Then ignore these hypebeasts. But it doesn't reflect well on you when you say something like "back then you had to wait to be accepted", cause that just sounds elitist. Peace out and enjoy the shoes bro, no need for hostilities.
Take it how you want but I'm just saying back then you couldn't just lurk the thread, see a shoe you liked then sign up just to ask for info... there are so many threads I'm in that as soon as hyped releases come around her get pages of "joined: today" members asking for drop info. Not being elitist in the slightest, just stating the difference in the times.
ehh if you want if that bad and if it means that much to you, you'll find a way to get your pair. That's always been my state of mind.
Has nothing to do with elitism or cockiness. The point is to bring people together, but lurkers don't see it that way. If they want to be a part of the community, they can participate, not just ask for favors on release days. MF knows exactly where I'm coming from. I've given out retro J's for retail on release day when market was hot and I could make 60-100 profit. I have 15,000 followers, I have no problem selling hyped items. But I will not give stuff away to people who only pop up for favors.
Yeah maybe back in the early to mid 2000s when being heavy into shoes wasnt the trend for EVERYBODY and there was no instagram to stunt on with FSRs... back then you had to wait to be accepted on here and we were mostly here for the common interest. Now as Skep and Brolic said you just got a bunch of random new dudes coming in here wanting to stunt and asking to be spoonfed a week after people have cooked... whats crazy is they're not even asking in a humble way, its almost agressive in tone :smh: where were these people before these wheat highs? I wouldn't help em either.
this is exactly why I came in and tried to look out for my first post and hooked someone up for retail on the flax mids. Im a bit older then most sneakerheads these days. These kids are from a generation of entitlement. I was buying shoes in high school with my own cash not daddy's money and there was no fb or ig to feed into these little kids egos
this is exactly why I came in and tried to look out for my first post and hooked someone up for retail on the flax mids. Im a bit older then most sneakerheads these days. These kids are from a generation of entitlement. I was buying shoes in high school with my own cash not daddy's money and there was no fb or ig to feed into these little kids egos
I See Everyone's Points Here And They All Have Valid Legs To Stand On......

That All Being Said, I'm Not A Newb, I'm Not A Lurker, I've Put In Work For Others In The Past At Retail, And I'm Asking Politely......

Someone Please Throw A ***** A Bone On That 9.5 :nerd: :lol: :nthat:
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I am hopeful I can catch one on release date. 

Too dope to pass.. For those who has the wheat flax (Any shape), how's the material? Buttery?
I am hopeful I can catch one on release date. 

Too dope to pass.. For those who has the wheat flax (Any shape), how's the material? Buttery?

Ashy is the best way I can describe it. I own and have owned several pairs of nubuck Timberlands and if I'm comparing the feel of the flax mids or highs to those, they're not as soft.

The material is quality, don't get me wrong, but they feel better when broken in. Hope that helped.

Anyone have any release dates or rumors of dates on the purple highs? :nerd:
I hate the newbie card. Lol. I been here since 08 dawgs. High school days.

But at any rate it's ALL LOVE Fellas.

a 10.5 or info on it would be appreciated!
Or Bobbitos [emoji]128064[/emoji]
That's really what I'm tryna replace. [emoji]9785[/emoji]️
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Wheat highs are all over ebay, stop looking for favors and send some offers.

I've come up on wheats for 180 and acronyms for 150 the past 2 weeks.
Man, I've seen two NTers offering oops, seen two links for early release sites, numerous other posting info like release date, where they got m&p with early release and why m&p are no longer selling these early. And yet, people still asking for hookups and info without adding anything of value back? Y'all keep talking bout NT being a community but you aint doing nothing but trying to help yourself. And shoes haven't even been released yet.
Man, I've seen two NTers offering oops, seen two links for early release sites, numerous other posting info like release date, where they got m&p with early release and why m&p are no longer selling these early. And yet, people still asking for hookups and info without adding anything of value back? Y'all keep talking bout NT being a community but you aint doing nothing but trying to help yourself. And shoes haven't even been released yet.
How exactly do you expect these people to provide useful info when they're the ones ask for hookups lol. That's like asking these oldies to quit being uptight. Ain't gonna happen till someone learns what's wrong with this system.
Just picked up a pair this morning
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I think im the only one, who dont like the rope laces in the wheats. When I get these on release, I'm gonna look for some flats...
Man, I've seen two NTers offering oops, seen two links for early release sites, numerous other posting info like release date, where they got m&p with early release and why m&p are no longer selling these early. And yet, people still asking for hookups and info without adding anything of value back? Y'all keep talking bout NT being a community but you aint doing nothing but trying to help yourself. And shoes haven't even been released yet.
How exactly do you expect these people to provide useful info when they're the ones ask for hookups lol. That's like asking these oldies to quit being uptight. Ain't gonna happen till someone learns what's wrong with this system.
Two points:

1) Living in the age of internet/social media, if you are in the dark about something it is because you are not doing your own due diligence.
2) Wheat highs are not the only shoe this thread is about, there are other shoes being talked about/discussed but if all of your posts in this thread are questions on where to get hookup/oops for early releases then you are just asking for handouts without contributing anything back to this "community" you're calling out.
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