There's talent there, just got to do a better job at maximizing it. Wade isn't very compatible with Dragic but they can work, just have to do a better job of moving the ball and moving without it- Walker's standing around and chucking is not helping/working and I don't know if it was just yesterday but they almost completely froze Whiteside out, before they were starting to trust him more. He doesn't have to get off lie 20 shots a game like cousins but if he can average around 15 to 10 shots we'd probably be much better off.

I say start Beas. Wish we had Birch but beggars can be choosers.

And yea CLE is going to be a fun team to watch in the playoffs, I hope we can get the 7th seed so we can play them... I wanna see playoff Whiteside/Dragic this year
Lebae with the clear push off
he gets away with a lot of those. 
Never thought that in 2015 that UD could be a good consideration to start at the 4... but god... please... no more Walker 
Beautiful win by us tonight.

Now this team has to play with this intensity and control for the rest of the season.
I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly want this team to miss the playoffs. I think we need to shutout down and prep for a run at a major off season acquisition, and resting Wade.
I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly want this team to miss the playoffs. I think we need to shutout down and prep for a run at a major off season acquisition, and resting Wade.

Personally, I've never been a fan of teams under .500 making the playoffs..Bias aside. Just never thought it seemed right. I just want them to finish the remainder of the season strong and healthy. Where ever the chips may lie then so beit.
I think we can beat Atlanta and/or Cleveland in the first round though
chalmers plays solid and minimizes turnovers

wade stays healthy thru the series

whiteside acts like whiteside without unnecessary techs or fouls

birdman is birdman

tyler and napier get burn as SOON as chalmers starts messing up

Ennis is ennis

deng plays like deng

dragic plays with urgency

we got the win versus the cavs. cavs have 2 scorers and whenever one of them doesnt break 30pts...its a wrap.
The X factor of this team is chalmers. We don't need him to score 20+. He needs to hustle and play hard on defense. Looking forward to the playoffs tho.
Personally, I've never been a fan of teams under .500 making the playoffs..Bias aside. Just never thought it seemed right. I just want them to finish the remainder of the season strong and healthy. Where ever the chips may lie then so beit.

I would like to see them battle, but they're not going anywhere with Bosh. Bosh was critical with Bron
also, love didnt play last night, hes going to be crucial if the cavs wanna have success in the playoffs, love is more important then kyrie. 
also, love didnt play last night, hes going to be crucial if the cavs wanna have success in the playoffs, love is more important then kyrie. 
if lebron isnt dropping 30... kyrie is more improtant than love. love is a glorified rebounder now
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