***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Mysonne is a stand up individual

For you to go through the **** you have over the past year and still act the same way is clown ****. The fact he's 30 something doing this same stuff is ridiculous.

troy a lame but bangas brother is mad extra and feminine for that

he sounds like a woman trying to keep the father of her son away from her child with all the semantics and word games

obviously newpac just wanted to pay his respects to his bro

people are so petty

His brother is dead. If you haven't experienced it, you have know idea.

Troy is making it about Troy. Talk is cheap. It's been a year. If he really wanted to do it, it would be done. You can't find out where he's buried? You have his brothers number, obviously.
Ask. He could have done the headstone regardless of his moms attitude. Again, this isn't about Troy. She lost her son.

You didn't know them before? Ok, and. That could bring you closer to them.

I know he had tax on his mind the entire time . the face he gave envy at the end was hilarious 

I kinda got what he was saying too tho . like flower arrangements aint cheap especially the kind he talking about and I think he felt like well not only are y'all blaming me and feeling a way towards me but y'all not accepting what I'm tryina do on top of asking me for money? I could see him feeling like why do I owe y'all anything? like he said, I never knew none of y'all and none of y'all were there when he needed bail and I paid it. id have the side eye as well . plus we know troy isn't the type to be adult enough to look past it and give them what they need outta respect for his guy . but I get it , things always get funny when someone dies and money becomes a discussion that needs to be had . . . 

I also thought it was a little weird seeing Lito with tax after the shooting . but I wanna hear from hovain more than anyone .

Buried someone last week. Flowers ain't ****. Spending a few hundred on something that dies. It's better to donate that to a charity.

You know who the flower arrangement would have been for? Troy. That's why he wanted it in New York. So he could go. So he could have a big thing of flowers so everyone can see how much he loved his man and what he bought.

What you don't see. Him buying the headstone.

Him doing for his family. And, even if he did that, he would do that to talk about. That's not stand up. He owes Banga more.

Troy is about Troy. Kid is still a clown.
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Mysonne not feelin Troy Ave interview...

thing is . nobody know what he going threw but him . he got hit up twice , it aint like wearing a vest is dumb 

see troy's "character" is pretty consistent . this might just be who this guy is . I think thats the part people have a hard time wrapping their head around . I know people that are like troy . I had a best friend that I thought would never turn the act off until I realized this guy aint acting this just the person he is 
Mysonne is a stand up individual

For you to go through the **** you have over the past year and still act the same way is clown ****. The fact he's 30 something doing this same stuff is ridiculous.
His brother is dead. If you haven't experienced it, you have know idea.

Troy is making it about Troy. Talk is cheap. It's been a year. If he really wanted to do it, it would be done. You can't find out where he's buried? You have his brothers number, obviously.
Ask. He could have done the headstone regardless of his moms attitude. Again, this isn't about Troy. She lost her son.

You didn't know them before? Ok, and. That could bring you closer to them.
Buried someone last week. Flowers ain't ****. Spending a few hundred on something that dies. It's better to donate that to a charity.

You know who the flower arrangement would have been for? Troy. That's why he wanted it in New York. So he could go. So he could have a big thing of flowers so everyone can see how much he loved his man and what he bought.

What you don't see. Him buying the headstone.

Him doing for his family. And, even if he did that, he would do that to talk about. That's not stand up. He owes Banga more.

Troy is about Troy. Kid is still a clown.
could be . we just don't know that . of course he can't dictate where his guy should be buried , but I can see the paranoia of feeling like its just a money play . not saying what he doing is cool , I'm just saying I see both sides .
You'd hope the DOUBLE shooting would "change" Troy Ave somewhat but i guess it would go against everything he stands for him to change course, fair enough i guess.

Either way such a needless situation for all involved, what a waste of life and time (in prison).

Hope the new school rappers take note of this situation and avoid playing 'gangsta' at all costs. No-one wins that game.
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Problem with troy is that his only measures of success and being real seem to come with monetary gain, and feels the need to keep stating that because he wants the validation. He wants that energy of being a "real *****" around him. the number of times he mentioned foreigns and "I got the money, not like them broke ******" etc etc.. he lacks humbleness & it seems like he's never gonna get that. It's messed up too because all things considered his message of doing it on your own and gaining success by grinding and taking the long route should be more celebrated, instead all the Act overshadows it.
we just gonna skip over this?

when in the **** has a part been referred to as a monkey tail?

I ignore slick racist ****. If dude is black, I guess that's slang where he's from, but the minute a monkey or an ape gets brought up in reference to black people I keep it moving assuming it's a troll trying to start an argument for their own amusement.
I see both sides.

That's their blood they decide where he should go. If they want monetary donations they have the right to ask for it.

I can also see where someone in his position would think they are trying to get over on him cuz he has money. Sadly we see it all the time when someone dies.

BUT all this you need to do this and that telling someone what they have to do with their money would make anyone have second thoughts.

I think off the strength of that being his man he should just give his mom some money and wash his hands of it.

This guy is such a clown. The first interview I saw of him I thought he was just this positive but corny guy but now I see how its easy to not like him even when he isn't doing anything to anybody.

Still can't believe Tax let **** get this far and landed in jail over this clown. :smh:
as a fan of cocky rappers, i can dig where he is coming from....folks seem to dislike him because he gives no *****.....i'm not even a fan but i respect any man who stand by their words....he talk that **** and dont care what folk think. If people still support buddy, more power to him....blame them for supporting
Yep. In hindsight, Tax going at Troy was always silly. Tax is a street cat picking on a rapper just because he didn't like said rapper fronting like he was a street cat. But he's had several guests on his show who weren't really about the life they rapped about.

Dude should've had the smarts to see his own upward trajectory. Instead he let the bs get the best of him. Hate to see dude lose out on his blessing, but all of this could've been avoided.
Yep. In hindsight, Tax going at Troy was always silly. Tax is a street cat picking on a rapper just because he didn't like said rapper fronting like he was a street cat. But he's had several guests on his show who weren't really about the life they rapped about.

Dude should've had the smarts to see his own upward trajectory. Instead he let the bs get the best of him. Hate to see dude lose out on his blessing, but all of this could've been avoided.

difference is Troy doesn't leave that **** in the booth, he's on trial for his life and this ***** still on air talkin like he's Alpo. Considering they both knew a lot of the same people i wouldn't be surprised if there were real life events that led to tax speaking on Troy. His whole style is gonna rub people the wrong way, but when you add in the street aspect this is the end results.
Yeah both Tax and Troy are wilding.

I will never call Troy fake like mysonne did cause we all saw Troy get busy when **** got real. But i do see the sucka behavior on his part. His man is dead, he got shot, on trial facing numbers, can't leave the city for shows so his money slow and he got shot again.

All that and this N STILL on some bull ****. He hard headed as **** and just doesn't want to grow.

Tax always been a clown to me, his whole act seems just as sucka to me as Troy. He thought he could bully Troy and look how that turned out.

All in all everyone should be seen as a example of when keeping it real goes wrong
I can never call that a case of keeping it real going wrong because that's not real at all to me. They both moved like clowns and are both worse off because of it. That's not real, just a perfect example for people to learn from.
Yeah both Tax and Troy are wilding.

I will never call Troy fake like mysonne did cause we all saw Troy get busy when **** got real. But i do see the sucka behavior on his part. His man is dead, he got shot, on trial facing numbers, can't leave the city for shows so his money slow and he got shot again.

All that and this N STILL on some bull ****. He hard headed as **** and just doesn't want to grow.

Tax always been a clown to me, his whole act seems just as sucka to me as Troy. He thought he could bully Troy and look how that turned out.

All in all everyone should be seen as a example of when keeping it real goes wrong

busting your gun doesn't make you real, his life was in danger. Son whole style is ALWAYS glorifying some street ****, always reminding people that he was selling drugs. Mys is correct real ****** don't act like that. especially ****** who are on a public platform and are fighting for their freedom.

and i took in the point that maybe this really is troy 100%, no act he just naturally a corny *****. so in that way he's real at being a sucka.
Troy's disrespect for Banga's family is funny looking to me. He acts like he was the only person to care about the man. Like the man didn't have a life before he met Troy.

He spent like 45 mins in the interview saying the same stuff he said in the first 20. CTG caught him with the fake thug act like "why you didn't just drive off" 
Troy is just real extra with it. The vest, the hat with the bullet holes in it. :lol: He was in a situation and he did what he had to do but like I said before he's the dude that wants to be these situations so he can brag and say "I was shooting where was y'all at!. I been shot!". This _ listened to too much 50 or something.
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Troy is just real extra with it. The vest, the hat with the bullet holes in it. :lol: He was in a situation and he did what he had to do but like I said before he's the dude that wants to be these situations so he can brag and say "I was shooting where was y'all at!. I been shot!". This _ listened to too much 50 or something.

***** wanna be Curtis
family decides what to do with the body period

even without taking the law into consideration

they decide when, where and how and troy could simply provide the money, there's really nothing to debate with that or anything to be mad about

also even after they found out troy didn't shoot banga troy would have to understand they'd be less than excited to see him or talk to him

other than that he said a lot of good things in the interview but I don't know how I fully feel bout troy

I've just learned how to take the good with the bad better over the years
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