass is entirely different than D-Wade needing to make something out of nothing on a broken play against a stiffened, late-game defense.

Any kind of stat that ranks Kyle Korver 13 spots ahead of Carmelo Anthony shouldn't really have the word "clutch" anywhere near it. Let's call it "late-game accuracy." We, well, "I" use "clutch" in a much more visceral sense.

For me, clutch guys are the dudes that come up big, in big situations, in big games. Maggette's stats would, I'm sure be useful to a GM thinking about acquiring him and placing a value on his ability to get to the line late in games. But ultimately, who really thinks of Magette as truly "clutch" when he's played for mediocre-to-abysmal teams for much of his career?

His late-game free throws haven't led to too many late-season wins for a team fighting for playoff position or to a win in a swing game of the playoffs. And here's the biggie: how many actual Ws has he actually led a team to? Maggette has played on only one squad that finished over .500 -- the 2005-06 Clippers -- which was probably because Sam Cassell was taking the clutch shots. So, ultimately, is Maggette truly more "clutch" than Paul Pierce? Come on, son.

Here's when we can really have a "clutch stat" -- when we have a mathematic/statistical equation that takes into account when a player like 'Bron or 'Melo is 4-for-16 until the last five minutes of a close game and then goes 4-for-5 from the field and 5-for-5 from the line. Or, when we place more weight on games against teams with winning percentages higher than .600; or when the "clutch stat" differentiates between a January game, a regular season "statement games" and a playoff game. Clutch is when Player X's team shoots 30 percent in the second half and in a "we're not losing"-type performance, scores eight straight points in the last five minutes.

Ask yourself this: If Shawn Marion -- ranked 31 spots ahead of Kobe on the "clutch situation" list -- would have taken that 3-pointer against the Kings, would Paul Westphal have had the same nonchalant, resigned, arms folded, "I-know-this-is-going-in, so-I'll-just-look-down-and-check-to-make-sure-he's-in-bounds-and-behind-the-3-point-line" posture? Doubt that, too.

Would Kings fans have had the same beach ball-sized lump in their throats? Nah. You know why?

Because -- and no disrespect to Marion and his obvious talent and value -- he ain't Kobe. Kobe's clutch.


This guy couldn't have said it better. I mean whenever a thread pops up on here on who's better between Lebron vs. Kobe, Kobe haters always point tostats to justify why Lebron is better.
[h2]Same old Kobe[/h2]

No one knows for sure how long Pau Gasol will be out with a hamstring injury, but if it lingers like the one he suffered at the start of the season, it looks as though the Lakers power forward will be sitting for some time. For Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum, the injury means more responsibility on both ends of the floor. For Kobe Bryant however, it means something different. Get ready for Kobe to morph into that mid-50s, sweaty YMCA guy who overpowers the younger, nimbler foe on the block.

All the open gym regulars out there know that guy. Earlier this season, we saw an evolved Kobe, one who incorporated an "old man" game, mercilessly backing his opponents down on the block, using instincts that one can absorb only after logging more than 40,000 minutes of NBA experience, and attacking the rim for hard-earned buckets. Some NBA analysts were quick to opine that at age 31, Bryant had developed this new part of his game to compensate for declining physical gifts, a school of thought that has continued throughout the season. But is that really true? Did Bryant permanently change as a player? Or was there another factor at work -- the short-term absence of Gasol on the block?

Let's take a look at the shot selection numbers at Gasol missed the Lakers' first 12 games and, for analytical purposes, Sunday night's contest will be counted as well (he left after only seven minutes). So we have 13 games without Gasol and 20 others in which he suited up. divides the area of the floor into five categories: at the rim; less than 10 feet; 10-15 feet; 16-23 feet; and 3-point. For each area, tracks the field goals made and attempted in those areas as well as effective field goal percentage and the percentage of those shots which were assisted. First, let's pull up Bryant's at-the-rim numbers.

[h4]Kobe Bryant at the rim per 40 minutes[/h4] [table][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]eFG%[/th] [th=""]%Ast[/th] [/tr][tr][td]without Gasol[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]7.4[/td] [td]59.3[/td] [td]55.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]with Gasol[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]5.0[/td] [td]61.2[/td] [td]48.3[/td] [/tr][/table]

That's a pretty big difference. Bryant takes about 50 percent more shots at the rim when Gasol is shelved compared with when he's suited up. His effective field goal percentage suffers a tad, but not enough to suggest he finds more success in converting these shots with Gasol. Clearly though, Kobe takes it to the rack more often.

So if Kobe is taking more shots at the rim when Gasol is out, then which areas of the floor is he sacrificing? Let's see if his 3-point shot selection differs with and without Pau.

[h4]Kobe Bryant from 3-point (per 40 minutes)[/h4] [table][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]eFG%[/th] [th=""]%Ast[/th] [/tr][tr][td]without Gasol[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]30.0[/td] [td]100.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]with Gasol[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.8[/td] [td]53.2[/td] [td]60.6[/td] [/tr][/table]

Evidently, Bryant took 2.4 more shots at the rim with Pau out and 2.4 fewer from beyond the arc every 40 minutes. It's a coincidence that the difference is precisely 2.4, but the general tradeoff is undeniable -- Kobe is much more perimeter-oriented when Gasol is in the lineup. Interestingly, teammates set up Kobe on all of his buckets from downtown in the 13 games Gasol missed, but less than two-thirds of them when Gasol was active, as evidenced by the assisted percentage. It looks as though Kobe generates more baskets off the dribble from 3-point land when Pau is on the floor, possibly off the perimeter pick-and-roll. Clearly though, Kobe picks his spots differently depending on the active status of his All-Star counterpart.

With at-rim and 3-point shots covered, let's take a look at the rest of the floor.

[h4]Kobe Bryant from mid- to long range (per 40 minutes)[/h4] [table][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]less than 10 feet[/th] [th=""]10-15 feet[/th] [th=""]16-23 feet[/th] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]eFG%[/th] [th=""]%Ast[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]eFG%[/th] [th=""]%Ast[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]eFG%[/th] [th=""]%Ast[/th] [/tr][tr][td]without Gasol[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]53.3[/td] [td]50.0[/td] [td]2.8[/td] [td]5.5[/td] [td]50.7[/td] [td]35.3[/td] [td]2.5[/td] [td]6.4[/td] [td]39.2[/td] [td]41.9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]with Gasol[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]54.0[/td] [td]29.6[/td] [td]2.1[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]47.7[/td] [td]17.1[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]50.0[/td] [td]43.9[/td] [/tr][/table]

No noticeable differences here, other than the slight increase in shot attempts from midrange in the 10-15 feet area. The portions of shots from long jumpers are similar, but Kobe is more successful when Pau's around. Ultimately though, the midrange game doesn't seem to be affected greatly by Pau's status. It's the high-efficiency areas, at the rim and beyond the arc, where Kobe alters his game the most.

Now that we've seen a considerable difference in Bryant's shot selection with and without Gasol, it would be worth a look at last season's shot selection. If Bryant has truly evolved into the YMCA bruiser we keep hearing about, then we would expect his shot selection with Gasol this season to be different from last. But that's not the case.

[h4]Kobe Bryant shot selection with Pau Gasol (past two seasons)[/h4] [table][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]At rim[/th] [th=""]< 10 feet[/th] [th=""]10-15 feet[/th] [th=""]16-23 feet[/th] [th=""]3-pointers[/th] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [th=""]FGM[/th] [th=""]FGA[/th] [/tr][tr][td]2008-09[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]5.0[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]2.1[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2009-10[/td] [td]3.2[/td] [td]4.8[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]3.2[/td] [td]7.7[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [/tr][/table]

Judging by his shot selection, there really isn't any evidence to suggest that Kobe Bryant is a different player this season; he's a different player only when Pau Gasol is out of action. As long as Gasol's hamstring continues to hamper him, look forward to some more post moves from Bryant, but don't expect it to last long-term. When it comes down to it, Kobe is the same player who won the championship last year -- when the championship pieces are in place.

Havent been able to really catch up because im overseas on holidays...nice to see us pull out the win today though.

Hopefully we get no more serious injury concerns from here.
yo KB8 how much should I expect to drop for some good seats when the 9ers play @ SD next season?

I'm already plannin
Originally Posted by bright nikes

yo KB8 how much should I expect to drop for some good seats when the 9ers play @ SD next season?

I'm already plannin
If you're lookin' for some plaza level seats, don't pay no more than face value. That's like $110 a seat.
That sounds good to me, is there any hookup in the Socal / SD Thread?

After grub at Colima's in Oceanside
You can check.

I might have some tickets for you if the dude's I roll with decide to pick up again for next season. We usually sell our games now. I got killer seatsbehind the west end zone.

I dunno if I'll be in SD next season though since I'm enlisting in the Navy, but my boy will still be in SD and I can get you plugged up.
So I was just checking out a couple threads on Clublakers and I stumbled upon this...

KB8SD: Are you NUTS or HIGH on something ?

This is the best TV crew in the business right now.

Marc Jackson is a big time Kobe fan, Jeff Van Gundy is smart and is pure comedy on a lot of his commentary, and MIke Breen I like how he called the game winner compared to how Joel Myers called.

Joel Myers is so boring listening to on TV on FSN West & KCAL 9. I seriously wish they would replace him and put Spero with Stu on TV instead.

Which somewhat reminded me of this for some reason....

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Man I dont know about you guys but I really can't stand listening to Joel Myers call Laker games on TV !

He seriously puts me to sleep and listening to him call 2 of the Lakers games when Kobe hit the game winner against Miami, and the Kings tonight I was really disappointed how he called those game winning shots. It's like I don't know something is missing or he isn't so enthusiastic on those shots.Especially during the Heat game when Kobe hit the game winner. Mike Breen's call compared to Joel Myers is a whole lot better.

So if any of you guys frequent other Laker forums and see that other guy posting saying some stuff and come back here asking if it's me, then you alreadyknow it ain't me.


You know what all I have to say is I didn't do damage to your rep by creating the same ID on different Laker forums on the internet.

Your doing enough damage yourself the way your going about this and being immature about this.
Unlike you I dont take NT and internet forums as seriously as you or get mad and all butt hurt or some stuff like this.

Go ahead roast away all you want.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

You know what all I have to say is I didn't do damage to your rep by creating the same ID on different Laker forums on the internet.

Your doing enough damage yourself the way your going about this and being immature about this.

Funny thing is, we've chilled and gone to games together, and you ain't brought it up once that you go by KB8SD on other forums knowing damn well youjacked it from me.

You even stole my damn avy homie, the one I made. You ain't ask me for it. You took it, since I tagged it with KB8SD. And you're using it, pretendingyou created it.

But whatever, I could give a flying rats butt who's the biggest Laker fan out of SD. All I know is I'm a Laker fan through and through, regardless ofwhat other basketball jerseys I wear or who other basketball players I'm a fan of. I'm not limited to just the Lakers just because I'm a Laker fan.I'm a basketball fan first, get that straight.

So stay being the first to make the threads and stay being the biggest Laker fan out of SD, because in the end, ain't no one care if you are. We just knowyou ain't honest G, that's real talk. That's why I called your !@# out.

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Unlike you I dont take NT and internet forums as seriously as you or get mad and all butt hurt or some stuff like this.

Go ahead roast away all you want.

You don't take NT seriously? Homie, how many times you been banned? For real though? That's why Kidskillz ain't around cuz you got banned. Iain't never been banned from NT. So don't come at me about taking NT serious.

It's just the principles. You a thief. If you would have admitted to it, then it would have been cool. But you didn't.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

You know what all I have to say is I didn't do damage to your rep by creating the same ID on different Laker forums on the internet.

Your doing enough damage yourself the way your going about this and being immature about this.

Funny thing is, we've chilled and gone to games together, and you ain't brought it up once that you go by KB8SD on other forums knowing damn well you jacked it from me.

You even stole my damn avy homie, the one I made. You ain't ask me for it. You took it, since I tagged it with KB8SD. And you're using it, pretending you created it.

But whatever, I could give a flying rats butt who's the biggest Laker fan out of SD. All I know is I'm a Laker fan through and through, regardless of what other basketball jerseys I wear or who other basketball players I'm a fan of. I'm not limited to just the Lakers just because I'm a Laker fan. I'm a basketball fan first, get that straight.

So stay being the first to make the threads and stay being the biggest Laker fan out of SD, because in the end, ain't no one care if you are. We just know you ain't honest G, that's real talk. That's why I called your !@# out.

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Unlike you I dont take NT and internet forums as seriously as you or get mad and all butt hurt or some stuff like this.

Go ahead roast away all you want.

You don't take NT seriously? Homie, how many times you been banned? For real though? That's why Kidskillz ain't around cuz you got banned. I ain't never been banned from NT. So don't come at me about taking NT serious.

It's just the principles. You a thief. If you would have admitted to it, then it would have been cool. But you didn't.
For the record I only be banned once here on NT and it was nothing related to Lakers, Kobe, or any sports related. I got banned because I jokingmade a comment in the general forum about the movie Transformers 2 movie trailer.

So I seriously don't know where your going with that.

Honestly I don't care who the biggest Laker fan in is SD is. I'd rather be called a Laker HOMER like you have been calling me on here and digging upposts I made on other Laker forums to prove your point, than to be a Laker fan like yourself who claims he's hardcore & die hard Laker fan and yet havea history of rooting for the Clippers and being a Jordan slurper during Jordan's prime years.

Also as for confronting me about using your KB8SD ID on other Laker forums like you said we've rolled to Laker game together and you yourself could havebrought your beef about me using your KB8SD ID. Heck you have my cell # and know where I live in SD.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

You know what all I have to say is I didn't do damage to your rep by creating the same ID on different Laker forums on the internet.

Your doing enough damage yourself the way your going about this and being immature about this.

Funny thing is, we've chilled and gone to games together, and you ain't brought it up once that you go by KB8SD on other forums knowing damn well you jacked it from me.

You even stole my damn avy homie, the one I made. You ain't ask me for it. You took it, since I tagged it with KB8SD. And you're using it, pretending you created it.

But whatever, I could give a flying rats butt who's the biggest Laker fan out of SD. All I know is I'm a Laker fan through and through, regardless of what other basketball jerseys I wear or who other basketball players I'm a fan of. I'm not limited to just the Lakers just because I'm a Laker fan. I'm a basketball fan first, get that straight.

So stay being the first to make the threads and stay being the biggest Laker fan out of SD, because in the end, ain't no one care if you are. We just know you ain't honest G, that's real talk. That's why I called your !@# out.

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Unlike you I dont take NT and internet forums as seriously as you or get mad and all butt hurt or some stuff like this.

Go ahead roast away all you want.

You don't take NT seriously? Homie, how many times you been banned? For real though? That's why Kidskillz ain't around cuz you got banned. I ain't never been banned from NT. So don't come at me about taking NT serious.

It's just the principles. You a thief. If you would have admitted to it, then it would have been cool. But you didn't.
For the record I only be banned once here on NT and it was nothing related to Lakers, Kobe, or any sports related. I got banned because I joking made a comment in the general forum about the movie Transformers 2 movie trailer.

So I seriously don't know where your going with that.

Honestly I don't care who the biggest Laker fan in is SD is. I'd rather be called a Laker HOMER like you have been calling me on here and digging up posts I made on other Laker forums to prove your point, than to be a Laker fan like yourself who claims he's hardcore & die hard Laker fan and yet have a history of rooting for the Clippers and being a Jordan slurper during Jordan's prime years.

Also as for confronting me about using your KB8SD ID on other Laker forums like you said we've rolled to Laker game together and you yourself could have brought your beef about me using your KB8SD ID. Heck you have my cell # and know where I live in SD.

why are both of you getting mad over an internet forum name its not like hes pulling a chitownlegend
What next's KB8SD ?

Are you looking into the archives of NT, LG, CL to see if I ever created a thread or posted anything that may show I supported the Clippers or was ever aJordan fan. Since your so great at digging up threads or posts I've posted in on all of these internet forums.

You can sit here and post all you want how you arent getting MAD over this, but if a guy seriously goes as far as to monitor other Laker forums on the internetand to dig up and post stuff I posted on these forums then someone seriously like yourself must be pretty mad.

Go ahead and post on here on NT and all of the other Laker forums how I stole your ID and ruined your rep like you claim I have.

Yet for the record let's not forget who went this route about handling this and started making personal attacks by calling me a classless fan, or a LakerHOMER.

I really don't give a DAMN and everyone else will see here who's damaging your rep on NT.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

You know what all I have to say is I didn't do damage to your rep by creating the same ID on different Laker forums on the internet.

Your doing enough damage yourself the way your going about this and being immature about this.

Funny thing is, we've chilled and gone to games together, and you ain't brought it up once that you go by KB8SD on other forums knowing damn well you jacked it from me.

You even stole my damn avy homie, the one I made. You ain't ask me for it. You took it, since I tagged it with KB8SD. And you're using it, pretending you created it.

But whatever, I could give a flying rats butt who's the biggest Laker fan out of SD. All I know is I'm a Laker fan through and through, regardless of what other basketball jerseys I wear or who other basketball players I'm a fan of. I'm not limited to just the Lakers just because I'm a Laker fan. I'm a basketball fan first, get that straight.

So stay being the first to make the threads and stay being the biggest Laker fan out of SD, because in the end, ain't no one care if you are. We just know you ain't honest G, that's real talk. That's why I called your !@# out.

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Unlike you I dont take NT and internet forums as seriously as you or get mad and all butt hurt or some stuff like this.

Go ahead roast away all you want.

You don't take NT seriously? Homie, how many times you been banned? For real though? That's why Kidskillz ain't around cuz you got banned. I ain't never been banned from NT. So don't come at me about taking NT serious.

It's just the principles. You a thief. If you would have admitted to it, then it would have been cool. But you didn't.
For the record I only be banned once here on NT and it was nothing related to Lakers, Kobe, or any sports related. I got banned because I joking made a comment in the general forum about the movie Transformers 2 movie trailer.

So I seriously don't know where your going with that.

Honestly I don't care who the biggest Laker fan in is SD is. I'd rather be called a Laker HOMER like you have been calling me on here and digging up posts I made on other Laker forums to prove your point, than to be a Laker fan like yourself who claims he's hardcore & die hard Laker fan and yet have a history of rooting for the Clippers and being a Jordan slurper during Jordan's prim years.

Also as for confronting me about using your KB8SD ID on other Laker forums like you said we've rolled to Laker game together and you yourself could have brought your beef about me using your KB8SD ID. Heck you have my cell # and know where I live in SD.

Jordan Slurper? Right, act like you ain't buy Jordans before super hard core die hard Laker fan.

Who wasn't a fan of Jordan? Spike Lee is a diehard hardcore Knicks fan and he's a Jordan slurper. So your argument with that is definitely null andvoid. Hell even Kobe is a Jordan fan. So I really don't know where you're going with that.

Any day of the week I'd take Magic over MJ. But that would be dumb of me not to acknowledge how great Michael Jordan really is.

And as far as bringing it up goes, homie, I just found out about this last season on my own terms googling KB8SD. I brought this up numerous times in lastseason's thread. Did I call you out? Nope. I knew it was you though. But your whole "I'm going to decide to put LET'S GO LAY-KURZ" in theopening post for your exclusive Laker game day threads, pushed it.

It's the principles man. I don't know if you understand that or not, regardless if it's only an e-identity. The fact is, I wouldn't give a crapif it was just some random dude that I didn't know off the internet. It's a big world. But the fact that I know you in person, you know me in person,and that KB8SD is my sn, and you've known that, then to rob my sn and play it off like it's yours even if it's on different laker forums, makes mequestion your character as a person. Real talk.

Hell, you could have even joked about it and just let me know. But you didn't. It's just hilarious at the fact that you're impersonating or takingfrom, someone you actually know. That's where my beef is.
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