Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by MR J 858

I can say we all agree, well at least most Laker fans here on NT that after the Heat & Lebron go down in flames on Sunday that I hope Noblekane commits suicide and never comes back to NT again.

This dude is the biggest +@% fake poser Laker fan here on NT.
once i decided to take my hating talents to south beach and go all out with the anti heat sentiment, i've literally sprayed air freshener all over air freshh's fan talents. him taking his fan talents to south beach was one of the best acquistions in nt fanbase history as he had a helluva run this year, but once i decided to take this hating to a whole other level, i've been the kryptonite to his fan talents.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Poorly executed hyperbole aside,

travel! And for Kidd, it's not even the first time in this playoffs he has gotten away with that

Another accidental poke in the eye by Dallas, must be a defensive tactic they teach down there./

This is what they teach in MIA

the worst thing about that Bosh flop is that he actually stayed on the ground and made a scene as if he was hurt, when he knew damn well Boozer didnt touch him. i wonder what was going through his head while he was on the ground pretending to writhe in pain.. how can you be a man and actually carry on with that?
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Poorly executed hyperbole aside,

travel! And for Kidd, it's not even the first time in this playoffs he has gotten away with that

Another accidental poke in the eye by Dallas, must be a defensive tactic they teach down there./

This is what they teach in MIA
the worst thing about that Bosh flop is that he actually stayed on the ground and made a scene as if he was hurt, when he knew damn well Boozer didnt touch him. i wonder what was going through his head while he was on the ground pretending to writhe in pain.. how can you be a man and actually carry on with that?

he was probably hoping boozer would accept his invitation
every day off in between finals games seems to get longer and longer

i pray dirk unleashes his godly essence and drop 50
Originally Posted by MR J 858

I can say we all agree, well at least most Laker fans here on NT that after the Heat & Lebron go down in flames on Sunday that I hope Noblekane commits suicide and never comes back to NT again.

This dude is the biggest +@% fake poser Laker fan here on NT.

 somebody is mad. cry me a river champ. tryna be accepted here still i see?

i called you out for being a troll obsessed with lebron james because you feared he was gonna pass kobe bryant as the best player in the league and now you want me to commit suicide?

let it go. you not worth my time cry baby

word of advice though.  you better stop making it personal before you find yourself  banned AGAIN....
I don't even know what to think of those flop .gifs. No star from back in the day would ever resort to that type of tom foolery to get calls. So fraudulent.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Even Ron Artest wants Miami to win

any sane laker fan would. smh at laker fans rootin for the team that slayed us

Na man the way i see it is they dethroned us and they should be champs. It would suck that they beat us and just lose
Like we couldn't defend our 'ship the the right team.

!*%+ happens. the way i see it we get revenge next year and i hope caron butler comes back so we wont have to hear about his injury 10 times a day from japanair

its sucks they beat us period. but i just cant back no team that eliminated us. nuh uh. cant do it.

i dont care if lebron or any other player gets a ring. that dont mean !*%+ to me. but i sure as hell not gonna support the team that eliminated us point blank. and every laker fan should feel the same way. 

and if the mavs win good for them but its still @%#% the mavs.   
i dont care if lebron or any other player gets a ring. that dont mean !*%+ to me. but i sure as hell not gonna support the team that eliminated us point blank. and every laker fan should feel the same way.
Well that's you.

Me? I only support one team: the Lakers. After that, it's players only. Kidd is one of my all-time favorites, and I'm growing a lot of respect for Dirk. The team they play for isn't who I'm cheering for. I'm not about to go cop a Kidd or Dirk Mavs jersey, a Mavs fitted, and get my little Mavs car flag. No. Lakers, and only Lakers. But once my team is out, in any sport, I pull for players.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by NobleKane

any sane laker fan would. smh at laker fans rootin for the team that slayed us

Na man the way i see it is they dethroned us and they should be champs. It would suck that they beat us and just lose
Like we couldn't defend our 'ship the the right team.

!*%+ happens. the way i see it we get revenge next year and i hope caron butler comes back so we wont have to hear about his injury 10 times a day from japanair

its sucks they beat us period. but i just cant back no team that eliminated us. nuh uh. cant do it.

i dont care if lebron or any other player gets a ring. that dont mean !*%+ to me. but i sure as hell not gonna support the team that eliminated us point blank. and every laker fan should feel the same way. 

and if the mavs win good for them but its still @%#% the mavs.   
you just sound salty. it's ok, I was too at first but now Dallas has earned my respect and I feel like they deserve to win. that comeback in game 2 was awesome. but then again I'm a laker fan not fanatic and I just like good basketball
Originally Posted by OneTrust

 at this thread. 

If Miami wins this series it's rigged, but if Dallas wins, it was ALL legit...Oooookaaayyyyy.
You already know.

Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

Making fun of Dirk was stupid to do on camera but the media is blowing it way out of proportion as usual.

Originally Posted by cartune

Question: If Shaq makes fun of Dirk's sickness we laugh it off right?
I agree w/both quotes here.

We all know if it were Wade or Bron being clowned, most of you guys would laugh right along.

Double standards on NT ftl.

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

COACHES in the league is calling the mavs coach to give tips? PITIFUL
I don't know if I'd call it pitiful. But it definitely comes off as salty.

And speaking of salty:
I'm disappointed that Chuck is coming off so salty. True colors showing.

If I never won, I'd be rooting for everybody else to win a title b/c I'd hate for others to have to experience what I did. He's already in great company in terms of being named w/guys like Ewing, Malone, Stockton, Marino, Kelly, and whoever else he mentioned. His place is more than secure in history. So him talking about how much he "don't like them" just b/c they predicted they'd win 7 chips in a row makes him seem so bitter and insecure.

Come on Chuck, you're better than that.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by amel223

seeing the gifs of all those Heat flops that last page still make me mad. 

please dallas, make me happy.
Heard Wilbon today talking about how he hasn't noticed any flopping in the playoffs. I lose more and more respect for him by the day. He's such a schill for the league now. Even Mark Jackson and JVG are calling out the flops on live TV and Wilbon can't even admit he's seen a single one.
yeah Wilbon has been really bothering me
he won't even admit that most of the country is rooting against the heat or lebron is seen as the bad guy. TK is always calling him crazy
All this so called "I'm going for the Mavs because I hate the Heat" is disgusting.
These same people have called the Mavs soft. Said Dirk was not a franchise player.
Talked about Mark Cuban being a dumb owner. Thought this series was over after game 1.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

once i decided to take my hating talents to south beach and go all out with the anti heat sentiment, i've literally sprayed air freshener all over air freshh's fan talents. him taking his fan talents to south beach was one of the best acquistions in nt fanbase history as he had a helluva run this year, but once i decided to take this hating to a whole other level, i've been the kryptonite to his fan talents.







Just got a BLOCKBUSTER report . . . from a MEMBER OF THE MIAMI HEAT SQUAD!!!People are wondering WHY LeBron James hasn't been playing as well as he's supposed to . . . well according to his teammate - it's because of Jason Terry's TRASH TALK!!!

According to the insider, Jason Terry's trash talk goes WAAAY overboard. The insider explained, "He tells LeBron that [his fiance Savannah] is f*cking other players. He talks about f*cking LeBron's mom . . . [Jason Terry] says whatever he has to to get under LeBron's skin."

And the TRASH TALK seems to work. According to LeBron's teammate, "LeBron may [even] believe some of that [stuff]. It's effecting his play."

take it for what it's worth
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

once i decided to take my hating talents to south beach and go all out with the anti heat sentiment, i've literally sprayed air freshener all over air freshh's fan talents. him taking his fan talents to south beach was one of the best acquistions in nt fanbase history as he had a helluva run this year, but once i decided to take this hating to a whole other level, i've been the kryptonite to his fan talents.







I don't know why, but when I read your posts, I picture the guy below saying what you type. 
Press conference on NBA TV right now...


Originally Posted by knightngale

Lebron already lost even if he wins a ring unless he has back to back 50 point games with clutch play. THAT IS NOT HAPPENING.

simmons on wade

(e) we'll remember him forever as an evil genius who somehow convinced his biggest archrival to move to HIS city, play for HIS team, and become HIS sidekick.
dude basically will have used LePawn to elevate his legacy while destroying bron's

Besides 06, what has Wade done w/o Bron?????
Oh wait, nothing, he was stuck in the first round for the past 3-4 years, let's not act like Wade is better than Bron. WHICH HE ISN'T.

If it wasn't for Bron, Miami wouldn't even be here, relax trolls.
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