Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Show creators also cut out a lot of characters and plots, so I understand why they want shortened seasons. As much as I love the show, I don't necessarily see the shortened seasons as a bad thing. We've gotten a lot of material and seasons out of these books. I rather the show end on a high note than overstay it's welcome. Mah*****s be like "I want more episodes" then during the season, "yo this show is boring, too much filler". Well now they're trimming some of the fat. Are you not entertained?
ideally I would like for it to go on forever but if they feel like this the best way to come to a conclusion
Whatever the case may be, who's the next big surprise death?

Here go my odds:
Sansa - 68%
Daenerys - 10%
Arya - 15%
Jamie - 70%
Tyrion - 10%
Jon - 0%
Cersi - 100%
I can def see Jaime catching the fade as he tries to off the end it'll still be Tyrion who will kill her.
If they really wanna do a surprise death, kill Sam.

Although after Hodor that might be a bit much.

How you got Dany at 10% but Jon at zero? :lol: How many of yall really believe this ends happily for him?

Show creators also cut out a lot of characters and plots, so I understand why they want shortened seasons. As much as I love the show, I don't necessarily see the shortened seasons as a bad thing. We've gotten a lot of material and seasons out of these books. I rather the show end on a high note than overstay it's welcome. Mah*****s be like "I want more episodes" then during the season, "yo this show is boring, too much filler". Well now they're trimming some of the fat. Are you not entertained?
It's doesn't mean it's bad even if it is filler.

Fill it with killing and sex. Mostly badassery and humor and you will get no complaints from me.
I don't think cersei dying would be a surprise death. Most wouldn't be a surprise since a new war is about to start up and the story is ending. I know the sand snakes and their scumbag mama need to die.
lol no way Jon dies again
I mean if they wanted, for story reasons they could be like Jon's sole purpose for coming back from the dead was to defeat the ice zombies.

Show runners been going so hard on the old ways being changed and women ruling it could end with Dany in charge as she intended.
Jon dies last episode of the series

Cersei won't make it through this next season's no narrative for her to be alive during the battle with the white walkers
I don't think Jon will die again. I feel like it's going to something where they defeat the white walkers and he has a chance to be a ruler or general or something, says no and just goes off on his own. Goes off to live like a wildling.
I thought it was a foregone conclusion that Jon would die in the end. Im surprised anyone thought otherwise.
People think every character will die but I doubt it. A few gonna survive and retire to the free cities. Someone gonna channel a spirit bomb like goku and try to blast the night king with it.
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