OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

 Bynum's footwork is awful.

I don't understand why he faces up so much in the post. Does he not trust his post game?

He needs to improve with his back to the basket.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

 Bynum's footwork is awful.

I don't understand why he faces up so much in the post. Does he not trust his post game?

He needs to improve with his back to the basket.
he really does not know what he is doing
he just tries to improvise and put up some type of shot WITHOUT jumping

sad thing is that he can't get any deep post position against legit defenders
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

 Bynum's footwork is awful.

I don't understand why he faces up so much in the post. Does he not trust his post game?

He needs to improve with his back to the basket.
he really does not know what he is doing
he just tries to improvise and put up some type of shot WITHOUT jumping

sad thing is that he can't get any deep post position against legit defenders

He doesn't. Sure, he's got great offensive touch. But watching this guy move his feet with his back to the basket is like watching someone try to walk with 2 left feet.

Watching him play has become really frustrating. He seriously needs to work on footwork and patience in the post in the off season.

He needs to get Kareem back in there to work with him. 

I'm wonderin what the hell is going on lately with Pau's hands. 

And I'm sure he's gonna cry again about only getting 9 shots last night. 

I thought we shoulda kept Pau and Bynum on the court together more though, that way we FORCE Dirk to guard one of them.  We let them off the hook imo with that.  Even though Odom played well, he played more outside, and we didn't have the same rebounding inside that we normally should. 

Phil only used 8 last night, no Luke, and no Sasha.  Sasha is someone we coulda used on Jet as well.  Fish is too short, Sasha can be just as big a pain in the @#$ as Fish, but taller so he can try to affect shots better. 

I expect LA to screw around with Philly on Friday, lookin ahead to Denver. 
  Hope I'm wrong. 
now i missed the game cause of class but it looked like a very close game and here i thought we were gonna blown out...just give them props...they are playing well right now

lets panic!!!
I really dpn't understand why Pau Gasol didnt get alot more touches in the post last night, especially when dirk was guarding him. Dirk was burning him on the offensive end, but by the same token, we let them off the hook big time by not lettin pau go to work on dirk in the post. Instead we consistently let bynum fumble around with the ball in 1-on-1 situations against haywood. I just don't understand. Is it pau being timid and not wanting to go down there, or is is it Phil not designing sets that have the offense run through Pau in the post? He seems like the type of player that doesnt want to naturally impose his will on other teams, so he needs Phil to run the offense through every now and then so that he stays involved
And I'm only going to say this once [more], and I'm also not going to debate with anyone who disagrees/takes issue with it (so quote me and say what you want; I'm not biting): Kobe's style is largely to blame for the MAJOR difference in the way the team plays, and that's not going to change.

There were 9 times last night where I could tell he was shooting the ball as soon as he got it, and I was right all 9 times. And last night was no fluke for me, and I'm sure it's the same for you guys, fan or haters.

The thing is, if WE... us non-professional basketball players, us armchair quarterbacks... if WE can tell when he's going to shoot it regardless of what happens, you don't think his teammates throughout the years have been able to do the same thing? We can tell, and we have a good reason to believe his teammates can tell. So if they can tell that he's going to shoot the ball a few possessions in a row regardless of what happens, then what motivation do they have to cut hard, backpick each other, flare off each other, etc.? What motivation do you and I have to sync up with each other and run a quick give and go if we see a seam in the defense if we know that Kobe has the ball and that look?

Luke Walton said a few years ago after a Sacramento game, "He still dominates at times, but it makes it a lot more fun when we’re all doing stuff."

That might sound like he's saying 'The team needs to do more. It makes it more fun when we're all doing stuff,' but I didn't take it like that. I don't think it's a coincidence at ALL that the team played the way they did when he was out. When a couple guys saw cracks in the defense and they could tell that they both saw the same thing and one sets a flare screen to free the other one up for 3, they're free to do that. When a sideline play is run that involves 4 people touching the ball, no one thinks 'Yeah, but the second person touching the ball is so-and-so, so the 3rd and 4th people who are supposed to touch the ball can forget about that, and let's all hope so-and-so makes it.'

Phil responded, "I don’t even need to comment on what Luke is saying there, because it’s self-explanatory & all true."

It's no less frustrating for me to watch than it was before last year, when Kobe was able to win a Finals without Shaq. And he toned it down a LOT all through the playoffs last year, and I hope he does again this year in the playoffs. And he has toned it down a lot since his Frobe days, but it's still there.

And now I'll sit back and wait like 4-5 months before I rant on this again.
I don't disagree Ska, but then why don't they play lights out when Kobe is on the bench for 6 minutes straight like he was last night? 
I'm sure you what the word 'dynamic' means aside from saying something is 'dynamic'.

You can't change a dynamic in a matter of minutes. "Oh, Kobe's in, so no point in playing my tail to fight through screens for a little while. Oh, now he's out, so I'm going to try to rub off screens to get away from Kidd, and I know Farmar will see me. Buckets! Oh, he's back in again, la-dee-da, dribble to this spot, screen that guy, Kobe shoots." The dynamic for a game exists throughout the game.

So why did they play so different and look so fluid with Kobe out? "Oh, Kobe's out?! So all these cracks in defenses I see, there's a possibility that if I fight through things and free myself up, I'll end up being the open man that everyone sees, and I'll get the rock? Bet!" That's what I think happened, and that dynamic existed for those 5 games, but it can't go away and return and go away and return again in a matter of minutes. A matter of days or games? Yes. Minutes? No.
Ehhhh, I see what you're getting at.  Eh, I dunno though.  These guys are pros are they not?  Kobe need to hold their wittle hands?  Wipe their tooshies? 

Naw, go out and ball.  MJ shot just as damn much as Kobe does.  Jordan gets praise upon praise of being a guy that got it done, and I'm sorry, but the Bulls didn't have the talent this Lakers squad does. 

They were on a back to back last night, maybe they were lazy, maybe they were tired, maybe the Memphis game took a lot outta them.  Maybe with Kobe hitting the game winner they reverted to what you said a few weeks back, eh, we'll just let Kobe win it for us.  Who knows. 

I agree, I can pinpoint when he's going to shoot too, but he also rose up a good 2-3 times and then tried to fire a pass also, and he's done that move many times in his career, sometimes it works, sometimes its a turnover.  But again, I can pinpoint when Bron about to shoot too.  I knew when MJ was gettin ready to shoot as well.  I knew when Dirk was shooting last night, is Dirk just as bad? 

They are pros.  Go out and ball.  Lamar for once didn't give a crap about nobody else, Bynum don't care, if he gets the ball it's going up.  Fish took 13 shots, he wasn't waiting for nobody. 

They just didn't bring their A game last night.  And with that, as i said, with 30 seconds left, our closer took a shot that could have tied the game.  It's not like we got destroyed out there.  In fact, I think that Kidd 3 to end the 3rd really stung them.  They coulda gone to the 4th with the lead, instead they came in down by 2.  We'll see how it all plays out. 

Maybe Walton was onto something.  Kobe sits til the final possesion of each game, then comes in like Mo Rivera.  I like. 
Word, there isn't any excuse for these guys they are professionals. Kobe being in shouldn't be an excuse to just go into a shell and stop being aggressive. It comes with the territory of being a superstar, they are going to take the majority of the shots on a nightly basis. Every superstar in history has done it and will continue to do it (save maybe for Magic Johnson).

Kobe isn't the problem, does he shoot too much sometime, yes, but like CP was saying he can't hold their hands out there. They have to be men and stop being so scared and timid out there. The only other person I can say that honestly does that every game is Artest, Fish recklessly so, and maybe Odom when he isn't high on Snickers and Skittles. But the rest of the team is quite frankly just soft and scared, they have no assertiveness about them at all. Can't blame Kobe for that.
either this whole team is ******ed or they are just waiting to play hard during the playoffs. lets hope the latter
I think I have asked this before, but has Pau regressed from the time we got him? 

To me, he was doin major numbers the second he joined the team, he and Kobe played great together.  Is that just Bynum bein in his way and maybe he and Odom work out real well as opposed to how he was getting along with Bryant? 

I dunno, just to me, I don't trust Pau these days like i did last year or the year before.  Something's just off.  And I don't think it's Kobe, he the same now he was last year and the year before.  (speaking in terms of Pau's game Kobe is no diff I mean) 
some of you guys sure to like come down hard on the lakers when they lose but love saying how dope they are when they win
Originally Posted by CP1708

I think I have asked this before, but has Pau regressed from the time we got him? 

To me, he was doin major numbers the second he joined the team, he and Kobe played great together.  Is that just Bynum bein in his way and maybe he and Odom work out real well as opposed to how he was getting along with Bryant? 

I dunno, just to me, I don't trust Pau these days like i did last year or the year before.  Something's just off.  And I don't think it's Kobe, he the same now he was last year and the year before.  (speaking in terms of Pau's game Kobe is no diff I mean) 

He got that extension that's why. 

Nah, but I see what you are saying, Pau has taken a backseat for a while now.
Originally Posted by CP1708

I think I have asked this before, but has Pau regressed from the time we got him? 

To me, he was doin major numbers the second he joined the team, he and Kobe played great together.  Is that just Bynum bein in his way and maybe he and Odom work out real well as opposed to how he was getting along with Bryant? 

I dunno, just to me, I don't trust Pau these days like i did last year or the year before.  Something's just off.  And I don't think it's Kobe, he the same now he was last year and the year before.  (speaking in terms of Pau's game Kobe is no diff I mean) 

But... Pau was playing like his old self (Last year) when Kobe was out... Hmmmmmmm...
You know, that is a good point.  He......well, now wait, Bynum was out those first 3 games as well.  And the Boston game Bynum was back, and Gasol was solid, but still a little clumsy comparatively. 

But yes, he did have a solid stretch there. 

I dunno, it could be just as simple as once the clock starts getting closer to playoff time, they remember who/where they were last year.  Thas what I'm hoping for.  And Phil does have a pretty decent track record in terms of getting the team straight around that time.  Remember, in the 01 season, it wasn't til the last 8 games that we went on a run, and then the postseason was our personal playground.  So it could be as late as April that we really get the ship smooth sailin again. 
Originally Posted by Nash

some of you guys sure to like come down hard on the lakers when they lose but love saying how dope they are when they win
thats what being a fan is all pretty sure everyone does this not just us Laker fans
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