Jay-Z Forces RIAA To Change Policy

Old rules were made to be broken. In light of Samsung purchasing a million digital copies of Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail, the RIAA has decided to change their certification policy. In blog post, RIAA Director Liz Kennedy says:

We think it’s time for the RIAA – and Gelfand, Rennert & Feldman – to align our digital song and album certification requirements. That’s why today we are officially updating this rule in our G&P Program requirements. Going forward, sales of albums in digital format will become eligible on the release date, while sales of albums in physical format will still become eligible for certification 30 days after the release date.

This is truly ground breaking. Instead of waiting a month for a gold or platinum certification, an artist can a solicit a Fortune 500 company to buy their album wholesale in one shot. For an artist like Jay-Z, this deal is perfect. He cuts out the middleman and gets paid upfront. Not to mention, no leaks neither. Don’t be surpised to see more deals like this in the future. ******** with rap if you, mutha****as.


damn, guess he's doing this to stop future leaks of albums. this is a big move.

Jay pretends to not care

but changes the rules in his favor

Not like I;m buying the physical cd and the cover/book will bother me.
Will sit on the screen of my phone/iPod just fine as is.

oh, you didn't know?

everyone below 25 is now an art connoisseur because they buy expensive sneakers and have an instagram acct
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Jay-Z gotta be the most polarizing artist ever.

Every album...whether you like or dislike him for whatever reason...he has you talking about him
seen Dream Hampton's personal opinion on twitter about the album and she said its top 3.... she had it RD, TBA, MCHG, I believe....

thats not how I rank his albums personally but if she put it up there then it gotta be legit at the end of the day... cant see it coming out and being on the other end of the catalog

For me, top 3 right now is RD, BP, AG... followed by TBA

Dream is one of Jay's biggest fans and even helped him write the book, I'd take her opinion with a grain of salt
I don't mind the usage of the term holy grail. However, his nickname has always been offensive, and his lyrics on Heaven are too far for me ...

Well see to me, I didn't really care about the term Holy Grail either.

But the thing is, from the "Hova" nickname, to the Hoiy Grail name, to blacking out the religious references in his recent lyrics, to the putting the eye inside of the Roc, certain depictions in his videos, to now dropping an album with this title on a sunday...

I mean, I by no means am a religious fanatic by any stretch. But at what point does it just become blatant disrespect of religion?

If people aren't religious that's fine, no problem with that. However, it appears that as his career as progress, he's making a point to disrespect the religion and that isn't cool at all.

Even though I may be sounding like a YouTube conspiracy theorist right now, :lol: I'm not making any conspiracy theories at all. I have no idea what he's conspiring, if anything. However, my point is he's become increasingly obsessed it seems with overtly disrespecting religion and the faith, and that is wrong.
The same Dream Hampton that said Nas had ghost writers?
Well see to me, I didn't really care about the term Holy Grail either.

But the thing is, from the "Hova" nickname, to the Hoiy Grail name, to blacking out the religious references in his recent lyrics, to the putting the eye inside of the Roc, certain depictions in his videos, to now dropping an album with this title on a sunday...

I mean, I by no means am a religious fanatic by any stretch. But at what point does it just become blatant disrespect of religion?

If people aren't religious that's fine, no problem with that. However, it appears that as his career as progress, he's making a point to disrespect the religion and that isn't cool at all.

Even though I may be sounding like a YouTube conspiracy theorist right now, :lol: I'm not making any conspiracy theories at all. I have no idea what he's conspiring, if anything. However, my point is he's become increasingly obsessed it seems with overtly disrespecting religion and the faith, and that is wrong.

When did Jay-Z ever respect religion?

You can watch Bill Maher disrespect religion a lot more every Friday night.
successful white people are never accused of worshiping satan? anyone from your typical rock start to george bush to them bohemian grove dudes that get dressed up in robes and worship moloch have been called out. I believe bob dylan even admitted to "selling his soul" outright. How is Jay-z gonna use so many symbols and make so many allusions to luciferianism like calling himself hova and then get offended when people put him on the spot? But who really wrote that tho?
^ exactly.

that excerpt up there is nothing more than good talk until an explanation is given for him repeatedly throwing the diamond up and putting his left eye in it.

what was up with the "do what thou wilt" hoody that is clearly connected?

what was up with the heavy symbolism that was in the run this town and on to the next one vids?

there were countless other examples that im not goin into but you get it...

by no stretch of the imagination am i the uber religious-illuminati conspiracy obsessed guy but im gonna call a spade a spade. the connections were made and they stand on SOLID ground. until i see/hear/read something that dispells these connections that stands on grounds that are just as solid, far as im concerened, somethins goin on. all ima say...

idk if those are jays words up there or not, but if they are, i kinda take it as an insult to my/our intelligence...
The Illuminati isn't welcoming a black man in, much less a crack dealing high school drop out who made his money through rap music.

At this point Jay-Z and Kanye just toy with people, because that idea is so laughable to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

For anyone to suggest that shows how little they know about the illuminati.

So you make a couple of hundred million and all of a sudden you're on the same level of people who's families have had wealth for generations deciding the worlds fate. It's just that easy, huh. So it's easier to get in a fraternity or the masons than the illuminati?

Yes, he's probably atheist, but illumanti :lol:
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The Illuminati isn't welcoming a black man in, much less a crack dealing high school drop out who made his money through rap music.

At this point Jay-Z and Kanye just toy with people, because that idea is so laughable to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

For anyone to suggest that shows how little they know about the illuminati.

So you make a couple of hundred million and all of a sudden you're on the same level of people who's families have had wealth for generations deciding the worlds fate. It's just that easy, huh. So it's easier to get in a fraternity or the masons than the illuminati?

Yes, he's probably atheist, but illumanti
But even for those religious types I could see where the issue creeps in, like what puts these dudes in the frame of mind to mock someone's religion?
Its entertainment...controversy sells, jay is the one laughing at everyone cuz his pockets are deeper than mines in china
Well see to me, I didn't really care about the term Holy Grail either.

But the thing is, from the "Hova" nickname, to the Hoiy Grail name, to blacking out the religious references in his recent lyrics, to the putting the eye inside of the Roc, certain depictions in his videos, to now dropping an album with this title on a sunday...

I mean, I by no means am a religious fanatic by any stretch. But at what point does it just become blatant disrespect of religion?

If people aren't religious that's fine, no problem with that. However, it appears that as his career as progress, he's making a point to disrespect the religion and that isn't cool at all.

Even though I may be sounding like a YouTube conspiracy theorist right now, :lol: I'm not making any conspiracy theories at all. I have no idea what he's conspiring, if anything. However, my point is he's become increasingly obsessed it seems with overtly disrespecting religion and the faith, and that is wrong.

All i have to say about this is question of religion doesn't equal disrespect of Religion despite what it being made to be seen that way
The Illuminati isn't welcoming a black man in, much less a crack dealing high school drop out who made his money through rap music.

At this point Jay-Z and Kanye just toy with people, because that idea is so laughable to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

For anyone to suggest that shows how little they know about the illuminati.

So you make a couple of hundred million and all of a sudden you're on the same level of people who's families have had wealth for generations deciding the worlds fate. It's just that easy, huh. So it's easier to get in a fraternity or the masons than the illuminati?

Yes, he's probably atheist, but illumanti
So the illuminati wouldnt let a black man in, you think. It was once believed that the government wouldnt allow a black president. Now you see a rumored ex drug dealer named Hov strutting the halls of the white house with our current black president. What is outside of the realm of possibility here? Fact of the matter is, Jay is on another level as far as networking...and is HUGE business. Its deeper than rap.
:lol: I remember when I was younger I stopped listening to Jay-Z for a while, because our youth pastor showed us some documentary on how he and other rappers supposedly worshipped the devil. In one of his songs Lupe talks about doing that too.

I think Jay and Kanye were raised with a religious context like most black people, and them talking about it isn't meant to be disrespectful but rather their own personal way of trying to figure out and explore their own beliefs. Basically I don't think they're trying to mislead people or piss people off, I think they're just doing it for themselves. People's 'religious/spiritual' identities are constantly being challenged and transformed, it's just that these guys happen to be in the public eye so it's expressed in the things they do. That's how I see it anyways

So the illuminati wouldnt let a black man in, you think. It was once believed that the government wouldnt allow a black president. Now you see a rumored ex drug dealer named Hov strutting the halls of the white house with our current black president. What is outside of the realm of possibility here? Fact of the matter is, Jay is on another level as far as networking...and is HUGE business. Its deeper than rap.
You realize that if Jay-Z is actually in the Illuminati, he would be a low (and I mean LOW) level pawn? Heck, that "current black president" in the White House that people think is so powerful, is clearly a pawn himself.

There are people to whom Jay-Z and Obama hanging out is like two little black kids playing in a sandbox.

Let's be real, if this whole Illuminati thing is true, then we all know that it's about money/power first and foremost. And if we're talking money, a hip hop artist is nowhere to be seen. The family of that Indian kid ItsLavish who's trolling people on IG could probably buy Jay-Z and Beyonce combined.. and he's a nobody in the grandscheme
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