OFFICIAL 2010 DODGERS OFFSEASON THREAD : Mods, please lock. Thanks.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Damn Ronny, you're moving again.  Did Whittier cancel your Section 8 housing?

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Haha section 8.

Actually I moved from whittier/hacienda heights to rowland heights (land of the chinese). I pay too much rent to my sister, might as well get a spot to myself.
she charge you extra for bringing all those hoodrats home that you meet at taco del rio?
anybody want a gagne 60 whatever saves pin, gagne hot wheels, or jeff kent bobblehead?

bout to throw all this $#@$ away
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

finally, an opening game that's not in the middle of the day 

I'm expecting attendance to be terrible, 2009 3pm gametime status.
5pm > 1pm, no?
ONLY if they allow tailgating, which they won't.
Regardless, i'll be drinking all day long due to this stupid time change and will be lucky to remember ANYTHING about opening day

[h1]Born, died between 2 tragedies[/h1]Stephanie Innes Arizona Daily Star | Posted: Sunday, January 9, 2011 12:00 am
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COURTESY OF THE FAMILYChristina-Taylor Green, 9, had just been elected to the student council and wanted to meet Giffords.

Aspiring politician Christina-Taylor Green was born in the midst of tragedy on Sept. 11, 2001, and died Saturday morning while trying to meet Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

The strong-willed 9-year-old third-grader had gone to meet Giffords with a neighbor when she was shot. She died later at University Medical Center.

Her neighbor was shot four times and was recovering from surgery Saturday evening.

Christina-Taylor had just been elected to the student council at Mesa Verde Elementary School and had been interested in politics from a young age, her father, John Green, said Saturday night.

"She was a good speaker. I could have easily seen her as a politician," her father said.

The brown-eyed athletic girl had one sibling, an 11-year-old brother named Dallas, and the two loved to go swimming together.

She'd already told her parents she wanted to attend Penn State one day and have a career that involved helping those less fortunate than her.

She also loved animals and was a passionate dancer who loved ballet, hip-hop, jazz and gymnastics and was the only girl on her Canyon del Oro Little League baseball team, "The Pirates." She played second base.

Christina-Taylor came from a family of baseball players. Her grandfather, former major-league pitcher Dallas Green, was team manager for the Philadelphia Phillies when they won the World Series in 1980.

"She kept up with everyone, she was a strong girl, a very good athlete and a strong swimmer," said her mother, Roxanna Green. "She was interested in everything. She got a guitar for Christmas so her next thing was learning to play guitar."

Christina-Taylor also enjoyed singing in a church choir at St. Odilia's Catholic Church, where she had received her first Holy Communion in the spring.

"'Let the children come to me,' Jesus said (Matthew 19:14). Christina is with Him," Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas wrote in a letter to parishioners sent from Jordan, where he is attending a bishops' meeting.

Already aware of inequalities in the world around her, Christina-Taylor often repeated the same phrase to her mother: "We are so blessed. We have the best life."

Her birth date no doubt helped inspire Christina-Taylor's interest in politics, Roxanna Green said. She was one of 50 9/11 babies featured in a book called "Faces of Hope."

"She was born back east and Sept. 11 affected everyone there, and Christina-Taylor was always very aware of it. She was very patriotic and wearing red, white and blue was really special to her," her mother said.

"She was all about helping people, and being involved. It's so tragic. She went to learn today and then someone with so much hatred in their heart took the lives of innocent people."
We begin with a quiz.

When Dodgers history is reviewed years from now, who will deserve the most blame for the franchise's demise?

1. Peter O'Malley. His team failed to win a playoff game his last nine years on the job, and then he sold the Dodgers to Fox.

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2. Fox. The company traded Mike Piazza and the Dodgers never played a postseason game during six years of ownership, winning 90 games only once.

3. Frank & Jamie McCourt. Their divorce revealed a reign of frivolous personal spending, front-office firings and financial deceit.

The answer is obvious. It started with Fox, continued with Fox and here we go again.

The Times reported Saturday morning Fox has advanced McCourt money, which suggests he doesn't have much.

In court documents, McCourt has said he wants to start a regional TV network. If it happens, it would be an easy fix for his financial woes.

But he lacks the start-up funds. To get those, he would probably have to give Fox a considerable ownership interest in the new network in exchange for a $400-million loan.

Such a deal would work in Fox's favor, keeping the Dodgers from taking their business elsewhere and giving them the potential of network ownership should McCourt default on the loan.

The McCourts would not have been able to buy the Dodgers in 2004 had it not been for Fox. Fox took a parking lot against a $200-million loan, and after the McCourts defaulted on the loan, Fox took ownership of the parking lot and later sold it.

McCourt obviously believes a regional TV network can save him as owner of the team. In court papers he said such a network might double to triple what the team presently gets from TV. Such club-owned networks have been very profitable in New York and Boston.

I sought a comment from Frank McCourt at the Century Plaza on Saturday night.

"Why don't you and me sit down and chat?" I said to McCourt.

McCourt's reply: "In your dreams," the expletive deleted from his response.

McCourt, who began his first day on the job as Dodgers owner promising transparency, continues to decline to comment on any subject.

Fox did not respond to a request for comment.

McCourt's recent trip to New York to gather support from Major League Baseball has all the appearance of a desperate man. Divorce court papers revealed he was more than $400 million in debt, more than $600 million considering long-term liabilities and now he's paying his wife to stay away.

He had to borrow money from his brother and friends to make good on payments to Jamie.

Throw in an estimated $400 million that could be borrowed from Fox to start a regional sports network, and McCourt would be near $1 billion in debt.

The interest on such debt would be astronomical, with the payment eating seriously into any cash flow. It would undermine the team's ability to improve the team in the future.

Dodgers fans -- yeah, you people -- saved McCourt previously. McCourt borrowed money based on future ticket sales. But that option apparently is no longer viable.

McCourt signed several players to contracts calling for deferred payments, but the banks have now restricted the amount of money deferred.

He had hoped to save himself by doing business with the NFL on a new stadium. But NFL owners don't like talking to people who have to borrow to get their money.

He hired folks to develop Chavez Ravine, but like Dodgers fans, the economy turned against him.

When he fired Jamie's chauffeur, the game was really over -- unless Fox can save him.

McCourt and Fox would need the approval of Commissioner Bud Selig. In other words, Selig would have to look Los Angeles in the eye and say, "Frank McCourt is the right man to lead your Dodgers."

He did so once before in allowing McCourt to buy the team. Would he repeat such a colossal mistake?

McCourt recently sought Selig's support for his financial plans to stay afloat, but did not get it. He would need such support to get further consideration from banks.

McCourt was known in Boston for filing lawsuits as often as Matt Kemp strikes out. Everything said these days between McCourt and Selig might very well be said again from the witness stand.

As financially leveraged as McCourt seems to be, MLB might one day have to take over the Dodgers as it did the Texas Rangers. The Rangers filed for bankruptcy.

But then, as Selig knows so well, the McCourts were financially leveraged from the day they bought the team.

McCourt's flacks like to point to the team's success during Frank's time on the job. But years from now, when Dodgers history is reviewed, all the credit for that should go to Manny Ramirez.

McCourt went through Jim Tracy and Grady Little before hiring Joe Torre. The Dodgers were nothing special under Torre until McCourt got Ramirez for free during the middle of Torre's first year.

Ramirez changed the clubhouse, the atmosphere in the stadium and twice nudged the Dodgers within striking distance of the World Series. The Dodgers were nothing special before Ramirez arrived and the same when it became understood he would not be back.

They begin the 2011 season with that same look.

Worse, the Dodgers move forward with an owner who has proven in court papers and testimony he cannot be trusted.

And Dodgers fans owe this all to Fox.

[email protected]
562 hit me up

ned colleti said tony gwynn jr might play center field, depending how well he hits in spring training. that would move kemp to right and ethier to left.
larry bowa thinks he doesnt have a job because he called out matt kemp on his hustle/play
That Simers article was awesome.

A lot of people hate him due to his sarcasm, but his gritty ( (c) Coletti ) articles are what makes me a fan of his

Thames, Kapler signed.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

562, you still on that vegan diet or what?

the go-to question when there's lulls in the thread haha
Nahh, never vegan. I come from people who eat pupusas and tacos, that's not a possibility

I've just curved my food choices. My breakfast/lunch is either a PBJ  or typically a fruit shake. Apples, lemons, oranges, strawberry raspberry blueberry, banana, kiwi, mango all go into the blender and fill me up.

No more diets, just eating a LOT better. Still done with the soda, snacks, chips, essentially anything they sell at 7-11 I haven't picked up since making the resolution to quit last year. I don't really miss it either, I kill water like nobodys business, and enjoy how I feel. I'm just trying to improve on what I got in motion last year. Back in 09 I was 8 pant sizes bigger than I now am, so I must be doing something right.

Any pointers?
sounds good bro. as long as you are blending and not juicing, thats a solid breakfast. fruit juice is my weakness so i try to stay away. i want to be on that vegan lifestyle but i eat chicken like its going out of style. i want to at least try being a vegetarian eventually, though. i would eat quinoa with every meal if it wasnt like 4 bucks a pound. cant wait til the nfl season ends and i stop going ape**** and eating/drinking like 6000 calories every sunday. every other day of the week, im good though.

if they make a vegetarian picante dog, im never eating meat again.
don't give them any more ideas with that Veggie Picante dog

I had the Veggie Dog at the AYCE at Petco in 09 and it wasn't bad, the orangey color threw me off so I tried to not look at it haha

Quinoa is straight, had it a few times. But like you said, TOO expensive 

I've been killing this AYCE Korean BBQ spot off of Artesia and Pioneer since the beginning of December, I must've gone like 9 times since

I need to cut that +### out but at $10 a head?
russell martin said he had "personal problems" the last 2 years, pretty much saying that's why he sucked
With all the Wahoo's tacos I eat, no way im going veggie.. would be the end of me..

soooooo too early to talk about a meet up at the shortstop for opening day?

562, I think our mission should be to get molly knight to meet for a drink prior to the game.  what do you think?  meet at 2?  bloody marys and 2 dollar pabsts?
If anybody knows anybody that needs some marketing, or anything like that, hit me up. Finally got this company off the ground. 
Originally Posted by eyegiantjackpot

562, I think our mission should be to get molly knight to meet for a drink prior to the game.  what do you think?  meet at 2?  bloody marys and 2 dollar pabsts?


I'm SUPER down

PMAC props on getting that going dude, keep grinding 
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I've been killing this AYCE Korean BBQ spot off of Artesia and Pioneer since the beginning of December, I must've gone like 9 times since

I need to cut that +### out but at $10 a head?

MR. LEES? cerritos?
Damn artesia / pioneer has the bombest grub spots!

You ever try Magic Wok yet bro? There's also this Indian spot that has a bomb all you can eat lunch, amazing food

Hai gaiz
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Damn artesia / pioneer has the bombest grub spots!

You ever try Magic Wok yet bro? There's also this Indian spot that has a bomb all you can eat lunch, amazing food

Hai gaiz

I still haven't, because I know i'll murder crispy pata more than once in the same visit

Who's your amigo at HoH though?
imma go up to every employee at hoh and say you know ronny? He sent me here to pick up some shoes for him
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