Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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That would've been ******* epic :lol:
that is something the producers REALLY should be getting killed for more than a starbucks cup
She's basically saying I needed to be raped to grow up and see what the real world is like.

Writers are really saying through her is that she needed to be raped to be an interesting character at all.
staying out of this thread...cause i know one of these weird *** *****s are going to drop spoilers if leaks really are out there
Bruh, if someone posts the spoilers in here it will be so obvious.

Cuz there's parts of that spoiler no one would guess :lol:
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Mature is the key word there for dragons, Idk why ppl are surprised Rhaegal went down from the scorpion, Dany's dragons were always overhyped, they weren't near the age of Aegon's dragons when he conquered Westeros. Dragons get bigger/scales tougher the more they age, Balerion was around 200 yrs old thats why he was so strong, you'd have to pretty much only shoot his wings as his scales would be too tough to penetrate from the scorpions
Belerion was 200 when he died which was about 100 years after Aegon's conquest. That would still make Rhaegal younger, but they mention plenty of times that her dragons are fully grown. These dragons ain't slow either So it still makes no sense how they hit him twice
The show is so lazily written that we aren’t supposed to question the stupidity. One decent starter episode two fire ones and a cliff dive into mediocrity.
So basically the show built up the Night King to be the biggest threat. He should have easily won in winterfell.. no question about that.

Then after killing Jon and all them he goes to KL with his dragon that easily killed the other two dragons, and he kills Cersei easily because they don’t have a weapon that can kill dragons because they load slow and turn slow.

Yea that sounds a lot better. These writers are terrible. :smh:
So basically the show built up the Night King to be the biggest threat. He should have easily won in winterfell.. no question about that.

Then after killing Jon and all them he goes to KL with his dragon that easily killed the other two dragons, and he kills Cersei easily because they don’t have a weapon that can kill dragons because they load slow and turn slow.

Yea that sounds a lot better. These writers are terrible. :smh:
I think many people take issue with how poorly Jon & Co. handled certain situations, not necessarily that the NK was supposed to win and kill everyone. There was no real attempt made by the writers to have the Winterfell force make logical defensive decisions (e.g. putting the war machines BEHIND the infantry rather than in front, and not sending the Dothraki out into a sea of undead on their own). I do think there were ways they could have mounted a better defense while having more realistic outcomes in terms of how the deaths (or lack thereof) were handled. Why show us Brienne getting trampled and mobbed by four wights at once only to show her being absolutely fine in the next frame? There have been a lot of decisions that haven't made sense, and many of them haven't even had anything to do with the NK as of Episode 4.
Oh i agree 100%. Just let the wights kill off the infantry.. then all the Dothraki it’s better that way. Then the unsullied go down because it’s simply to much wights. Then Brienne gets trampled boom she’s gone. Jamie’s right beside her but he gets trampled to and now he’s dead. That’s how it should have went. Just because they were nice doesn’t mean they can fight off a million wights.
Oh i agree 100%. Just let the wights kill off the infantry.. then all the Dothraki it’s better that way. Then the unsullied go down because it’s simply to much wights. Then Brienne gets trampled boom she’s gone. Jamie’s right beside her but he gets trampled to and now he’s dead. That’s how it should have went. Just because they were nice doesn’t mean they can fight off a million wights.
Exactly how I felt - which really just made me feel that D&D wrote themselves into a corner that they had to bail themselves out of. I understand not wanting to kill Jamie or Brienne in that moment, but that means that you need to actually structure the battle different. Throw the flaming trenches actually in front of the infantry to break the wave of wights, keep the cavalry on the flank to conduct quick attacks as the wave breaks on the trenches, and steadily rain catapults, arrows and dragonfire to hinder momentum. Throw the Unsullied in front of the rest of the infantry so that their shields can at least attempt to break the weakened wave of walkers, which allows Jamie, Brienne, Tormund etc. to actually be useful and not get hit with a legitimate tsunami of wights. There were definitely other ways to conduct that battle scene without compromising the battle intelligence that these experienced war veterans are supposed to have in spades.
This season is better than season 6 (besides the last 2 episodes maybe)

People saying this show is on Westworld and TWD levels are trippin
This season is better than season 6 (besides the last 2 episodes maybe)

People saying this show is on Westworld and TWD levels are trippin

I agree. Besides Battle Of The Bastards and the finale season 6 was a struggle to get through.

Westworld and Walking Dead being mentioned with this is an insult to GOT but I’m sure that’s the intent in this thread. Somehow the whole series is now bad because of one season that isn’t even over yet
They had a bunch of hawkeyes operating the scorpions when they were aiming at rhaegal. Then couldn’t hit drogon once.
Wouldn’t be surprised if she executed Varys next episode

I never got that angle any way’s War it’s going to be casualties
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