OFFICIAL 2010 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD [79-82] : The losing season

[h1]In an upset, Dodgers sign Zach Lee[/h1]

By Steve Henson, Yahoo! Sports 11 minutes ago

Thesupposedly unsignable player, drafted by the team that supposedlydidn’t want to sign him, signed Monday night. Zach Lee won’t playquarterback for LSU and will pitch for the Los Angeles Dodgers, agreeing to a contract worth $5.25 million over five years.

More From Steve Henson

Leefell to the Dodgers at No. 28 in the first round of the June draftbecause of signability concerns. When the Dodgers didn’t contact himall summer, many observers concluded that financially strapped ownerFrank McCourt had no intention of offering a lucrative contract andwould take advantage of a compensation rule that would have given theDodgers the No. 29 pick in the 2011 draft.

But the Dodgers’ strategy all along was to remain low-key until thelast minute, then spring an offer on Lee that dwarfed the $1.2 millionslot amount for a 28th overall pick. Lee, 18, had come to realize thatthe soonest he could compete for a starting job at LSU would be 2012.No college quarterback had ever become a successful major leaguepitcher, so turning down the Dodgers’ offer now could have meant an endto any dream he had of becoming one.

The signing bonus is by far the largest the Dodgers have ever paid. The previous high was $2.3 million in 2006 to Clayton Kershaw(notes), who like Lee is a flame-throwing high school pitcher from Texas.

[h3]McKinney's Zach Lee signs with Los Angeles Dodgers, leaves LSU[/h3]
[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Posted at 10:56 PM on Mon., Aug. 16, 2010 | Permalink | /"> no-repeat scroll left top; cursor: pointer; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0pt; left: 0pt; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; height: 16px; width: 16px;">Yahoo! Buzz
Kyle Whitfield / HS GameTime Editor    Bio |  E-mail |  News tips[/td][/tr][/table]
Former McKinney pitcher Zach Lee has signed a contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, LSU's athletic department announced Monday night.

"This was a very personal decision for Zach and his family," LSU coach Les Miles saidin a news release. "This opportunity was just too difficult to pass up.We wish Zach and his family the very best. He's an outstanding youngman and we hope he develops into a great Major League pitcher."

LSU announced Lee's decision about five minutes before the 11 p.m. CT MLB deadline for draft picks to sign contracts with their respective teams. Terms of the contract were not immediately released.

Lee enrolled in summer school at LSU one day after being selectedNo. 28 overall by the Los Angeles Dodgers in this year's MLB First-YearPlayer Draft.

According to an LSU athletic department news release, Lee isscheduled to attend class on Wednesday and begin LSU's summerconditioning program on Wednesday too.

"[Lee] wants to come to LSU, get a degree and play football andbaseball for the Tigers," Miles said June 8. "I met with Zach and hisparents today and I think that they are looking at LSU as a greatopportunity both academically and athletically. Zach is an outstandingstudent and he's excited about the college experience."

A dual athlete at McKinney, Lee had 11 victories, a 2.15 ERA and 90strikeouts this baseball season. As a senior on the football field, Leepassed for 2,565 yards and 31 touchdowns. He also added nine rushingtouchdowns in 2009.

Logan White

I figure some of that money is McC hoping for positive PR
Well, Lee's bonus is split over 5 years so it's not like he's breaking the bank, but this is a great sign for them learning to focus their limited resources on cost-controlled assets.
not bad.. sign Lee but lose Gausman to LSU... wasn't expecting either to sign

Lee and his family played their cards perfectly
[h2]Dodgers Sign Zach Lee [/h2]
by Eric Stephen on Aug 16, 2010 9:43 PM PDT in Draft

More photos » Spencer Weiner - AP

Frank McCourt was on such a high after signing Zach Lee tonight that hethen went out and outran Wesley Korir, front right, of Kenya, in amarathon.

Browse more photos »

The Dodgersbrought a bit of good news tonight, signing their first round pick,Zach Lee away from LSU, where he was to play quarterback. Per DylanHernandez of the LA Times:
Zach Lee got a $5.25MM bonus from the #Dodgers. Payments will be spread over 5 years.

"I’m ecstatic for Zach, his family and for the entire Dodgerorganization," said Dodgers Assistant General Manager, Scouting Logan White. "We’re bringing an outstanding talent into the fold. I havetremendous confidence in this young man and it’s clear that he signedbecause he has a lot of faith in the Dodgers and in their tradition ofdeveloping young pitchers." 

The 18-year-old won 11 games with a 2.15 ERA and 90 strikeoutsduring his senior season at McKinney High and throws three differentpitches for strikes, including an effective breaking pitch andchangeup. Lee entered the draft as the 14th-best right-handed pitcherand ranked 29th overall among draft-eligible prospects according toBaseball America.

Lee, the 28th overall pick in this year's draft, signed a letter ofintent to play football and baseball at LSU, but will now leave theschool to concentrate solely on baseball. From the LSU Football Blog:
"This was a very personal decision for Zach and his family," Milessaid. "This opportunity was just too difficult to pass up. We wish Zachand his family the very best. He’s an outstanding young man and we hopehe develops into a great Major League pitcher."

The $5.25 million is the largest bonus ever given by the Dodgers, surpassing the $2.3 million given to seventh overall pick Clayton Kershaw in 2006.

the pic and caption is awesome
"At the risk of sounding cocky ... I thought we certainly would beable to do it from the get-go,'' White said."One thing I want toemphasize is that I understood the skepticism when we took him. ... Ialways want to be known as someone who is honest and up front and hasintegrity. I don't think I ever believed we couldn't do it, or wecertainly wouldn't have taken him. But I think we had ot make a run ata guy who has that type of ability.''

Both White and Dodgersgeneral manager Ned Colletti offered gratitude and praise for bothMcCourt and Dodgers president Dennis Mannion for providing theresources to sign Lee.

"I think it tells you that if we have theright player, we will do what we have to do to get the right playersigned,'' Colletti said."There are a lot of different dynamics to everyagreement and every deal.''

Also on Monday, the Dodgers reachedagreement with 11th-round pick Joc Pederson, a center fielder out ofPalo Alto High School, for $600,000, an extraordinary amount for such alow-round selection. That was the second-largest bonus awarded to anyof the Dodgers' 2010 draft picks, $136,000 more than the bonus given tosecond-round pick Ralston Cash, a right-hander out of Lakeview Academyin Gainesville, Ga.

However, Pederson probably would have gonemuch higher if he hadn't scared teams off by letting it be known beforethe draft that he was seeking a $1 million bonus to give up hisscholarship to USC.

The Dodgers also just beat the deadline with26th-round pick Scott Schebler, a center fielder out of Des Moines(Iowa) Area Community College. But right-hander Kevin Gausman, ahigh-school right-hander out of suburban Denver and the Dodgers'sixth-round pick, opted not to sign with the club and to honor hisbaseball scholarship to LSU.

White said Lee's contract won't allow him to play football on the side.

"He is absolutely 100-percent dedicated to baseball,'' White said.

However, in the unlikely event Lee changes his mind down the road andgoes back to football, White said there are provisions in the contractthat will limit the Dodgers' financial losses, although he wouldn't gointo detail as to what those provisions are.

As a pitcher, White said Lee is a better all-around athlete than either Kershaw or Chad Billingsley, two recent first-round picks (2006 and 2004, respectively) who are now mainstays in the Dodgers' starting rotation.

"He has an absolutely picture-perfect delivery and excellent armaction,'' White said."He is as pure as any pitcher I have ever seen. Hehas power stuff like Kershaw and Billingsley, but when those guys wereyounger, they would almost fight through a wall sometimes and try tooverpower somebody, but they have grown and learned how to pitch morethan just throw and be more effective with their pitch counts.

"I think Lee at the same age has a better feel for how to pitch thanChad or Clayton, and I don't mean that to disparage them at all.''

White said Lee's fastball touches 95 mph, but that he normally pitchesin the 89-90 range, has a good breaking ball and a great changeup.

White hinted that Lee, who immediately will jump to the head of thepack as the Dodgers' top pitching prospect, might not pitch for any ofthe club's minor league affiliates this season, which makes sense giventhat all of those affiliates' regular-season schedules will concludewithin the next three weeks or so. But White said Lee will be ready togo by the time the Arizona Instructional League begins in the fall.
The previous record signing for a Dodgers Draft pick was $2.3 millionfor Clayton Kershaw in 2006. So the financial commitment indicates theDodgers expect Lee to become another Kershaw, if not better.

Lee turns 19 next month.

"He has big shoes to fill to get to where [Chad] Billingsley andKershaw are, but I don't see why with normal progress he can't be on asimilar path to the big leagues and get there by 22, 21 years old,"said White.

The 6-foot-4, 195-pound Lee, a right-handed starter, was hardlyconsidered a perfect fit for a franchise that supposedly has its eye onfinances. Skeptics suggested the Dodgers intentionally drafted anunsignable player to save money. Yet, club officials had contendedsince Draft Day that a serious effort would be made to sign him.

[h5]signing status[/h5]

[table]Below is the signing status of the first-round picks of the 2010First-Year Player Draft. For a complete list, click here. [tr][th="col"]#[/th] [th="col"]PlayerTeam)[/th] [th="col"]Signed[/th] [th="col"]Bonus[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]Bryce Harper (WAS)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]$9.9M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]Jameson Taillon (PIT)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]Manny Machado (BAL)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]$5.25M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]Christian Colon (KC)[/td] [td]6/25[/td] [td]$2.75M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]Drew Pomeranz (CLE)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]Barret Loux (ARI)[/td] [td]DNS[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]Matt Harvey (NYM)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]Delino DeShields (HOU)[/td] [td]8/5[/td] [td]$2.15M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]Karsten Whitson (SD)[/td] [td]DNS[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]Michael Choice (OAK)[/td] [td]7/30[/td] [td]$2.00M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]11[/td] [td]Deck McGuire (TOR)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]12[/td] [td]Yasmani Grandal (CIN)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]13[/td] [td]Chris Sale (CWS)[/td] [td]6/22[/td] [td]$1.65M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]14[/td] [td]Dylan Covey (MIL)[/td] [td]DNS[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]15[/td] [td]Jake Skole (TEX)[/td] [td]6/9[/td] [td]$1.55M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]16[/td] [td]Hayden Simpson (CHC)[/td] [td]6/19[/td] [td]$1.06M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]17[/td] [td]Josh Sale (TB)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]$1.62M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]18[/td] [td]Kaleb Cowart (LAA)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]$2.30M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]19[/td] [td]Mike Foltynewicz (HOU)[/td] [td]6/18[/td] [td]$1.30M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]20[/td] [td]Kolbrin Vitek (BOS)[/td] [td]6/14[/td] [td]$1.35M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]21[/td] [td]Alex Wimmers (MIN)[/td] [td]8/6[/td] [td]$1.33M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]22[/td] [td]Kellin Deglan (TEX)[/td] [td]6/9[/td] [td]$1.00M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]23[/td] [td]Christain Yelich (FLA)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]24[/td] [td]Gary Brown (SF)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]$1.45M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]25[/td] [td]Zack Cox (STL)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]26[/td] [td]Kyle Parker (COL)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]27[/td] [td]Jesse Biddle (PHI)[/td] [td]6/10[/td] [td]$1.16M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]28[/td] [td]Zach Lee (LAD)[/td] [td]8/16[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]29[/td] [td]Cam Bedrosian (LAA)[/td] [td]7/14[/td] [td]$1.16M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]30[/td] [td]Chevez Clark (LAA)[/td] [td]7/8[/td] [td]$1.08M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]31[/td] [td]Justin O'Conner (TB)[/td] [td]6/20[/td] [td]$1.02M[/td] [/tr][tr][td]32[/td] [td]Cito Culver (NYY)[/td] [td]6/18[/td] [td]$954K[/td] [/tr][/table]

"It tells you when we have the right player, we'll do what we have to do to get the right player signed," said Colletti.

White said that Lee is "absolutely 100 percent dedicated to baseball,"and indicated the club is not at risk of losing the bonus money shouldLee leave baseball for football.

Since taking over the Draft in 2002, White's first pick has been apitcher eight of nine times, and a high school pitcher now six times.Two of those top high school picks -- Billingsley and Kershaw -- are inthe Dodgers' rotation.

"At the risk of making them [Billingsley and Kershaw] mad at me, Lee'sa better athlete than both," said White. "He has a picture-perfectdelivery and arm action, like John Smoltz. A power pitcher with stufflike Kershaw and Billingsley. But they fight through the wall and tryto overpower and are learning how to pitch.

"Zach Lee, at the same age, has better feel for pitching than Chad orClayton. He can run it up to 95 [mph], but similar to [Atlanta's] JairJurrjens against us the other night, he'll be 89, 90 then 96 out ofnowhere. He has a good feel for throwing. Things come easy to him, he'sa scratch golfer, a champion wrestler."

Although Lee said last week that there hadn't been any negotiations,the club had given indications it was prepared to make the Texan anoffer he would find tough to pass up. The slot salary recommended byMLB for the pick was $1.134 million.

A virtual news blackout over the weekend was an indication thatnegotiations not only had begun, but were serious enough for Lee tokeep the dialogue going.

White said the deal "came down to the wire," and he believed the key toland Lee, aside from the money, was the Dodgers organization'stradition of developing pitchers.

The deadline to sign all Draft picks was midnight Monday. Had theDodgers not signed Lee, they would have received the 29th overall pickin next year's Draft as compensation. The last time the Dodgers didn'tsign their top pick was 2005, when they drafted but did not signsupplemental pick Luke Hochevar, who became the first overall pick byKansas City the following year.

White said earlier that Lee's competitive nature reminds him of NolanRyan, while Lee's athleticism and feel for pitching reminds him of ayoung Roy Halladay.

The Dodgers have signed 15 of their top 17 picks, but did not signsixth-rounder Kevin Gausman, another high school pitcher also committedto LSU.

The Dodgers have signed a total of 30 of their 50 picks. Last year, theDodgers signed their top 10, 18 of the first 19 and 30 of 51.

Key Dodgers signings Monday before Lee were 11th-round pick, outfielderJoc Pederson (committed to the University of Southern California), for$600,000 and their 26th-round selection, outfielder Scott Schebler(committed to Wichita State), for $300,000.;fext=.jsp&c_id=la

Here's the link to Lee's scouting video :
Listen to the end where the last question is about his favorite MLB pitcher. Great answer from the kid.
Zach Lee finally signed


The only type of dramatic factor worth talking about, and it's actually baseball related, and not divorce related.

Just waiting until September 1st, would like to see some of the kids get some shine.
the jmac lambo trade is probably gonna be one that comes back to sting us in a few years.

what a dumb dumb trade... hurts to think about it.
[h3]Dodgers get Zach Lee ... will they lose Logan White?[/h3]

Pretty nice 28 hours that Logan White just had.

Monday evening, White 2003 draftee Chad Billingsley finished his sixth consecutive quality start, with an ERA of 1.33 in that span.

Tuesday evening, White 2006 draftee Clayton Kershaw threw seven shutout innings in the Dodgers' 6-0 victory over Colorado and moved up to third in the National League in strikeouts.

And in between, White converted his bold first-round selection of Zach Lee into what might be the coup of the 2010 draft.

Lee's reported $5.25 million deal was more than twice the size of Kershaw's draft-year signing, in part because of the leverage that college football provided Lee, but it also reflects the belief that Lee could make the kind of remarkable impact for the Dodgers that Kershaw already has.

We might not get to see all three of these pitchers in the same Dodger rotation -- Billingsley becomes eligible for free agency after the 2012 season, while it might be a rush to get the teenage Lee to the bigs by then -- but there is that tantalizing possibility. And even if it doesn't happen, you can be pretty sure the past two nights haven't gone unnoticed inside baseball.

Put another way, even if there comes a weekend series in the September 2012 stretch run with Kershaw, Billingsley and Lee on the mound for the Dodgers, will White be around to see it?

White has long been an attractive candidate for other front offices in baseball, certainly from a scouting viewpoint but also in terms of general manager openings. Getting Lee to the Dodgers -- convincing both parties to get on board -- when almost no one thought he could, adds a new layer of appeal.

The signing arguably turned around a year in which, aside from Kershaw and Billingsley, things went a little south for White's other prodigies. There was Blake DeWitt's and James Loney's lack of home-run power, Russell Martin's ongoing fade and Matt Kemp's backward steps. There was James McDonald once more not seizing the day (though he seems to be thriving in Pittsburgh), and Scott Elbert's disappearing act. And there was a mixed bag of results on the development front in the low minors -- some remarkable advances like that of Jerry Sands, some retreats by others.

But Kershaw, Billingsley and Lee serve as a reminder that betting on White is about as safe a gamble as you can make in -- this can't be over-emphasized -- an inherently risky field. I have no idea what specific interest other teams will show in White, but as the Dodgers make their lengthy to-do list for the 2010-11 offseason, one item that needs to be on it is "Keep Logan White happy." Unless you subscribe to the philosophy of, "If you love someone, set him free."
As i've said many times, it's time to cut Ned and give the keys to Logan White. Why this move isn't an obvious one and hasn't happened yet is stupid, and beyond puzzling.

The thought of losing him to a rival alone should make these guys pony up
Originally Posted by eyegiantjackpot

the jmac lambo trade is probably gonna be one that comes back to sting us in a few years.

what a dumb dumb trade... hurts to think about it.

you guys dont mind me quoting myself.. do you?
[h1]Jamie McCourt: Frank changed the agreement[/h1]
August 19, 2010 | 10:03am

The agreement that Frank McCourt says gives him sole ownership ofthe Dodgers was thrown into dispute Thursday when his estranged wife asked acourt to consider three copies of that agreement that she says specificallyexclude him from sole ownership of the team.

In a court filing Thursday, Jamie McCourt argues there were sixcopies of the agreement, three that provided Frank with sole ownership andthree that did not. Dennis Wasser, an attorney for Jamie, said the wording thatprovided Frank with sole ownership was changed after Jamie signed theagreement, thus committing fraud.

If the judge deems as valid the three copies that Jamie has urgedthe court to consider, Wasser said, the case could be quickly decided in Jamie’sfavor.

“I don’t think there’s much to argue about,
hopefully that letter from jamie puts the final nail in the coffin to force a sale.. its too much of a mess now. 
never thought i would root for her.. but its best she finds something to make this more complicated, to force it.

ill be there tonight.

side note... im finding dugout club seats for 175, field box mvp Row A behind the dodgers dug out for 40...etc
probably be cheaper in sept.. for sure gonna catch a dugout club game... regardless if the team is doing bad, sitting down there is an experience.. close enough to give them crap about the season.
a friend of mine can get baseline seats for $70 a piece right now. but they way theyved been playing, i dont even think ill go
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