Official Carmelo Anthony Trade Rumors Thread (Carmelo is Officially a Knick)

I laughed when Blakman was coming back to the Knicks

The Knicks though... gave up a lot for Carmelo, but I guess it had to happened.
I laughed when Blakman was coming back to the Knicks

The Knicks though... gave up a lot for Carmelo, but I guess it had to happened.
The Knicks bench was pretty awful in the first place, so I don't see how they sacrificed a lot.

The two best players included in the deal played the same position as each other and as Melo. I would've liked to have seen a Melo-Gallinari-Stat frontline, but they would've gotten raped defensively to the point where it wouldn't matter how well they did on offense.

The other good player (Felton) was having a great year for the Knicks, but they get something decent (Billups) - if not better - in his place.

Maybe they did overpay, but they really aren't missing out on much. The worst thing for them is that they have no assets left over other than Corey Brewer.
The Knicks bench was pretty awful in the first place, so I don't see how they sacrificed a lot.

The two best players included in the deal played the same position as each other and as Melo. I would've liked to have seen a Melo-Gallinari-Stat frontline, but they would've gotten raped defensively to the point where it wouldn't matter how well they did on offense.

The other good player (Felton) was having a great year for the Knicks, but they get something decent (Billups) - if not better - in his place.

Maybe they did overpay, but they really aren't missing out on much. The worst thing for them is that they have no assets left over other than Corey Brewer.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5
^ To's not about the fact that the Knicks upgraded.

This was like that Ravens-Texans game where the Ravens had it locked down, but then the Texans rampaged back and score 15 unanswered in the quickness.
Yes the Ravens won anyways, but that's not the point. The position they were in, says they should have won decisively and made a solid statement about their team.

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. Instead our owner and his friend hijacked the trade talks, panicked and let them get everything they wanted.

The only things they didn't get were Landry Fields and Toney Douglas, because they already have promising or better talents like them in Arron Afflalo and Ty Lawson.

We lost almost as much as you can for a team that still won. The only reason we got Billups, is because Denver is too cheap to keep his contract and maybe they think he'll even come back.

I'll hold down my excitement for tomorrow night's game, but it's mostly seeing what should have been that gives me bad feelings about this.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5
^ To's not about the fact that the Knicks upgraded.

This was like that Ravens-Texans game where the Ravens had it locked down, but then the Texans rampaged back and score 15 unanswered in the quickness.
Yes the Ravens won anyways, but that's not the point. The position they were in, says they should have won decisively and made a solid statement about their team.

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. Instead our owner and his friend hijacked the trade talks, panicked and let them get everything they wanted.

The only things they didn't get were Landry Fields and Toney Douglas, because they already have promising or better talents like them in Arron Afflalo and Ty Lawson.

We lost almost as much as you can for a team that still won. The only reason we got Billups, is because Denver is too cheap to keep his contract and maybe they think he'll even come back.

I'll hold down my excitement for tomorrow night's game, but it's mostly seeing what should have been that gives me bad feelings about this.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. 

Are you 100% sure Melo would pass on the extension knowing that whatever contract he would sign as a free agent would be less then what he would get with the extension?

money talks,  and players say alot of things but when it all boils down at the end, i just don't see melo not signing the extension. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Melo has said a bunch of things throughout this whole process. While I feel the Knicks were his ultimate destination, if the Nuggets told him flat out your either going to stay with us the rest of the season and who knows what happens when the collective bargaining agreement is reached,  their might be that franchise tag in place their talkin about implementing and you might be with us 1 more season and then have to sign a contract for less then when you'd get if you signed the extension  or were going to trade you to the Nets,  he woulda budged and signed the extension.

You gotta give to get. All those guys the Knicks traded are replaceable and in the long run the Knicks will be glad they made this trade guaranteeing getting Carmelo rather then watching him go to the Nets.  Out of all the guys the Knicks traded  there's no one in that list that makes me think, damn getting rid of him really might come back to haunt the knicks.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. 

Are you 100% sure Melo would pass on the extension knowing that whatever contract he would sign as a free agent would be less then what he would get with the extension?

money talks,  and players say alot of things but when it all boils down at the end, i just don't see melo not signing the extension. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Melo has said a bunch of things throughout this whole process. While I feel the Knicks were his ultimate destination, if the Nuggets told him flat out your either going to stay with us the rest of the season and who knows what happens when the collective bargaining agreement is reached,  their might be that franchise tag in place their talkin about implementing and you might be with us 1 more season and then have to sign a contract for less then when you'd get if you signed the extension  or were going to trade you to the Nets,  he woulda budged and signed the extension.

You gotta give to get. All those guys the Knicks traded are replaceable and in the long run the Knicks will be glad they made this trade guaranteeing getting Carmelo rather then watching him go to the Nets.  Out of all the guys the Knicks traded  there's no one in that list that makes me think, damn getting rid of him really might come back to haunt the knicks.
Ppl do realize that there are talks about there being a franchise tag in the new CBA right? They could have implemented that and then Melo would have lost money and had to still be on Denver. It not guaranteed that he was gonna be able to leave to the Knicks even if he was willing to not sign the extension. This way everyone got what they wanted. Yea the Knicks gave a lot. But D'antoni plays like a 7 or 8 man lineup. He has more than enough players to play his system. Douglas is good off the bench, Sheldon isnt great but he'll give you what Mosgov gave, and Turiaf has been servicable all season.

The Knicks are fine. And would have lost 3/5 of those players next year anyways. The others being Gallo (Melos position) and Mosgov (really? Who gives a +!!%?) Stop looking at the short term and look at the long term guys. They are basically 1 player away from challenging the Heat or Bulls in the ECF every year. They will be in the Finals in the next 3 years more than likely.
Ppl do realize that there are talks about there being a franchise tag in the new CBA right? They could have implemented that and then Melo would have lost money and had to still be on Denver. It not guaranteed that he was gonna be able to leave to the Knicks even if he was willing to not sign the extension. This way everyone got what they wanted. Yea the Knicks gave a lot. But D'antoni plays like a 7 or 8 man lineup. He has more than enough players to play his system. Douglas is good off the bench, Sheldon isnt great but he'll give you what Mosgov gave, and Turiaf has been servicable all season.

The Knicks are fine. And would have lost 3/5 of those players next year anyways. The others being Gallo (Melos position) and Mosgov (really? Who gives a +!!%?) Stop looking at the short term and look at the long term guys. They are basically 1 player away from challenging the Heat or Bulls in the ECF every year. They will be in the Finals in the next 3 years more than likely.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

MrONegative wrote:

I see where you're coming from. My take was from that pure, optimistic and patient standpoint that we were in when Donnie Walsh was running the show.
I get that we had to meet them halfway, but this wasn't halfway. This was right at the doorstep. Our offer was Chandler and Eddy Curry, with a pick from an Anthony Randolph trade. Their counter was everything they got minus Mozgov. Then they asked for him and got him too. How do you go from your player is gonna leave and won't let you trade him to any team except for one, to we need to outbid a team that's already been told 'no' twice?

My problem with the situation is that my GM who saved my team is being pushed out by Isiah Thomas and my puppet owner. It started with them hijacking these trade talks and ejecting as many 'Walsh' players as possible.


This basically sums up my owner's contribution to the team this week.

If there was no word of Isiah or Dolan interfering and Melo legitimately never declined an extension with the Nets, I'd fully accept the cost and have no problem. 

I'm just hoping Stern will stop Isiah from coming back is all.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

MrONegative wrote:

I see where you're coming from. My take was from that pure, optimistic and patient standpoint that we were in when Donnie Walsh was running the show.
I get that we had to meet them halfway, but this wasn't halfway. This was right at the doorstep. Our offer was Chandler and Eddy Curry, with a pick from an Anthony Randolph trade. Their counter was everything they got minus Mozgov. Then they asked for him and got him too. How do you go from your player is gonna leave and won't let you trade him to any team except for one, to we need to outbid a team that's already been told 'no' twice?

My problem with the situation is that my GM who saved my team is being pushed out by Isiah Thomas and my puppet owner. It started with them hijacking these trade talks and ejecting as many 'Walsh' players as possible.


This basically sums up my owner's contribution to the team this week.

If there was no word of Isiah or Dolan interfering and Melo legitimately never declined an extension with the Nets, I'd fully accept the cost and have no problem. 

I'm just hoping Stern will stop Isiah from coming back is all.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by MrONegative

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. 

Are you 100% sure Melo would pass on the extension knowing that whatever contract he would sign as a free agent would be less then what he would get with the extension?

money talks,  and players say alot of things but when it all boils down at the end, i just don't see melo not signing the extension. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Melo has said a bunch of things throughout this whole process. While I feel the Knicks were his ultimate destination, if the Nuggets told him flat out your either going to stay with us the rest of the season and who knows what happens when the collective bargaining agreement is reached,  their might be that franchise tag in place their talkin about implementing and you might be with us 1 more season and then have to sign a contract for less then when you'd get if you signed the extension  or were going to trade you to the Nets,  he woulda budged and signed the extension.

You gotta give to get. All those guys the Knicks traded are replaceable and in the long run the Knicks will be glad they made this trade guaranteeing getting Carmelo rather then watching him go to the Nets.  Out of all the guys the Knicks traded  there's no one in that list that makes me think, damn getting rid of him really might come back to haunt the knicks.

And I think that's the point people are missing when they say "we gave up too much and should've waited until the summer to sign him", there's no guarantee that the NBA system that we know NOW, would exist after the season is done.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by MrONegative

The position we were in last week, says we should've gotten away with murder, and gotten Melo for peanuts. We have to accept that Melo would've signed with us in free agency, because that's basically what he and his agent said. 

Are you 100% sure Melo would pass on the extension knowing that whatever contract he would sign as a free agent would be less then what he would get with the extension?

money talks,  and players say alot of things but when it all boils down at the end, i just don't see melo not signing the extension. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Melo has said a bunch of things throughout this whole process. While I feel the Knicks were his ultimate destination, if the Nuggets told him flat out your either going to stay with us the rest of the season and who knows what happens when the collective bargaining agreement is reached,  their might be that franchise tag in place their talkin about implementing and you might be with us 1 more season and then have to sign a contract for less then when you'd get if you signed the extension  or were going to trade you to the Nets,  he woulda budged and signed the extension.

You gotta give to get. All those guys the Knicks traded are replaceable and in the long run the Knicks will be glad they made this trade guaranteeing getting Carmelo rather then watching him go to the Nets.  Out of all the guys the Knicks traded  there's no one in that list that makes me think, damn getting rid of him really might come back to haunt the knicks.

And I think that's the point people are missing when they say "we gave up too much and should've waited until the summer to sign him", there's no guarantee that the NBA system that we know NOW, would exist after the season is done.
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