Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Biedrins doesn't even try to put the ball back in when he gets an offensive rebound.
And when he tries, he fails miserably.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Monta is going to have to step up if they want to do anything on this road trip.
I think Smart needs to rest him more, maybe even give him a game or two off if he needs it.

Missed the first half, but Ekpe in the second half
Barely hung lucky. Shouldn't have to come down to the wire after getting a big lead on a team like the Wizards.
A wins a win
. It's frustrating to watch this team play really good against some of the better teams and fall back down against the bad ones. I know that's what separates the good from the bad, but still
I'm torn as to whose deal I'd rather amnesty if that becomes available in the new CBA.

Tommy T was arguing how Lee's deal isn't that bad because he's not being paid like a "difference maker". That's such a short sided argument. The fact is, he doesn't do anything lesser paid players can't do and he's a huge defensive liability whose overpaid for what he DOES do.

Anyway, Biedrins or I'm torn.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'm torn as to whose deal I'd rather amnesty if that becomes available in the new CBA.

Tommy T was arguing how Lee's deal isn't that bad because he's not being paid like a "difference maker". That's such a short sided argument. The fact is, he doesn't do anything lesser paid players can't do and he's a huge defensive liability whose overpaid for what he DOES do.

Anyway, Biedrins or I'm torn.
But he is getting paid like a difference maker.
Biedrins easily, IMO. Lee is vastly overpaid, but he's still a solid starter to me. Biedrins is just absolutely useless and does nothing positive at all, while being vastly overpaid.
As much as I hate Biedrins I do believe it'll be easier to trade a center

The article regarding Perkins extending with OkC made mention of how big men still commend a premium...

Tolbert's other point was difference makers start at like 15m per. He rattled off a bunch of names and contracts asking if we'd rather have those guys instead of Lee. All it proved was some terrible contracts were handed out in recent years and it doesn't mitigate that Lee isn't worth 84m and it essentially crippled and cap flex we had or would have had. All this before a new CBA no less.

I'm hoping for a 1 player amnesty
If you had to choose one, obviously keep Lee. If the team could get a better player at or around the value, I would definitely take that. I just want to kick Biedrins on the face every time I see him play. I have to say, him adjusting his $#!%+!@ armband is the most annoying thing to me right now.
I hate how he can't catch a damn ball, traffic or no traffic. It just goes off his hands, to his foot and out of bounds.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Biedrins: 3yr/27M left
Lee: 5yr/69M left

I'd keep Lee, but it's probably easier to trade Biedrins.
I strongly disagree this statement.....both parts.
5 yr/69M is a much bigger cap hit than 3/27, especially with the new collective bargaining agreement. Neither are worth the money, but less years and less money to me seems like it would be easier to trade.
The thing is, Lee actually is good for what he is. He does a few things exceptionally well, and obviously he is horrendous at a few things. Biedrins on the other hand is just flat out garbage. Id rather have 3 years of an awful contract than 5 years of one. Especially if that 5 year guy would be able to yield a better player in return. We'd be lucky to get a couple of Spaldings for Andris.
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