Official 2012 Boxing Thread: JMM/Manny IV - FOTY.

Manny's heart isn't in it like before. Whether he's slipping physically or ALL the stuff he's doing outside the ring is finally catching up to him, he hasn't been the same since he destroyed Margarito. He should've put Mosley away early, instead he carried him for 12 rounds. After that, he fought JMM (a fight he was expected to dominate) and barely landed anything significant and was gifted a decision. After that, he mailed in a very weak performance against Bradley, giving away rounds and being content with just winning rounds. It cost him and he lost the fight. Pacquiao used to be a buzzsaw that kept the pressure on the whole fight.

The ironic part is, tonight he looked a lot more like the old Manny. Maybe because of all the critics or the fact that he was hurt for the first time in a LONG time, he was really aggressive. Unfortunately, with JMM, if you're that aggressive, someone is going to get hurt.

It makes me wonder what he'll do next. In the interview, he didn't even mention retiring as a possibility, so he'll keep fighting. Does he go after Floyd before it might be too late? Does he fight someone to get his confidence up? Bradley?

Another thing I noticed - what's up with his calves? They've been "cramping" up every fight. Tonight, during like the 3rd round, they talked about how they were massaging his calves between rounds. I've heard that doing that is for AFTER the fight, not during. (random enough, I remember hearing that in the 2nd Morales-Pacman fight) Something about the massaging relaxes the muscles, which isn't what you want DURING the fight. I find it odd that after an intense training camp, they can't get his calves to be at 100% for at least half the fight. This has been the excuse since he started slipping. He might need to hit up JMM's strength and conditioning coach. :lol:
Someone who has been juicing for years tends to experience cramps. Someone who just recently started juicing feels like Superman. You do the math.
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People acting like the Bradley fight wasn't a complete debacle. LOL.

Manny is one late lunge away from being back on track. He was pretty much dominating that fight up until the last second. Sad to see one of the best go away like this and never giving us the chance to see him destroy Floral.
People acting like the Bradley fight wasn't a complete debacle. LOL.

Manny is one late lunge away from being back on track. He was pretty much dominating that fight up until the last second. Sad to see one of the best go away like this and never giving us the chance to see him destroy Floral.

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nobody likes Bradley i don't see anyone interested in that fight.
PBF vs JMM would draw interest based on JMM knocking out Pacquiao but PBF beats JMM easily its cake for him.

I agree, Bradley/JMM isn't a great fight, and I think JMM wins rather easily.

Floyd just ain't a great match-up for JMM. Now that he's a little bigger, MAYBE he stands a better chance, but Floyd outboxed one of the smartest boxers in the game right now, and he did so easily. I don't see that changing.

I don't want to see someone like Vic Ortiz go against JMM. Juan would eat him for lunch. Someone like Bam Bam though, that would be FUN. :pimp: Or maybe even Guerrero? :nerd:

Also, how many rounds do you think JMM won?

I personally had it 47-46 entering the sixth, giving rounds 3 and 4 to Marquez. Round 4 was one of the closer rounds, and could have gone either way. Regardless, it was clear Manny was winning this to that point.
I agree, Bradley/JMM isn't a great fight, and I think JMM wins rather easily.
Floyd just ain't a great match-up for JMM. Now that he's a little bigger, MAYBE he stands a better chance, but Floyd outboxed one of the smartest boxers in the game right now, and he did so easily. I don't see that changing.
I don't want to see someone like Vic Ortiz go against JMM. Juan would eat him for lunch. Someone like Bam Bam though, that would be FUN. :pimp: Or maybe even Guerrero? :nerd:
Also, how many rounds do you think JMM won?
I personally had it 47-46 entering the sixth, giving rounds 3 and 4 to Marquez. Round 4 was one of the closer rounds, and could have gone either way. Regardless, it was clear Manny was winning this to that point.

I feel like you can't really go wrong putting JMM up against any pressure fighter. No matter what, it'd make an entertaining fight.
nobody likes Bradley i don't see anyone interested in that fight.
PBF vs JMM would draw interest based on JMM knocking out Pacquiao but PBF beats JMM easily its cake for him.

I agree, Bradley/JMM isn't a great fight, and I think JMM wins rather easily.

Floyd just ain't a great match-up for JMM. Now that he's a little bigger, MAYBE he stands a better chance, but Floyd outboxed one of the smartest boxers in the game right now, and he did so easily. I don't see that changing.

I don't want to see someone like Vic Ortiz go against JMM. Juan would eat him for lunch. Someone like Bam Bam though, that would be FUN. :pimp: Or maybe even Guerrero? :nerd:

Also, how many rounds do you think JMM won?

I personally had it 47-46 entering the sixth, giving rounds 3 and 4 to Marquez. Round 4 was one of the closer rounds, and could have gone either way. Regardless, it was clear Manny was winning this to that point.

This is Super Saiyan JMM, it won't be the same as last the last time they faced. But Mayweather probably won't take the fight, he knows like all of us that there's something fishy.
This is Super Saiyan JMM, it won't be the same as last the last time they faced. But Mayweather probably won't take the fight, he knows like all of us that there's something fishy.

It's not like Floyd will be fighting the same fight that Manny did tonight. No CHANCE Floyd opens himself up like that like Manny did tonight. He ain't done that in years.
It's not like Floyd will be fighting the same fight that Manny did tonight. No CHANCE Floyd opens himself up like that like Manny did tonight. He ain't done that in years.

First, Floyd doesn't fight without random drug testing - so that won't be an issue.

Second, JMM has been tagging Manny Pacquiao for years. He has his timing down, Manny leaves himself open and JMM isn't afraid of his power. Tonight, he just happened to catch him with the perfect counter. The KO was surprising but not that surprising to be honest. JMM clearly had Pacquiao's number last time.

Compare that to the JMM-Floyd fight - JMM could not TOUCH Floyd, much less hurt him. Whatever extra strength JMM has at 147 is pretty meaningless considering he can't touch Floyd. The only thing that might make the fight competitive is the possibility that Floyd is slipping (took way more damage in that Cotto fight than he would've in his prime) and the chance that the jail stint hurt him as a fighter. The Money we know destroys JMM no matter what steroids he's using.
This is Super Saiyan JMM, it won't be the same as last the last time they faced. But Mayweather probably won't take the fight, he knows like all of us that there's something fishy.

It's not like Floyd will be fighting the same fight that Manny did tonight. No CHANCE Floyd opens himself up like that like Manny did tonight. He ain't done that in years.

True, but he's still going to get hit sometimes clean or not. It's just too risky.
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First, Floyd doesn't fight without random drug testing - so that won't be an issue.
Second, JMM has been tagging Manny Pacquiao for years. He has his timing down, Manny leaves himself open and JMM isn't afraid of his power. Tonight, he just happened to catch him with the perfect counter. The KO was surprising but not that surprising to be honest. JMM clearly had Pacquiao's number last time.
Compare that to the JMM-Floyd fight - JMM could not TOUCH Floyd, much less hurt him. Whatever extra strength JMM has at 147 is pretty meaningless considering he can't touch Floyd. The only thing that might make the fight competitive is the possibility that Floyd is slipping (took way more damage in that Cotto fight than he would've in his prime) and the chance that the jail stint hurt him as a fighter. The Money we know destroys JMM no matter what steroids he's using.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. I get what you're saying, but I think you got my message wrong :nerd: .

I'm saying that Floyd would never go down that route in a fight with JMM. Floyd wouldn't leave his chin exposed for so much of the fight like Manny has shown before.
JMM has landed those same type punches on Manny in all 3 previous fights.
and None had nowhere near the effect those Right hands had today.
every Left hook JMM threw actually spun Manny half way around.
You just can not allow highly skilled Boxers to juice
Boxing has to invoke year round random Blood and urine testing.
this is a bigger joke than cycling. at least those guys livelihoods arent at stake.
Lets hope someone doesnt get Apollo Creed'd in the ring
Maybe JMM just evened the playing field
but the **** needs to stop
atleast someone is using common sense.

this was the same fight like the others, manny was hitting JMM with anything he wanted and had him hurt twice, JMM would counter with some shots, but this time he was hurting him with those shots

if i was JMM i would hang it up at this point, you have zero to gain.

knock it off with the JMM VS floyd it would be a total whip out like the 1st time around.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. I get what you're saying, but I think you got my message wrong :nerd: .
I'm saying that Floyd would never go down that route in a fight with JMM. Floyd wouldn't leave his chin exposed for so much of the fight like Manny has shown before.

My bad, I realized after I posted that I came off argumentative when I was actually agreeing with you :lol: I was more just adding to your point.
- Jay I owe you every apology in life because I doubted you all the way until JMM hit him with the 2 right hands from hell.
- Hey JA, thanks for mentioning the thread starter :lol:
- Then again, I can't last against a fruit fly. I'd say FF 4th round KO. But then again, Dodger fans are just mad at life right now :lol: JK man, you're still a good dude.
- What's the over/under for the positive? I was telling my friends, JMM hit him with some VICIOUS right hand in 3 fights and ONCE he nearly knocked him down.

I'm still happy as **** he won though.
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