I really, REALLY want them, but I'm not paying a dime over retail + shipping.  :lol:

That's just my rule though.  I'll always give myself a shot at retail and if not, oh well.....on to the next.  

Haha, I feel it.

Most releases that I want ill spend the extra cash on to make sure i get. My work schedule prohibits me from going to stores and copping online most of the time. And when it comes to forces its the worse, we dont get anything here.
Can anyone help with a 10.5 forreal? Y'all treatin it like a secret.

share the love if you can. Is this not why we are here?
Thank god I'm not into the whole wheat thing. All you NTers acting like helping others out shortens your lifespan or something.
Is no one actually reading the thread anymore? :lol:

All of these questions have been answered within the last 2-3 pages, and it's been explained why people aren't able to pass any more of these early Mom & Pop store drop oops around.
We are all reading but when you humble brag every page it leads us to believe there was a new spot found.
Anyone know where I can get the wheat hi's in SoCal? I have a bad feeling imma strike out and end up paying 200 plus.
These regulars, as you call them, are posting about how they copped a pair personally, but aren't gonna help others out. If that isn't humble bragging idk what is.
Ain't none of this a big deal. just feels corny that people shoutin out they got hooked up and makin it out like people asking for a hook up are on somethin. that's the opposite of what this thread is for WE ALL LOVE AF1's. but hey, whatever dawgs.

It's all love.

The main thing is 10.5 holla at me. Ima regular man can't spend wild bread on sneakers.
y'all are complaining about members not helping you out? You're asking daysss after they dropped info about securing pairs. Information has been abundant in this thread but some aren't reading a page or two back before they post

On to the purps bredren..
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Ain't none of this a big deal. just feels corny that people shoutin out they got hooked up and makin it out like people asking for a hook up are on somethin. that's the opposite of what this thread is for WE ALL LOVE AF1's. but hey, whatever dawgs.

It's all love.

The main thing is 10.5 holla at me. Ima regular man can't spend wild bread on sneakers.

You could've done like me and some others and PMed the folks on here that basically shouted I GOT THAT WORK, GET AT ME ON THE LOW!!!

I'm not the plug. Dudes who are "humble bragging" aka posting their shoes purchases like all 537 pages of this thread have been about, are keeping it par for the course for this thread. Cop, then post. The difference is some folks don't read every page and stay on top of things and are mad at the ones that do.

It's no one's job to alert other people to every post in here. I have a few folks who, if they text me asking for info, I'll share hookups with, but if I don't hear from them I assume they aren't tripping on what I'm trying to lock down.

So tell me this, how did you miss three different NTers posting the oop pages back? Not even dissing but where were you when dudes were putting people on?
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Seriously man, people act like they should be spoon fed and everything should be handed to them just because. The info is kept semi-quiet because there are tons of lurkers who only pop up when heat drops, and ask for favors like they went to high school with you and you owe them cuz they helped you on that test one day back in 9th grade. F off!

If you aren't a regular who contributes from time to time, then you aren't getting priority. These "spots" that release x amount of pairs do just that, let out x amount. It isn't an endless supply. Help those who you recognize first, and you might get the same in return one day. You help out a lurker that joined a week ago with 5 posts, you'll never hear from that clown again. This info is to help each other out, not to give stuff away to every Tom that pops up.

Personally, I'd only help out a regular on the low, and keep it quiet. I've done it multiple times over the years. Anyone who knows me knows that I have access to tons of stuff, and have helped in the past.

Come November 7th, I'll likely have a FSR. Wanna take a guess who I'd help out? Hint, don't DM me if I don't know you :lol:
Not shooting your opinion down, but if the point of a community like niketalk is to bring more people with the same interests together, won't mentality like that shut these people out? Not me personally, I could never pull off the wheat highs, but I just feel like people could be more welcoming maybe?
Yeah maybe back in the early to mid 2000s when being heavy into shoes wasnt the trend for EVERYBODY and there was no instagram to stunt on with FSRs... back then you had to wait to be accepted on here and we were mostly here for the common interest. Now as Skep and Brolic said you just got a bunch of random new dudes coming in here wanting to stunt and asking to be spoonfed a week after people have cooked... whats crazy is they're not even asking in a humble way, its almost agressive in tone :smh: where were these people before these wheat highs? I wouldn't help em either.
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Then ignore these hypebeasts. But it doesn't reflect well on you when you say something like "back then you had to wait to be accepted", cause that just sounds elitist. Peace out and enjoy the shoes bro, no need for hostilities.

NT FAM CONSTANTLY HOLDING IT DOWN:nthat:  ... you know who you are!

so happy to finally have these in my possession, quality is sick & beautiful shoe in person
no problem man, was glad to help. I am new around here so figured I'd show some love instead of just lurking. Figured what goes around comes around.
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