Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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First Melisandra. Now this. I can’t deal

We ain't seeing no tatas this final season

If H2HK comes in here talking about how the POC in this show are as disposable as the CGI characters.....I'm gonna have to agree with him, sorry :lol:
I can’t be mad at anyone who has complaints about this season. The writing has been kind of all over the place, mainly with the character interactions. I guess this is what we were looking forward to, but I feel like they needed some more time to flesh out some of these relationships a bit more. I get it, they’re working with 6 episodes, but man the tone be shifting crazy lately. I guess it’s a feat that they were able to shift gears from the Night’s King to another dialogue heavy episode, but it’s clear that they could have used a full 10 episode season.

Part of me thinks they didn’t want to or have enough material to fill 10 episodes without the writing feeling even more out there.

First half of the episode had me worried about the overall direction and the ending of the show, but things picked up with Missandei’s death.

Jamie/Brienne felt rushed, I still don’t feel the connection between Sansa and Theon (maybe I’m in the minority), the Bronn moment felt like too much of a shift and not really what I expected at all (was he just rolling through with Joffrey’s crossbow and no one stopped him?).

It wasn’t a bad episode by any means, but it’s clear this isn’t the same story we got earlier on. The more I watch the more I think this is going to be a far cry from how the books progress and end.
What happened to the OG writers? Not enough money? Disagreement?
As far as I understand it, the writers didn’t change. It’s still the same stable doing the writing, but they’re not just copy+pasting anymore and you can tell. I’m starting to think the books will have a much different ending, but we still have two episodes left.
I’m tired of folks disrespecting one of the two greatest dramas that has ever graced television.

The Sopranos ended masterfully. The symbolism & foreshadowing done throughout the show’s entirety led to that wonderfully edited last scene. and that’s that.

I actually had similar opinions of the last season of the Sopranos that I'm having now with GoT.

But when I eventually went and did my rewatch of Sopranos, goddamn that last season was brilliant. I hope the same thing happens when I eventually rewatch GoT. Hope it flows better than it feels like now.
They had two years to get this right and the show's just not the same as the first 5 seasons.

- Gendry just falls in love with Arya after 1 smash? Seems like forced romantic drama seen on corny shows, doesn't belong on GoT
- Dany takes that weak as squad to negotiate with Cersei? Arguably the show's most evil character and we're supposed to sit through a scene with some semblance of hope that she will surrender the Throne?
- Bran ain't even mysterious no more. He's legit just a useless creep
- (From last episode) So all the most important characters survive the most dreaded battle ever? Jora dying don't mean ****, the dude is a side simp character. If it was any other show it'd make sense, but what made GoT great was the fact characters died because it made sense in that storyline, not because they're the least important characters.

None of this season feels like the seasons that followed the books smh
But when I eventually went and did my rewatch of Sopranos, goddamn that last season was brilliant. I hope the same thing happens when I eventually rewatch GoT. Hope it flows better than it feels like now.

Nah.. my girl been rewatching the whole series prior to this, so I'd catch pieces.. nah these dudes fell off lost style

Watch the strategy that goes into say the battle for the wall vs what happened last week
agree with everything in here, they made this dude Captain Marvel levels overpowered at the expense of Tyrion and Varys intelligence. Also the Sansa being right when she suggested they wait isn't being talked about enough. Made no sense for the writers to put that in the show yet let Dany march right on into an ambush

Urine is definitely the worst character on the show. Nothing interesting or redeeming about him. He's the creepy drunk at the club trying to hit on every girl he sees.

They've forced him down our throats but he has no depth or set-up, unlike Ramsay or Joffrey.

Truly the worst.
It seems like in order for the heroes to win, they have to suffer first. And that suffering is usually brought on by poor decision making. Which, if your characters aren't complete idiots, they should be smart enough to make better choices especially over time as they learn more about warfare and strategy. Tywin would have wiped the floor with Dany and Jon immediately.
You can tell by the fan reaction and hot takes that there's a huge portion of people who just started watching the show.

Part of me thinks a lot of the complaints about the last episode came from a lot of new viewers.

No shots at anyone who's been watching the show and didn't enjoy The Battle of Winterfell. I can see why people didn't like it. But if you look at everything contextually, you had to know that the show wouldn't be nearly as good trying to close out a story that doesn't have an ending when they've been following along with George since episode one.
It seems like in order for the heroes to win, they have to suffer first. And that suffering is usually brought on by poor decision making. Which, if your characters aren't complete idiots, they should be smart enough to make better choices especially over time as they learn more about warfare and strategy. Tywin would have wiped the floor with Dany and Jon immediately.

Tywin got killed on the ***tter. By his own son.
we didn't see any war Tywin won all series, they literally just cut to him riding in saying "we won" after Blackwater. So I don't get the praise for Tywin as a strategist either, Robb outsmarted him and took Jaime after sacrificing Riverrun didn't he?
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