Damn I wish I'd seen the start time earlier. This show was live.

First time seeing Jay-Z solo (seen him with Kanye and JT)

The Timbaland 'intermission' was good too
Going next week on the 19th. Can't wait. This gonna shock some people but this is going to be my first Jay Z concert.

How long does the concert last?
I wish he would have done more songs off the album. This is my third time seeing him and I see he likes doing the same songs from his previous albums; mainly commercial hits. If you've already seen him once I don't think you're missing much if you pass on this tour. He's still the best performer out tho hands down.
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Sure his rants ran a little long. But I bet after I see Magna Carta in a few weeks that it won't come close to being as great as the Yeezus tour.
Sure his rants ran a little long. But I bet after I see Magna Carta in a few weeks that it won't come close to being as great as the Yeezus tour.

At the end of the day champ, nobody wants to hear a 10-30 minute speech from a performer when they are suppose to be performing. So that takes Kanye right out of the equation. Not to mention, who wants to see some black guy walking around on stage in an iron mask as if he's from the medieval era. I know i sure as hell don't.....and neither should you.
Sure his rants ran a little long. But I bet after I see Magna Carta in a few weeks that it won't come close to being as great as the Yeezus tour.

At the end of the day champ, nobody wants to hear a 10-30 minute speech from a performer when they are suppose to be performing. So that takes Kanye right out of the equation. Not to mention, who wants to see some black guy walking around on stage in an iron mask as if he's from the medieval era. I know i sure as hell don't.....and neither should you.

that's the main reason i didn't go. i dont want to hear a rant, at all.
yeezus > magna carter tour. it was just a flat out better show.

the rant wasn't even that long at the LA show i went to. joint was like 5-10 minutes, and it was comedy. ya'll overblow the **** out of it. jay had like a 5-10 minute segment just pointing out people in the audience :lol: so if you guys wanna point out when the artists waste time at shows, you better bring that up too. on top of that, the show was already short. only ran 1.5 hours even with his breaks.

:lol: at bringing the mask as if thats a deciding factor to see a show. ya'll nitpick the **** out of things to push your agenda.
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at bringing the mask as if thats a deciding factor to see a show. ya'll nitpick the **** out of things to push your agenda.
The mask is very much a deciding factor champ.  For all we know, Kanye can be having someone else, an impostor perform as him while he's backstage chilling or worse yet not even in the arena at all.  It's sad to say, but we simply can't overlook this possibility.  We have to ask these questions, and if you don't want to then I certainly will champ.  If that is the case, I find it to be rather deplorable that Kanye could be using this tactic to get over on fans.  I want Kanye to be who he is and to not be afraid, too many black men walking around nowadays being scared for whatever reason, hiding behind masks both literally and figuratively.  Take off the mask Kanye............unless you have something to hide that is 
Hova always points out people in the crowd. It's what he does. Audience interaction. In SA he pointed out a kid in the front row, asked what his favorite song was, got the band to play that instrumental and rapped along with the kid. Really cool moment.

And I'm fine with 1.5 hours of just Hov. I don't even see what's wrong with that. Especially when he puts on a great performance and goes through older material.

Idk why y'all bash the Hov concert like it's trash though :smh
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