Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Last night episode was okay.

I was clicking around on something and I saw the damn clip of mountain killing the girl and it ruined it for me :smh:

Supposedly the ending of the show leaked too so be careful on social media.

Okay... first thing is first.


What a piece of scum she is. Never liked her clueless *** from jump but she's cementing it now.

I don't understand what her beef with Dany is.

I wasn't the biggest Dany fan but facts she is the one that saved all of them. I now hope she does go crazy burn and kill all those ****ers with Cersei and to cap it off... fly back to winterfell to kill that dumb ****t Sansa herself.

You really think they would show more gratitude towards her after she put aside the throne to help them... and they turn on her. I hope Sansa gets killed in the worse way possible. I'm the biggest Ramsay fan now for breaking the red devil witch.

You would think it would be better to stand behind Dany because she is a better leader than Cersei and deal with it after.

I know Jon getting killed because they are foreshadowing it like crazy and he wouldn't fit as the king he's too good and noble like Ned and you need to be cutthroat as the king.

Tbh Dany and her armies were practically useless in the Battle of Winterfell, if anything they added more dead bodies to the NKs army, Arya saved everyone and Beric and the Hound saved her, they were not aided in any way through the battle by anyone related to yeah, with or without Dany, the NK could have been taken out.
@netw3rk made a point that I think sums up this season for me: he doesn’t like that it seems like the writing has turned into characters behaving completely out of character and stupidly because they’re racing towards an ending and the show needs them to be in a specific situation regardless of how they cut corners to get there.

The example he gave was Tyrion, the smartest dude in the realm, acting like a complete idiot for a season+ for the sole purpose of nerfing Dany’s troops because they could have taken king’s Landing in a day as they were and creating political intrigue.

Tyrion as he’s written in the books and the first 5 seasons of this show would have never made the mistake of underestimating his sister or even telling Varys R+L=J because he knows what those two are like and how they’d respond. He also wouldn’t suggest Dany and the unsullied sail to dragon stone cuz he’d seen what the iron fleet did last season.

But for the purposes of weakening Dany and driving her crazy they need him to do these things to get us to the episode 8 intrigue of a weakened Dany facing off vs the north.

That’s before we even talk about the meaningless out of character fan service of things like Jamie and Brienne when you’re gonna reverse course 5 mins later and make it mean nothing.
Tbh Dany and her armies were practically useless in the Battle of Winterfell, if anything they added more dead bodies to the NKs army, Arya saved everyone and Beric and the Hound saved her, they were not aided in any way through the battle by anyone related to yeah, with or without Dany, the NK could have been taken out.

Dany’s dragons killed more of the dead and bought them more time than any of the living. Without her the night king just nukes winterfell.
When a wolf breathes fire and flies then it will be important...until then it's a glorified hunting dog.

Lmaoooo what type of BS analogy is this? Starks sigil is a Wolf! Since the very first episode each Stark kid was tied to a dire wolf, in the first seasons they were even more important that the Dragons and the show always played on this connection between the Starks and their wolves, but this season Jon was legit turned into a simping *******, that now shares more of a connection with a dragon he JUST rode for the first time 2 episodes ago, than with the direwolf that has been riding for him FOR years, he also now that he knows he’s a targ, he’s all on some “I was never a Stark anyways....” steez. I legit hate what the writers are doing with jons character this late in the game...only character I bang with now is Arya, I. Dont know if ya noticed but that scene where Dany was going off on sansa, I felt the tension in aryas face and she’s such a G, that at that moment I thought she might just end
logically it makes sense, but television wise where would they go for two more episodes if Cersei did that?

Not my problem.

The writing is nonsensical at this point.

She just tried to kill Dany right before that but let’s her walk away when she has a clear upper hand?

These dudes just saying **** it at this point.
She has an anti-Dany agenda. We knew she wasn't going to keep her mouth shut after finding out that the dude she thought was her half-brother is actually her cousin who has a better claim to the throne than the ***** she's been cat fighting with all season.

she been cat fighting jon his whole damn life thou.. like her mother..

i mean we aint that far removed from sansa giving jon those dirty looks and saying smarta*** shhh to undermine him

she been cat fighting jon his whole damn life thou.. like her mother..

i mean we aint that far removed from sansa giving jon those dirty looks and saying smarta*** shhh to undermine him


Smartest person in all of westeros. She is LF, Varys, and Tyrion fused into one like Smart Hulk
@netw3rk made a point that I think sums up this season for me: he doesn’t like that it seems like the writing has turned into characters behaving completely out of character and stupidly because they’re racing towards an ending and the show needs them to be in a specific situation regardless of how they cut corners to get there.

The example he gave was Tyrion, the smartest dude in the realm, acting like a complete idiot for a season+ for the sole purpose of nerfing Dany’s troops because they could have taken king’s Landing in a day as they were and creating political intrigue.

Tyrion as he’s written in the books and the first 5 seasons of this show would have never made the mistake of underestimating his sister or even telling Varys R+L=J because he knows what those two are like and how they’d respond. He also wouldn’t suggest Dany and the unsullied sail to dragon stone cuz he’d seen what the iron fleet did last season.

But for the purposes of weakening Dany and driving her crazy they need him to do these things to get us to the episode 8 intrigue of a weakened Dany facing off vs the north.

That’s before we even talk about the meaningless out of character fan service of things like Jamie and Brienne when you’re gonna reverse course 5 mins later and make it mean nothing.
1000% agree with this, as painful as it is to admit.

But again, it speaks to my point that the writers ran out of steam when the text ran out, and they're now trying to close out this story in six episodes.

A full season would have given them the time to really grow the characters and relationships to the point where we'd believe these interactions a bit more, but I feel like Benioff and Weiss are kind of done trying to tell this story, and want to get this over with so they can deal with their Star Wars trilogy.

It's a shame, but I don't really have expectations because I expected this going in. I'll keep my fingers crossed that George eventually finishes the books, because I can't take this as the absolute ending to this story that George would have told.
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