Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Because Curry has been a dependable PG right? He hasn't won any games for us yet.

Trade for Curry and Biedrins for Iggy, flip a combination of Wright, Gadz, Rad, and Bell for Camby.


If we're desparate for another guard, I'd go for Flip Murray (assuming we sent Lin to the D-League).
Second situation.

Trade Curry for Terrence William and 1st Rounder.
Flip 1st Rounder and some scrub for OJ Mayo

Lets have a poll, if we were to forced to trade Monta or Curry, who would you trade and why?

I'd trade Curry because Monta is the Warriors' heart and soul. He is one of the top 5 scorers in the league when his team is healthy. Although Monta doesn't have the same mindset as Kobe (no one will, Kobe's on a completely different tier), he is kind of in that Kobe 2006-2007 phase. One big trade can transcend the whole team and can also bring Monta's game to an elite level. I want to watch that happen, he deserves it. He began with this team, he suceeded with this team, he had turmoil with this team, he put this team on his back (literally, see tattoo for reference), and he will bring this team deep into the playoffs with some help from management. His frustration on-court the past ten games have been very revealing. He wants this team to suceed, but he knows he can't do it by himself. I see the frustration as a good sign because he expects better from the team.

I am not knocking Curry's game at all, but Monta deserves a lot of phrase. That is all, carry on.
Terrance Williams seems like a $@+%#$! headcase at this point. What part of his game is rated highly in Morey's statbook 

If you wanted to point to the one big problem on this team, its that Tin Man, no heart having slouch sitting in the C spot for us. You can only go to the same post move (that misses most of the time mind you) for so long before your @+%* gets stuffed on every attempt. Give me a live body type banger there with defense and boards and this team will start playing like a 40-45 win team. Nothing huge, even something like Chuck Hayes would do.

I wonder if there are any teams who would take Biedrins+expiring for a decent center. It's not like Dallas is using Haywood enough anyway.
1) why would we trade for Iggy who is a 2nd fiddle at best, masquerading as the primary option in PHI? IMO, same with Monta. In your scenario GSW would pair 2 beta options on the same team. Problem with this is that Iggy seems to know what he is, but does Monta?

2) I definitely don't see POR trading Camby. Why would they with their bad string of injury luck especially at the center position.

3) Curry is in his 2nd year. Sure he has not made (m)any improvements yet from his rookie campaign but he has been slowed by injuries, and he might just turn it around yet. The season is still young. His upside is what you would be selling for Iggy, and IMO Iggy's ceiling has already been reached. Add in the love affair Collins has for Jrue and PHI has little incentive to make a move for a PG.

4) HOU has both Brooks and Lowry-- 2 starter PGs on one team. Yes they have a surplus of guards, and now swingmen, but it is IMO they have little motive in acquiring another PG when what they are lacking is a primary scorer. Martin and Scola are great as ancillary offensive options, and both are getting the job done right now, but what HOU really lacks is a top offensive threat. Curry is not that (yet?).

5) Why would GSW want Mayo, when his own team doesn't even want to start him? Again, he is another secondary offensive option, and has regressed mightily so far this year. He, like Monta is a volume scorer, however Mayo is just not hitting shots. Both are very black-holey as well.

6) Monta, like Bryant, is a volume scorer. Both are putting up 20 shots a game, although Ellis is converting at a better rate than Bryant. In Bryant's heyday he was jacking up nearly 25 shots a game I believe-- and he's never been a great shooter (although still a good one).

7) Now by trading Curry, you default Monta to be the primary ball handler. Already he is turning it over at an alarming rate, and with him taking over PG duties it is gonna get uglier. Although I suppose you could turn Iggy into a point-forward kind of player. Still, you suppose this Ellis + Iggy + Lee trio can take GSW to the promised land? That combo is still one piece away from doing anything serious in the West, unless you seriously think POR is looking to trade Camby. And even then the GSW bench is still atrocious.

all in all, I don't really agree with trading Curry or Ellis because both are phenomenal and it's not likely GSW will get fair value back. This team really has no way out right now-- and the low returns so far on Lee only magnify that. Add in the lack of depth on the bench and it's even worse.

all these comments are made assuming all things will be holding constant.
It's not like Monta handles the ball all the time.

We got Wright handling it a 3rd of a time (yuck), and Reggie too.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Terrance Williams seems like a $@+%#$! headcase at this point. What part of his game is rated highly in Morey's statbook 

If you wanted to point to the one big problem on this team, its that Tin Man, no heart having slouch sitting in the C spot for us. You can only go to the same post move (that misses most of the time mind you) for so long before your @+%* gets stuffed on every attempt. Give me a live body type banger there with defense and boards and this team will start playing like a 40-45 win team. Nothing huge, even something like Chuck Hayes would do.

I wonder if there are any teams who would take Biedrins+expiring for a decent center. It's not like Dallas is using Haywood enough anyway.
Haywood sucks I'd be more interested in dealing for Dalembert, who all signs point to being available.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

It's not like Monta handles the ball all the time.

We got Wright handling it a 3rd of a time (yuck), and Reggie too.
Okay so if you want, assuming that, you take Wright out of the starting lineup and insert Iggy. You ask him to handle the ball then? His AST:TO ratio is only slightly better than what Curry is currently putting up (and he is playing alongside a serviceable PG). Which still doesn't alleviate the fact that Monta needs the ball in his hands to be effective (which is to say, his TOs are still going to be problematic).
But Iggy never had a dynamic scorer to play with since Iverson left.

Iggy was doing alright with Iverson by his side.

so you're saying Ellis is a dynamic scorer akin to Iverson, who will "make" Iggy an alright player and that's why we should trade Curry.
Oh, okay.

So Monta is not a winner/can't win games (not to mention other things he cannot do when compared to Iverson), but GSW should gut the team to surround him with more talented players?
Curry will not be leaving GS anytime soon. This is his second year and due to injuries he hasn't been in games consistently to contribute 100%. There are a lot of teams that would take the trade for him . Let's just ride out the rest of the season with some free agent pick ups and reassess the Ws in the offseason. If it was with the same management as last year then we're %*$$** but right now even with this record we're still in good shape.
We're better off keeping them both unless there's truly a crazy deal out there where we can get another all-star (not of the David Lee variety).

J-rich is a free agent next year....
Haha okay man I've already detailed previously about why trading Curry is not only a bad idea, but also why none of the teams you suggested will trade for him. Whatever you say. You can live with your delusions of grandeur regarding (building around) Ellis, but I'm not discussing this any further since you don't ever really address any of the opposing viewpoints but only serve to change the subject.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Because Curry has been a dependable PG right? He hasn't won any games for us yet.

Trade for Curry and Biedrins for Iggy, flip a combination of Wright, Gadz, Rad, and Bell for Camby.


If we're desparate for another guard, I'd go for Flip Murray (assuming we sent Lin to the D-League).
You would really rather have Iguodala than Curry? You would trade a top 10 point guard (debatable) for an overpaid, overrated SF?
Oh you Curry fanboys.

Curry is a good player. I like his game a lot. Far exceeded my expectations during his first year. His second year is incomplete and those nasty ankle injuries give him an excuse. I'm willing to wait on his developing; it does look promising. However, I feel that when you make that kind of push for David Lee, you're in win now mode and I think Iggy would get us more wins this year than Curry would. Iggy is overpaid and slightly overrated, but he was never meant to take reigns of his own team. You put him next to a dynamic scorer like Monta and you'll get more production out of Iggy.

Would you do this?

Iggy, Brand, and Jrue


Steph, Biedrins, and contracts and picks
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