Official Bitcoin Thread

I mean I only own one piece of land besides my house but it seems to be going well. The value 2x’d in a year and I got it when it was empty and now all the lots have 1.5-2.5 million dollar houses on them.

I don’t have to do anything but pay property taxes which are 50 a year. I’m going to build on it because it’s a sick spot but I want to buy more to retire on.

That's the goal for me in the next year. Trying to go back to Cuba and buy some land. I'm allowed to buy two properties so definitely going to take advantage when I get the chance.

Ranking #1 on OS :nerd:

I was never into the bayc, always noticed some of the racists imagery but this was some crazy stuff! After watching Q into the storm I'm not surprised though. The internet can be a cess pool especially places like 4 Chan :sick:
I was never into the bayc, always noticed some of the racists imagery but this was some crazy stuff! After watching Q into the storm I'm not surprised though. The internet can be a cess pool especially places like 4 Chan :sick:
Some of the stuff in the documentary is kind of a reach but there's some valid stuff there and too many coincidences, which is what trolls thrive on. Not sure they're entirely racist or dog-whistling, I'll need a little more proof, but I definitely don't rule out that it's possible.
I am not suprised. Of all the animals and animal combinations that you could use, why monkeys? They could have did a mix batch of animals, but they never did nor ever tried to.
^ "Ape" is a widely used term in crypto to describe degenerate/yolo behavior. The Ape in BAYC is just an homage to that.

That said, I haven't watched the documentary yet but I wouldn't doubt that there are some truths mixed in with some reaches.
The logo is like, the one indisputable piece of evidence. Trolls or racists, most likely both. Plenty of evidence of white supremacists and alt-right extremists using crypto as a means to raise money anonymously too.
Some of the stuff in the documentary is kind of a reach but there's some valid stuff there and too many coincidences, which is what trolls thrive on. Not sure they're entirely racist or dog-whistling, I'll need a little more proof, but I definitely don't rule out that it's possible.

Fair enough for me it was the too many one point you know exactly what you are doing.
Plenty of evidence of white supremacists and alt-right extremists using crypto as a means to raise money anonymously too.
it's been pretty interesting to see how many tg/discord communities freely use language that ranges from dog whistles to outright racial slurs. i won't even go into the cesspool that is biz. for the most part, official channels are fairly tame but many of the unofficial ones i've been in have had some pretty gross moments.
Probably just another conspiracy theory, proving that bottom is either in or almost in, but looking at who they are I would not be surprised one bit if actually true or if this is another way of making this NFT cheaper in the short term.
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