Official Cowboys VS. Giants Post....

This can go back and forth back and forth, point is Eli led his team to victory while Romo folded.

Nobody should have blown out anybody.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne
This pic is EPIC.
Originally Posted by MPire

Blame Owens. Romo was trying to force the ball to him to keep him happy, hence the 3 picks.

co-sign....can't wait for the espn coverage of this debacle. I expect an Ed Werder report on Owens faults by tomorrow.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

God damn Cowboy fans are dumb.

Meanwhile you're walking away from this thinking you're definitively a better football team.

Romo blew it. Again. But the Cowboys were sitting there with the lead after 58 minutes of football and 4 turnovers on tap... *shrugs* Whatever.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

This can go back and forth back and forth, point is Eli led his team to victory while Romo folded.

Nobody should have blown out anybody.
Im with you on that. Eli and his WR's made the plays, Tony and the DB's didn't. This is why we lost.

And you are correct about the blow out thing, nobody should have been blown out. Do you know why Jacobs didn't play that much in the second half?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

God damn Cowboy fans are dumb.

Meanwhile you're walking away from this thinking you're definitively a better football team.
In what area are the Cowboys better than the Giants? Do tell...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Tony Romo throws for 150 yards they were supposed to blow the Giants out? It's actually the other way around...

If the Giants weren't so inept in the "green"zone, the Cowboys wouldn't have had a chance.
So we're supposed to chalk up the Cowboys' shortcomings in today's game to the Giants making plays and the Giants inability to convert in the red zone to them simply not getting the job done... OK.

If Tony Romo plays even an average football game, the outcome of this game isn't remotely the same. None of his picks were even the result of the Giants making great plays... He basically handed them two picks.. The Cowboys ran for 250 god damn yards... Tony Romo gave the game away. Period.
Your logic is pretty awesome. You wanna go that route of ifs and buts? If the Giants score a TD each time they're in the redzone instead ofattempting 4 FGs, the game isn't even close. That's not how the game played out and Tony Romo is still your QB. Good luck.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

God damn Cowboy fans are dumb.

Meanwhile you're walking away from this thinking you're definitively a better football team.
In what area are the Cowboys better than the Giants? Do tell...
Easy... Cowboys Stadium > ________.

Originally Posted by ddot7

If the Giants score a TD each time they're in the redzone instead of attempting 4 FGs, the game isn't even close.
The Giants couldn't convert in the red zone last week either...

I know, Tony Romo has choked before yada yada yada... He gave the game away tonight. No excuses, he played like !#%%.

But if you're walking away from this with the assertion that the New York Giants are significantly better than the Dallas Cowboys, I don't know what totell you. I don't agree. At all.

It's whatever. I'm coming off working 32 hours outta 36 and still more to go. I'm not getting into some back and forth thing on my iPhone...
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

when romo threw that interception that hit wittens foot in the 2nd quarter with 81 seconds left to go in the half, i knew there was some kind of bad omen on the way
are you serious? pic?
Originally Posted by MPire

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

when romo threw that interception that hit wittens foot in the 2nd quarter with 81 seconds left to go in the half, i knew there was some kind of bad omen on the way
are you serious? pic?

no pics, but after they ruled it was an incomplete pass, al michaels mentioned that there were 81 seconds left and that the play was dead but would most likelyresult in an interception
[table][tr][td]2nd-10, DAL24[/td] [td]1:21[/td] [td]K. Phillips intercepted T. Romo for no gain[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by ddot7

If the Giants score a TD each time they're in the redzone instead of attempting 4 FGs, the game isn't even close.
The Giants couldn't convert in the red zone last week either...

I know, Tony Romo has choked before yada yada yada... He gave the game away tonight. No excuses, he played like #%#+.

But if you're walking away from this with the assertion that the New York Giants are significantly better than the Dallas Cowboys, I don't know what to tell you. I don't agree. At all.
Personally, I just like Ws. The Cowboys, in all likelihood, will have Tony Romo as their QB for the remainder of the season. I feel moreconfident that the Giants can turn around their redzone woes that somehow, someway, Tony Romo will no longer be a choke artist.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm still shocked you watched this game Nowitness.
I downed a 5-hour energy around 2 this afternoon andI'm still riding high off that and like a 2.5 hour nap last night... My %@# is DRAGGING right now... I walked around all damn day with sunglasses on sopeople couldn't see the bags under my eyes.

I'll probably be in a coma for the next three days...
Personally, I just like Ws.

That's fine and dandy. So does every sports fan. But puffing your chest out coming off a W where you were handed 17 points off 4 turnoversthat your defense didn't even force...? Sorry I don't see anything definitive about either team being better or worse than the other coming outta thegame... Both teams have issues.

If the Giants won a game in this exact fashion (having to squeak out a win after being spotted 17 points of 4 turnovers) against ANYBODY else, yall dudes wouldbe *****ing and moaning, not giggling and puffing your chests out...
I swear Romo is good for at least 2 turnovers a game, and tonight he had three. This team needs to focus on the run and stop trying to force Romo to throw andcreate plays. Even his throws that didnt get intercepted looked bad. Jason Garrett needs to turn Romo into a bus driver type QB who doesnt have to do as much.That is really the only thing I can think of.

He is obviously not seeing the coverage or just trying to ignore it and be that gun slinger type. The act is getting old.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm still shocked you watched this game Nowitness.
I downed a 5-hour energy around 2 this afternoon and I'm still riding high off that and like a 2.5 hour nap last night... My $*$ is DRAGGING right now... I walked around all damn day with sunglasses on so people couldn't see the bags under my eyes.

I'll probably be in a coma for the next three days...

Damn kid.
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