OFFICIAL 2015-2016 College Football Season Thread

 Jay Drew ‏@drewjay  25m25 minutes ago
Mitch Mathews said he didn't see Taysom Hill in meeting and still doesn't know what Hill's decision will be (return, transfer, etc.)
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I mean, when someone puts you on the spot, lists a career's worth of shortcomings, and then asks you to address them what are you really supposed to say? Nothing you say looks good when the interviewer has buried you like that.

I love Dan, but those self-serving questions are his go-to method of validation when he brings someone in and has an interest in being right. He was vocal about not liking Richt the day prior to his hiring. Dan has done this for years, and it's the reason there are certain people in sports who will never go on his show.
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You know what pisses me off is these guys wanna ask these tough *** questions to richt the day he gets hired but we went 5 years with golden and no one in the media had the balls to ask him difficult questions about his ********. If I recall there was maybe one person who criticized him on his scheme after that Nebraska loss and that's it.
Dan is an equal opportunity basher. Don't know why you have to be prepared for those questions, that's not the first time Mark has been asked that. 
I'm saying. Should be interesting next year for sure.

I mean Bronco is a good coach, but as a VT fan I would have been way more concerned with Richt, Durkin, Campbell, Rhule, et al.

As bad as it sounds to say, the fact is Mike London related way more to 757 recruits than Bronco Mendenhall will; I honestly can't imagine a white Mormon dude like him having the same draw as Mike London among 757 recruits.

Will he get more out of the talent he does get? No doubt. But I don't see them landing as many elite players as they have been with him at the helm. JMO.
I just feel since richt is a bigger name he wanted him on his show. I doubt golden was ever on his show and if he was there was never any difficult questions like that thrown at him.
Venture a guess that Bronco is gonna keep ace Va recruiters on the staff

Such as? They had Chris Beatty and that's about it. Even if they retain him that won't be much of a slam dunk IMO. I doubt he keeps placating tbe runners/handlers like London was.

Trust me, 757 coaches are already raising a stink about how there aren't enough coaches from VA/with VA ties on our staff. I can't imagine Bronco was their first choice as UVA's coach :lol:
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Richt said he's imagining a 4-3

AQM moten courtel Chad and Willis being able to just straight up get after the QB next year :smokin no more DEs covering slot receivers
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Dan has made it clear that he doesn't really care about the success of any of the Miami teams. He needed to get something interesting out of that interview so he asked a tough question like he usually does. He actually wanted them to hire Butch Davis :lol:.
I hold the same feeling about Mark Richt like most UGA fans. Richt was a great guy and world class recruiter, however he failed as a coach too much for comfort and relied on talent too much. Richt should have arguably 2 national championships to his resume, however you look and see he only has 2 SEC championships in 14 years, with the last one coming 10 years ago. With the amount of NFL talent, especially Pro-Bowl NFL talent, coming from the school, you have to question why he didn't win more. IMO like MVP MVP said, Richt knows the question has been asked before, and would be asked again at his new job, so you have to be prepared with a calculated response.
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