The bucks have also played more games then us. Looking at the schedule and our schedule we could easily get that 6th seed. We also play them coming up to. A lot of we should win games.
Bucks are sliding too fast 
 they play Cavs sunday-- which is a probable loss for them, if we beat OKC we have a chance to take the sixth seed from them when we play tuesday

Want to excel... but I also want to see them play one of the top teams (pref Cavs) 
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Did I say that adding UD to the lineup has been very clutch for us? Henry wasn't what we needed starting
Yeah true that but either way none of them will be productive when we're not in a good situation. Those average players only shine when the whole team is playing In good flow. But I'd still prefer walker over ennnis. All I see is raw atheletism and no skill in ennnis. Plus the fact that he can't make right decisions on offense.
Ennis has great potential... he's just got some terrible handles man... and he hasn't been great from behind the arc either... if you watch any of his highlights-- most of his points come off of put-backs and drawn fouls... and occasionly three's when he is hittin'-- but again he hasn't been very efficient

His up and up is his athleticism and his energy... which I can say he has over Walker... but Walker can dribble so it's really a toss up. Supposedly Walker can shoot which he hasn't been doing lately and he also has the basketball IQ of average college player which makes it tough but I think with the way Spo has been shortening the rotations and making sure either Dragic or Wade is on the floor at all times that Ennis would be more effective now that one of them would be handling the ball for the second unit

Per, example:

I do hope that Ennis works on his handles and gets a good skill set going, possibly a midrange game if he doesn't have one already.Time will tell what happens with that Walker situation
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