Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Calling him Conan :lol: .
Word. I really think people are spoiling the show for themselves by interjecting book material that isn't in the show. Like this and the Valenqor prophecy.
Yea I'll admit it took me awhile to not do that...

it's kinda like the people mad about gendry saying rivers right now. it's just really silly to be mad about that when the show has only went over 4 surnames anyway. on top of bastards that aren't claimed by highborn men don't get surnames anyway. so it really dont matter
Word. I really think people are spoiling the show for themselves by interjecting book material that isn't in the show. Like this and the Valenqor prophecy.

Yeah, it’s kinda weird. I was watching talk of thrones with my bro and they were asked a twitter question about the golden company then went and talked about how young griff might be on the show and it’s possible jon will ditch longclaw to hold the blackfyre sword. I’m like there is 0% chance they’d do any of that.
1. Jaime and Brienne sleeping with each other was forced, and they had zero chemistry. The whole Brienne virginity thing was stupid and pointless. It served nothing to the plot.

2. Jaime turning his back on Brienne to go be with Cersei. This completely contradicts Jaime's entire character arch; he was trying to be a better person, and then out of nowhere changes his mind.

3. Gendry becoming the lord of some place I don't remember. What does this have to do with the plot?! Nothing.

4. Gendry confessing he loves Arya in like a day after sex. What...?

5. The feast in the beginning was nice, but got stale really quick. I get that the characters need time to cool down. However, the drinking game and the Tormund stuff was just unnecessary. However, I see the usefulness in Tormund championing Jon in front of Daenerys to try and get her jealous; somehow though, it feels just slightly childish.

6. How did Jaime manage to survive the battle with no scars or scratches to his face? He had one hand, and got piled on top of by white walkers. He came out relatively unscathed.

7. I'm still not a fan of the Hound being back. I think he should have stayed dead in season 4. Everything with him this episode was just meh and didn't help the main story at all. The only reason he is back is to battle the Mountain just for fan service ********, even if it doesn't make sense.

8. Jon not talking to the dire wolf. Why wouldn't you...? Those things are like the dragons to the Targaryens. Doesn't make sense.

9. Euryon's fleet randomly ambushing Daenerys and her army. Wtf even happened? How did all those bolts manage to be aimed so precisely and reloaded so quickly? Where the **** did he even come from? Next thing I know a dragon is dead and it doesn't feel earned story wise. It just feels random for the sake of being random.

10. How did Dany and her army teleport to the front of the gates to talk to Cersei after they had just been waterboarded and ambushed? Why doesn't Cersei just kill them all right there? Also, how did Missandei get captured so quickly? This is a pacing issue I know; it's a perfect example of them rushing the show. They have all these plot points that they need to reach and instead of gradually reaching them, they just rush it all to ****.

11. Bronn teleporting to The North and then disappearing. Speaking of which, Bronn's character doesn't make much sense anymore. Bronn and Tyrion were friends; Bronn is selfish in a lot of ways, but he doesn't hate Tyrion, like he apparently now does in this episode. If you don't believe me, go watch the episode in season 4 where Tyrion asks Bronn to be his champion.

12. Cersei hired Bronn to kill Tyrion, yet when given the chance to kill Tyrion herself, she doesn't do it. Don't say that the reason she didn't do that was because she didn't want to start a war on the spot; she easily killed Missandei to no immediate consequence.

13. Why didn't Missandei just grab Cersei and jump off the cliff killing both of them? She was gonna die anyways. Whatever.

14. Tyrion still thinking that Cersei isn't an evil *****. She is a ******* evil *****, and of all people, he should know this! The writers are making Tyrion dumb just to push their contrived plot forward for ****sake!

15. Sansa being a dumb ***** and going against Jon by telling Tyrion. Sansa has turned into a dumb ***** these past couple of seasons. She doesn't even have the respect to trust and honour Jon after he has saved her a million times.

On differing with D&D: "It can also be... traumatic. Because sometimes their creative vision and your creative vision don't match, and you get the famous creative differences thing — that leads to a lot of conflict."


On Executives having a say: "You get totally extraneous things like the studio or the network weighing in, and they have some particular thing that has nothing to do with story, but relates to 'Well this character has a very high Q Rating so let's give him a lot more stuff to do."

So a lot of this wack **** is not just because they don’t know how the story goes, but it’s because they’re deliberately going against what GRRM wants to do.

Makes perfect sense. I think we could all tell this is what was happening by watching.

Like I said, I'm still holding out hope for the books and appreciating the rest of this season for what it is, expensive fan fiction.

hand2handking hand2handking

1. Jaime and Brienne's love for each other has been teased since season 2, doesn't mean they'd have sexual chemistry. It was clearly put in there to tie up a loose end that's gone on for several seasons.
2. Jaime knows he's just as rotten as Cersei deep down and doesn't deserve a happy ending, that's why he had to remind Brienne of all the dirt he did before he left.
3. That's a power move so there is no further competition to her and the throne and she earns Gendry's loyalty for the solid she just did him. You saw Sansa's reaction to it, she was on to her
4. Another thing that was built up in previous seasons, Arya had a crush on Gendry forever and he liked her too just she was too young back then.

Everything else is legit, clearly trying to speed things up because they're out of time
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