Top 3 Jay album (production wise), this is pretty much every sound we want Jay to rock on.

Jay trolling w/ the 55 sec joints. Beach is Better had sooooooooooooo much potential :smh:

Does anybody else find it funny that when the lyrics were unlocking everyone was hating, damn near Boooing it. But once the album dropped, everyone starts quoting him?!.

:SN: Why are y'all DL'n the app when the album is on all the blogs, Twitter, Interwebz now :nerd:
Feared the worst before it was released but I should of never doubted Hov,

Kanye sitting somewhere shaking his head right now
Am I the only person feeling "****withmeyouknowigotit"? Beat is HARD, but I just wish he spit more on it, seemed like an interlude almost, but def one of my favorite songs on the album.

And like dude said above the second half of Picasso Baby is CRACK starts at 2:31 during the song, reminds me of young Jay...
I like it, that songs fire and Ross did his thing even though he didnt say a whole lot. Everyones assessment of Picasso baby is spot on
Man all of you galaxy users at lucky as heck. Excited though judging by all of your opinions. Gotta check YouTube for a listen now


There's links all over the internet. Most Samsung users I know are just getting it from the internet, not the app
this mchg app is buggy as hell.I haven't been able to play more that 30 secs of a few tracks. why arent the tracks saved in google music?
Idk why people think iPhone users can't get it, I had the link since like 2 am last night.

All my dudes with the Samsung ******** were like "u don't got it, nahh" the app wasn't working for some of them, I had it before they did. Hating hard. Good looks to dude that have me the link earlier.
Just heard the album, on a bad quality stream and it sounded good. Its a wrap once i'm able to buy it.
Am I the only one that thinks this album is all over the place? My man has no direction anymore. His last few albums, each song starts sounding the same quick. Each verse is about money, being on CNN, paintings or Blue. You can call me a hater but it's true.

As for the album, it's straight. Production is better than the lyrics IMO. Timbaland had me mad hyped for Picasso Baby and that **** put me to sleep. I deleted Rick Ross with the quickness, song is tough though. Tom Ford was cool. Oceans sounds like some boring **** from WTT. Crown hit and I was like :x Son is talking about Miley Cyrus twerking is stupid. For some reason I'm diggin the song with Beyonce, just laid back music. Deleted Versus, waste of time. Beach is Better :x :x :x Jay should do an All Star Remix for that one. Not that there's a lot of All Stars in rap anymore. BBC is awful, sounds like a Blueprint 2 leftover. Towards the end of the album, I had lost interest. I'll play it again later.
We praise Kanye and Pharrell and all their clones for making it ok to be a black nerd. We ought to praise Jay z for making it ok to be a black, American (notice the comma). Jay z spends most of his lyric capital on telling the world that he is a n from the block and every experience that he had made him and he wouldn't trade them for any world.

Be proud to be black, be proud to be from the hood (not in the hood forever). When we make it we don't have to hide the fact that we did whatever it took to get to the top, we snatched that American dream from the clutches of a society that never accepted us, we are making history everyday, we are shaping the future and our culture as much as Cab Calloway and random ****** from the 30's were. Be proud of you, be proud of black, all of it.

Blackness didn't die when the Fist held crack rocks to reach the mountain. Kennedy became President because his irish father knew liquor, that was in his blood, hustle, whatever it took, whatever was around; his family was going to come out of the darkness. Vito Corleone wished for Micheal to be the Governor, in order to get there a few laws would have to be broken, a few risks would have to be taken. We are taking our risks in the hopes our family can have a better life, so we can have a better life.

You lock us out of jobs, keep us poor and uneducated and turn the more successful of us away from each other . What else are we suppose to do? How else can a tree grow in Brooklyn? The  concrete must be broken, the structure of society doesn't agree with the seed, the weight of the world rests on even the smallest of seedlings. Either that tree prays that the world will crack and allow him access to the light, or he can fight through the pavement and take what was granted to him by God, but obstructed by man.

Jay z says 'I am the tree that grew in Brooklyn and through the weight of history I will grow to be a mighty oak, and I will never forget what it was like on the cold hard grown with the pressure of history on my shoulders."

Jay has allowed us to wear a Yankee fitted next to the Mayor of the worlds most important city. Some would say when you make it, throw away your street clothes, Jay allows us to don them with every bit of pride an Irish- American wears his kilt, a German- American drinks his beer, a Mexican American wears his Sombraro. My culture wears Du Rags and white tees, and I'll make you love it.
am I buggin or is nas on the album
He's on BBC yes.
So once we download, we can only listen to it through the app? I dont think it downloads onto the phone's hard disk..booo
Much better album than I thought it'd be... 8)
Already knocked it twice in the Terrain; sounds are lovely.
The more i "listen" to it, the more i feel it.
So far my 3 favorite tracks early on are: Crown, Heaven, Tom Ford
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