OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

CP, whos fat on the Lakers?
You're kidding right? 

I didn't mean it literally man, I meant we're fat and lazy, fat and happy, we're not as hungry, whichever expression you wanna use.  Not fat like Rasheed fat, just spoiled fat.  make more sense now, or did I make it worse? 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Noble, kinda hard for Bynum to get shots sitting on the bench with 5 fouls in 14 seconds. 
  Just saying. 

Ska, I hear what you're saying, and I suppose part of it may be true.  So, Lebron's teammates?  Duncan's?  All teammates of elite players then.  What's their excuse? 

Jordan wasn't so friggin ridiculously, supremely talented that his teammates didn't go thru the motions thinking "MJ will take care of this game in the 4th quarter, let's just go run around and work up a sweat for a while"?  That never happened with the Bulls?  
  I mean, it is the same thing isn't it? 

Hey, I can point the finger and blame all I want, @#$% if Kobe hadn't missed FIVE free throws, that game coulda been different.  But what good does it do?  I just can not, for the life of me, get why Pau Gasol of all people, would call out a style of play (team ball) in a game where exactly TWO players came out and played hard.  Pau and Bynum had NINE fouls in just over 50 minutes.  Against Zach and his damn brother.  They got pushed around like nothing.  Now, is it because Memphis owns us?  Is it because we are scared of Memphis?  Or, could it be we played one hell of an emotional game against the Celtics, have been on the road for 2 weeks and now can see the plane warming up ready to take us home?  Which is more likely? 

But you come out and question the team captain, the best player in the game (or top 3, whatever) who by the way, did NOT go thru the motions in this game, even after he got the stupid record, he was out there TRYING TO WIN A GAME.  How smart is Pau there?  And don't even get me started on where PAU's head is when he has played so God damn soft for the last 2 weeks.  Don;t even get me started on him sitting out 17 @#$%^&* games.  But he's going to question the guy playing with a broken finger, and a sore ankle, and a sore elbow, and gettting over back issues?  Really?  That's his master plan? 

Wouldn't it have been nice for Kobe to leave the Spurs game IMMEDIATELY after his back acted up?  Gasol coulda carried the team right?  Oh, wait, Pau was in street clothes, sore inner thigh. 
  Wouldn't it have been nice for Kobe to then take the next game off, THE NEXT DAY IN DALLAS to rest, Pau could carry the team.  Oh, wait, Pau was in street clothes still.  So what did Kobe do?  Limp thru the game for 40 minutes, hit the go ahead basket with 28 seconds left, and go home with a win. 

Yes Pau, question that man.  Good idea genius. 

I don't give a @#$% about talent, roles, this that or the other, win damn basketball games.  Show up every night, play hard, give everything you got, win, go home.  End of the God damn story.  Don't cry, don't whine, just win.  Bynum, check cashed.  Pau, check cashed.  Odom, re-signed.  Artest, paid and brought in.  Kobe.........still waiting.  Of all these players, which one of them has EARNED EVERY GOD DAMN CENT FOR THE LA LAKERS?  EVERY SINGLE PENNY?  And yet, everyone else is paid, Kobe is waiting still.  Will he be rich?  Of course he will.  He'll get his.  But to sit on your perch, take one shot in the 4th quarter of a close game, the day after you had your @#$ on the pine of the 4th quarter of another close game, cash your check, and then question the one guy that is at worst responsible for you being 1-1 in those 2 games, and not 0-2.  It's just stupid.  It's mind numbing.  Pau has been great for this team.  He has really helped us out.   But this year (a year in which he should have come out HUNGRIER then ever to prove last year was no fluke, to get that back to back, a year in which he was rewarded with a ton of money) he has sat a third of the season, he has not improved in any aspect i can see, he doesn't look bulked up, he's been pushed around, and he is the one to stand up and question the one guy that fights every second of every game with more ailments then the rest of the team combined?  @#$%. 
I agree with you on almost everything you have been saying. I am tired of the Lakers as a team not coming out and giving everything they have night in and out.

The difference is Kobe is HUNGRY FOR LIFE, nobody can stop that, you can't teach it either. You have it or you don't. Pau doesn't, and a bunch of other players on the Lakers at least play like they don't either. I am not mad that Pau is a finesse player because that's the style he plays, I am mad because he isn't giving his all. Mad because he is supposed to be and is paid like he's the second option but as of late is playing like he would rather be on the set of CSI: Miami!

It's like Shaq 2.0 without the fat. I honestly don't know how Kobe, being a guy who gives 100% all the time deals with people who don't give their all. Seems like some of them are just there to collect a paycheck.

Am I off???
Tough upcoming stretch before the All-Star break

Been waiting for this Nuggets game since they whooped us earlier this season. Gotta feeling Melo is gonna play...hopefully we win that
So Nazr Mohammed had 17 rebounds against the Lakers.

Pau and Bynum had a combined total of 17 rebounds.

Moving along.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

So Nazr Mohammed had 17 rebounds against the Lakers.

Pau and Bynum had a combined total of 17 rebounds.

Moving along.

we always find ways to make guys look like all-stars

 You're kidding right? 

I didn't mean it literally man, I meant we're fat and lazy, fat and happy, we're not as hungry, whichever expression you wanna use.  Not fat like Rasheed fat, just spoiled fat.  make more sense now, or did I make it worse? 

ahh i get it

man i hope kob's ankle is ok...especially with this tough stretch coming up
...limit kobes minutes or put him on the ir?

Serious, it's like he's BEGGING for a serious injury.  Ima start callin Kobe Final Destination here pretty quick, he keeps escaping injuries and they keep comin after him over and over. 

Sooner or later, he isn't gonna be so lucky.  Now we have 3 games in 4 nights, Nuggets, Blazers, Spurs.  That'll help him heal up real quick. 
im more worried about Kobe making a point of not shooting .. if you watched last nights game.. he dint even feel like shooting that ball..

you know its really bad when he passed up a shot on a buzzer beater to end the 3rd quarter..
The story I read said that his ankle was hurting him pretty bad BEFORE Lamar rolled it, so he had no lift, couldn't cut, and move as good as normal.  (said it was the same in Boston) 

If that's true, then maybe that explains him not being aggressive.  I don't know. 

What I do know is he needs to rest like hell at the ASG.  Play the opening 5 minutes like last year, then get the hell in the trainers room for the rest of the day. 

Dude just simply needs to not get rolled anymore before the break.  Just needs to stay at worst where he is now, and not make it all worse.  Then the break should give him good time to rest up a bit and get back at it. 
Kobe needs to set his pride aside and think about being healthy for our playoff run, rather than worrying about playing all 82 games. I think sitting out a couple of games and resting during all star weekend would be the right decision.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Kobe needs to set his pride aside and think about being healthy for our playoff run, rather than worrying about playing all 82 games. I think sitting out a couple of games and resting during all star weekend would be the right decision.

seriously what the @*!+ does playing 82 games prove??? like it hasnt been done before! news flash kobe you *#**##* idiot! playing 82 games is not > over another championship, if he doesnt rest soon he will bump into an injury that will keep him out for the season smh
I'm curious to see how the offense would run without Kobe in the lineup. Pau and Bynum could really dominate inside if they were #1 and #2.
I was talking about this with a fellow Laker fan at work the other day.

Here's the two scenarios we debated:
#1. Kobe rests, we maintain the top seed in the division, maybe even the West, but we don't finish with the best record in the league.
#2. He stays, we grab homecourt throughout, but he's got all these injuries still, taking them into the playoffs.


I'd rather go with the possibility of sacrificing homecourt and heading into the playoffs with a fresh Kobe than have him ditch rest and we go into the playoffs with a bruised Bryant and homecourt throughout.

no homecourt + healthy Bryant > homecourt + bruised Bryant
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I was talking about this with a fellow Laker fan at work the other day.

Here's the two scenarios we debated:
#1. Kobe rests, we maintain the top seed in the division, maybe even the West, but we don't finish with the best record in the league.
#2. He stays, we grab homecourt throughout, but he's got all these injuries still, taking them into the playoffs.


I'd rather go with the possibility of sacrificing homecourt and heading into the playoffs with a fresh Kobe than have him ditch rest and we go into the playoffs with a bruised Bryant and homecourt throughout.

no homecourt + healthy Bryant > homecourt + bruised Bryant

I think we possibly fall off more than that.  I agree with you post on the previous page.  Kobe should have considered a less dominant approach once Pau got back from injury.  I was cool with the 30, 50%, 5, and 5 but once he hurt that finger it was done.

It is a mindset thing and Kobe should back up because they are like, well we know Kobe will shoulder the load.  I don't get how Jordans Bulls teams had role players that came in and did work but these role players Kobe has are off and on.

I guess it's like work in a group, if you do it all everyone else will slack off.
Maybe he goes full bore til we lock up the west, then sits the final couple games, and we deal with homecourt if we make the finals. 

If we try to keep up with the teams in the east, he has to play all 82.  But we can win the west by game 75 or so, give him 2 weeks off or so. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I was talking about this with a fellow Laker fan at work the other day.

Here's the two scenarios we debated:
#1. Kobe rests, we maintain the top seed in the division, maybe even the West, but we don't finish with the best record in the league.
#2. He stays, we grab homecourt throughout, but he's got all these injuries still, taking them into the playoffs.
1.) 2008 NBA Finals
2.) 2009 NBA Finals

These guys need homecourt
jw wut do u guys think of a Jared Jeffries for Adam Morrison trade? While u guys are in this thread debating wuts the best way to win a ship we're still talking ab clearing cap space for 2010 haha.

Reason for why the trade works for us is obvious but I think it benefits you guys a lot as well. Jeffries is a legit defensive stopper and can guard anywhere from the 1 to 4. I think it's important that he can guard other PGs for fish if he's gettin torched by one of the many elite pgs in the west.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

jw wut do u guys think of a Jared Jeffries for Adam Morrison trade? While u guys are in this thread debating wuts the best way to win a ship we're still talking ab clearing cap space for 2010 haha.

Reason for why the trade works for us is obvious but I think it benefits you guys a lot as well. Jeffries is a legit defensive stopper and can guard anywhere from the 1 to 4. I think it's important that he can guard other PGs for fish if he's gettin torched by one of the many elite pgs in the west.
What's the money owed to JJ?  I know you guys have been beggin teams to take him to clear even more space, it's basically down to him and Curry as the only bad contracts you have right? 

If he can actually play ball, I would move Morrison (who can't do @#$%) in a heartbeat, but I dunno if Buss wants to add money for future years and all that. 
you know since we are the defending champs then we know how to win...the thing is if you wanna repeat you gotta win on the your first ring with homecourt..anything after that you win on the road prove to people that we are the true champion and its not a fluke

i dont know what you guys talking about kobe playing 5 minutes last year in the all-star game?...he was co-MVP with shaq! was the '08 all-star game in new orleans when he played for 5 minutes

main thing is kobe should just rest tonight and tomorrow in portland since we always lose there anyways
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

I'm curious to see how the offense would run without Kobe in the lineup. Pau and Bynum could really dominate inside if they were #1 and #2.
just like they did today

these dudes are soft and lazy

everyone was getting abused by every nuggets player today

I know everyone is not even trying out there but Odom seemed to have the most mental breakdowns on defense

Sasha needs to be CUT. I think Phil made a a terrible move. No way can they offer him in a trade now. I would take that Chinese player we had last year over him
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