OFFICIAL LA CLIPPERS 2012-2013 SEASON THREAD (Playoffs v. Memphis, Lost 4-2; Offseason thread comin

^^^and Tough Juice. Could have used a couple of those 3s last night in OT, but whatever.
SERIOUSLY CHAUNCEY !?!?!?!?! Out again !!
this really sucks :x

ATCB showing some fight tonight!
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^^^They did, but gave the Spurs all they could handle. We'll see if we can do the same in a couple days.

Anyway, good win tonight. The Hornets always play us tough and tonight was no exception.
I've been saying it for a while now. Billups looks heavy man. He needs to drop some weight. This extra weight is hurting him physically. Hope he is at least 85 percent come playoffs. My gut tells me he will be ready and will perform well for us but HE NEEDS TO COME OFF DA BENCH AND LET WILLY START FROM HERE ON OUT (Hope Vinny is listening)
Welp, we may have lost, but it was still our best showing against a top team in a long, long while.
^^ #countonchris

He now knows what it takes to get us far into the playoffs. And everyone else will follow suit (including VDN)
Tough loss, should of been a foul, but it is what it is. Move on to the next one and just lock up that 3rd seed.
We need this win tonight. Going 0 for Texas (and 1-3) on this trip would not be a good look.
WTF? I'm really stating to question how much this team wants it. Just too many games like this.
Serious question, Do the Clippers hang a pacific division champs banner next season or no.

I'm a laker fan but I'm curious to the perspective on this from clipper fans.

Part of me says yeah they should and disregard the lakers banners and worry about themselves and their own success and see it as a solid accomplishment considering where the clippers once were.

Another part of me thinks it would be silly to hang that banner me to a bunch of championship banners. At the same time though, the kings had nothing but divisional titles hanging up there for the longest as well.

But yeah I'm curious to the opinions on this one from both sides
In my humble opinion we don't hang it at staples. Like it or not you only hang championships. We should hang it at our practice facility.

On another note. Wow just wow. I really don't have excuses anymore. This team while still a good team does not have that spark, that hunger, as much hope as I had I am starting to look at next year. We cannot beat a playoff team to save our lives. We blow out teams one day and suck the next. From almost beating the spurs at home to losing to a Rockets team with no harden. Worse while we know every game counts to keep home court.

Griffin seems to have no energy, Jordan is not consistent, we rely on our bench too much. And I really hate VDN's rotation as soon as a player gets on a roll he rests them. I know we risk injury but if we are down by 2 we should have our stars out there, this is almost playoff basketball with home cout advantage on the line.
No Divisional Title banner at Staples. Every other Staples center resident has an actual championship. Having a division banner hanging there would just highlight that we haven't achieved as much. Hang it in the practice facility.
In my humble opinion we don't hang it at staples. Like it or not you only hang championships. We should hang it at our practice facility.

On another note. Wow just wow. I really don't have excuses anymore. This team while still a good team does not have that spark, that hunger, as much hope as I had I am starting to look at next year. We cannot beat a playoff team to save our lives. We blow out teams one day and suck the next. From almost beating the spurs at home to losing to a Rockets team with no harden. Worse while we know every game counts to keep home court.

Griffin seems to have no energy, Jordan is not consistent, we rely on our bench too much. And I really hate VDN's rotation as soon as a player gets on a roll he rests them. I know we risk injury but if we are down by 2 we should have our stars out there, this is almost playoff basketball with home cout advantage on the line.
Well, it was a back to back game, soo... but stil, no excuses.

Far as DJ goes, I don't understand why he didn't take the off season to work on his game. If he had an offensive game, we wouldn't have to rely so much on Blake and CP3, just throw it in the post and let him cook. I don't care about the lobs he grabs etc., we need a third option and DJ is useless in the post and at the charity strip.
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No Divisional Title banner at Staples. Every other Staples center resident has an actual championship. Having a division banner hanging there would just highlight that we haven't achieved as much. Hang it in the practice facility.

That sounds about right, putting it up in the practice facility. From a clipper fan perspective though I consider it a pretty decent accomplishment because it shows that they've came a long way and finally seem to have some long term structure in place.
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