[| -- Official Fabolous Loso's Way Album Discussion Thread: New Date Drops July 28th -- |]

I was wondering if there's a full version of What It Look Like out there
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

I would love to hear a reason why Relapse is better than this album, rather than just saying it just to say it. I mean really dude sings about wanting to %$%* other Pop stars who arent even big names anymore, getting raped which more than likely didnt happen since hes been out forever now and never talked about it. And lets not forget he wants to crack a bottle and let his body waddle. %@$ is that +#@@?

Album is garbage but if you Stan's would like to come in and give me a reason why Relapse surpasses this. Other than a numbers debate, because eminems numbers are inflated by casual rap fans who feel like it is cool to buy the latest Eminem CD.

And im still waiting on those 3rd and 4th week sales numbers since dude before said he had soundscan numbers to show. Hell even show me 2nd week since its pretty common for Shady/Aftermath's Big artists to get 1st week sales boosts from the label so that they seem like the album is better than it actually is. I could see if Detox is ever released them buying 500,000 just so it doesnt look like a flop.

Better beats (Dre kills it
).....Better Lyrics and Wordplay..... BetterStories (Deja Vu, Beautiful, 3 a.m.).... Its Just a better album

At you are out your rabbit %+@ mind if you dont think detox with sell a mill first week, its been the most anticipated album the last 5 years. AndShady/Aftermath is not Def Jam.
All the Loso's haters STOP IT..You damn well know yall will bumping this Album for next few weeks or months, in all honesty this is a complete album iliterally can go through the entire CD and listen to every song, so stop trying to knock it like its trash..And those relapse comments, I haven't heard thealbum yet so i really cant judge. But most ppl just riding the Relapse wave "just cause"..I know it's eminem but i highly doubt it its betterthen LOSO'S WAY..of course it's gonna sell more number then Fab but Eminem has 1 of the biggest fan base in hip hop period.

Either way Loso's Way get two thumbs up..Fab completely delivered this time around
I feel like the album is mostly radio type songs, not the kinda Fab that I appreciate. But I can see how a lot of people are feeling this album more then hisothers.
Aside from the intro and pachanga i really cant get into it, but i can see why people like it though
Lmao @ "church fan", i just had to go all out and get it signed tho. =) Loso's Way and Real Talk im happy lol
Loso's Way--lets go for 100k+ first week....?
Is there going to be a separate dvd coming out? i thought "My Time" was the trailer for the movie? Seems like a ton of stuff was left out based offthat music video plus the movie seemed like it ended without a conclusion.
Originally Posted by Mag1c12783

Is there going to be a separate dvd coming out? i thought "My Time" was the trailer for the movie? Seems like a ton of stuff was left out based off that music video plus the movie seemed like it ended without a conclusion.

Same thing I thought. Like it was rushed a bit.
I'm still bumpin' the album & the movie was entertaining, I'm not complaining.
@ 106 playing "My Time" as the New Joint today AFTER the Keri joint was premiered earlier this week.
Originally Posted by jmause3

Aside from the intro and pachanga i really cant get into it, but i can see why people like it though
pretty much my opinion

i think he should of went in more on that feel like im back beat
Just off watching the My Time vid there has to be a full length Loso's Way DVD dropping. Is it me or is Def Jam setting these rappers up? All these vids& low album sales has to put them in the hole right?
After reading Fab twitter and listened to the fabolous life again. That second verse went over the head he spazzed unknowingly
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