Official FUTURE A1/FBG Thread

Xans make you talk like future at the beginning of Jumpman
I really don't see the appeal of xans. It's one of the most dangerous prescription drugs by far and my experience with it was horrid.

I'd never take that crap recreationally.
The fact ****** really mix lean and xans shows just how ******ed and sheepish ppl can be.

If crack came out in the 21st century I'm sure ****** would be rapping about doing that too.
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Yeah people been mixing stuff for years (speed balls etc) but these hyper concentrated medicines are scary cuz it's so easy to get em. Like some of that **** just chillin in your grandmas medicine cabinet.
Yeah people been mixing stuff for years (speed balls etc) but these hyper concentrated medicines are scary cuz it's so easy to get em. Like some of that **** just chillin in your grandmas medicine cabinet.
I just looked up speed balls 
 That sounds insanely dangerous.

I think a lot of people also underestimate the dangers because they're legal (with a prescription) and regularly prescribed.

Most people probably don't know that Xanax withdrawal can be lethal. As in you can literally just die from withdrawal if you don't taper down slowly.

The only other drug I know that can do that is alcohol and it takes a lot more abuse to be severely physically addicted to alcohol than xanax.
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Man i cant really judge dude whether he uses drugs alot or not.  Everyone reacts different.  Some people can do it and function just fine while some will be strung out really bad.  I know people who are on both sides.

Plus, in reference to the drugs and taking care of his kids, whats the difference between what he does and parents who drink alcohol?  Just that one is legal and one isnt?  Alcohol kills more people and ruins more families/lives than all that other stuff combined.  

Bruh been rappin about drugs since he came out lol.  Ciara obviously didnt have a problem with his usage when she got with him and allowed him to impregnate her, but now all of a sudden its an issue??  Please 

If dude is functioning and handling his business, let him rock.  Plus as stated earlier, i doubt he is on it as heavy as its made out to be.  Rap is about exaggeration, and no rapper is immune to it.
At the end of the day we don't know how much he uses.

He was loaded on Radical tho. Thats for sure.
Nah man, you got to observe and evaluate what's around you. i see this stuff everyday on the internet and in my immediate circle. it has definitely impacted my interactions and relations with women. A whole lot, as a matter of fact.

BUT, back to the music. Alot of cats frontin' like "What a Time to Be Alive" ain't fire. The only weak tracks are "Big Rings" & "I'm the Plug". The other tracks are above average and straight crazy especially with Sonny Digital, Metro & Southside on production... Y'all be fronting' like a mug'..

But you don't like big rings and I'm the plug?
I'm the plug is flames.

Big Rings is ok, except the hook. Drakes voice sounds extra annoying on there, and the hook isn't creative at all. Future killed his verse on Big Rings though.
Drake ruins Big Rings for me, I can't stand the song cause I have to stomach through his verse first.

Drakes monologue at the end of Diamonds Dancin' kills me too. And idk why but Drake using the term "friends" on Change Locations hits my ears wrong. It's been many moons since I referred to one of my homeboys as my friend. Might just be a personal thing tho
Even though I like Change Locations Drake does sound like a suburban white girl saying "Me and my friends, me and my friends".
Drake ruins Big Rings for me, I can't stand the song cause I have to stomach through his verse first.

Drakes monologue at the end of Diamonds Dancin' kills me too. And idk why but Drake using the term "friends" on Change Locations hits my ears wrong. It's been many moons since I referred to one of my homeboys as my friend. Might just be a personal thing tho

We are the same person :lol:.

When he saids "me and my friends".....I just picture a bunch of Bambi like deer running though a sparkly mystical forest, with birds singing ever so lightly.

Change location goes in though.
That's what I'm saying man, how we gonna call it a 5peat and put that up there with those classics and dudes picking it apart. Only song we removing from the other 4 projects is Wesley Presley and some say serve the bass... 2 out of idk how many songs. The we keeping 5 out of 11.
That's what I'm saying man, how we gonna call it a 5peat and put that up there with those classics and dudes picking it apart. Only song we removing from the other 4 projects is Wesley Presley and some say serve the bass... 2 out of idk how many songs. The we keeping 5 out of 11.

I like 9.5/11 songs on there. Still bump them to this day. Good tape to me.

Well the only project that ain't unanimous. Clearly the weakest out of the 5. Can't be putting a good tape up there with masterpieces, thick line between good and great.
That's what I'm saying man, how we gonna call it a 5peat and put that up there with those classics and dudes picking it apart. Only song we removing from the other 4 projects is Wesley Presley and some say serve the bass... 2 out of idk how many songs. The we keeping 5 out of 11.
Drake tainted two songs, their bearable but there def tainted. Only song that is a complete throwaway is 30 for 30 unless you run out of Zzzquil
Drake tainted two songs, their bearable but there def tainted. Only song that is a complete throwaway is 30 for 30 unless you run out of Zzzquil
U ain't gotta tell me b. Only time I listen to anything off that tape is when I comes on my shuffle. Joint came and went, 56 nights is my go to when I need to ride out.
Drake tainted two songs, their bearable but there def tainted. Only song that is a complete throwaway is 30 for 30 unless you run out of Zzzquil
U ain't gotta tell me b. Only time I listen to anything off that tape is when I comes on my shuffle. Joint came and went, 56 nights is my go to when I need to ride out.

I dig most of the songs on WATTBA, but comparing that tape to DS2 and the other 3 tapes is like adding Rudy Gay or Josh Smith to prime Kobe, Jordan, Tim Duncan, and Iverson. Tape is cool but was a clear cash grab for both sides.
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