Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I don't even disagree with you at this point, but Andray Blatche

that dude is a complete loser that will never in his life be part of a winning team.
He's talented you can't deny that.  6'10 guys who can rebound, and have a wide offensive skill-set don't grow on trees.  And that team is full of high character guys in the middle of nowhere, limits the options for trouble he can get into.  You can always have one headcase on a team and be fine.  I think Blatche would fall under the influence of KD and Russ, see how hard they bust their +%% and start doing the same.  If Lamar Odom can become a leader of a USA team, Andray Blatche can be a key part of a winning team.
he's not talented enough to make any difference.

and owed 35 million over the next 5 years (which Washington would probably love to get out of now). And does nothing to help combat the size/length issue they need to overcome since he wastes his 6'10 frame floating on the perimeter.

As much as Jeff did/will get destroyed against LA, Blatche would be right there with him.

Jason Thompson caliber of player does nothing for them, either. Except make them worse.
You put a 7-footer on him, who covers Noah? You going to have two 7 footers out there?

Who was the star on these Boston teams? Paul Pierce? How high was his ceiling? Sure you got KG/PP/Rondo too, but that's a team.

In the league now, you go as far as your DEFENSE takes you. And apart of that, as far as your ability to rebound the ball takes you.

Carmelo has pretty much gotten to where he's going to be in his career. He had a great cast around him. But they never got to the Finals.

I can't remember the last time a player took his team solely by himself to the Finals and won it.

Dirk and Iverson both MADE it to the Finals, but they both lost.

I don't buy the whole "you go as far as your star takes you," mantra.

Do stars get you to the Playoffs? Yeah sure, but teams win playoffs.

Kobe sure as hell didn't win the 2010 Finals. The rest of that team did.

Paul Pierce didn't win the chip in 08. The team did.

Tony Parker didn't win the chip in 07 by himself, the team did.

Wade didn't win the chip in 06 by himself, the refs did.

Back to the Pistons, they won that solely on defense.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You put a 7-footer on him, who covers Noah? You going to have two 7 footers out there?

Who was the star on these Boston teams? Paul Pierce? How high was his ceiling? Sure you got KG/PP/Rondo too, but that's a team.

In the league now, you go as far as your DEFENSE takes you. And apart of that, as far as your ability to rebound the ball takes you.

Carmelo has pretty much gotten to where he's going to be in his career. He had a great cast around him. But they never got to the Finals.

I can't remember the last time a player took his team solely by himself to the Finals and won it.

Dirk and Iverson both MADE it to the Finals, but they both lost.

I don't buy the whole "you go as far as your star takes you," mantra.

Do stars get you to the Playoffs? Yeah sure, but teams win playoffs.

Kobe sure as hell didn't win the 2010 Finals. The rest of that team did.

Paul Pierce didn't win the chip in 08. The team did.

Tony Parker didn't win the chip in 07 by himself, the team did.

Wade didn't win the chip in 06, the refs did.

Back to the Pistons, they won that solely on defense.

Maaaan, what are you babbling about?  Celts had 3 FRANCHISE guys on their squad, get outta here with Paul Peirce's ceiling. 

I didn't say that they win by themselves, I said they get you where you wanna go. 

When the game is on the line, and you need buckets, on the road who gettin them for you?  A role guy may help you with a shot or two, maybe a game, but a 7 game SERIES?  Stars make it happen in the NBA.  Been this way FOREVER. 

That Pistons team is like the loniest team in history, because it's pretty much the only one without any elite players.  The Bulls are not exactly the Pistons in terms of their defense.  And if Malone doesn't get hurt, then the Pistons probably wouldn't give anyone anything to argue about. 
  Slava Medvedenko v Rasheed Wallace didn't work out too well for us. 

And you act like OKC's defense is pitiful or something and the Bulls is elite.  That's not the case. 

And Melo tapped out?  He reached his ceiling with a bunch of tattoo'd freak misfits? 
  Come on JA, you better then this. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You put a 7-footer on him, who covers Noah? You going to have two 7 footers out there?

Who was the star on these Boston teams? Paul Pierce? How high was his ceiling? Sure you got KG/PP/Rondo too, but that's a team.

In the league now, you go as far as your DEFENSE takes you. And apart of that, as far as your ability to rebound the ball takes you.

Carmelo has pretty much gotten to where he's going to be in his career. He had a great cast around him. But they never got to the Finals.

I can't remember the last time a player took his team solely by himself to the Finals and won it.

Dirk and Iverson both MADE it to the Finals, but they both lost.

I don't buy the whole "you go as far as your star takes you," mantra.

Do stars get you to the Playoffs? Yeah sure, but teams win playoffs.

Kobe sure as hell didn't win the 2010 Finals. The rest of that team did.

Paul Pierce didn't win the chip in 08. The team did.

Tony Parker didn't win the chip in 07 by himself, the team did.

Wade didn't win the chip in 06, the refs did.

Back to the Pistons, they won that solely on defense.

Maaaan, what are you babbling about?  Celts had 3 FRANCHISE guys on their squad, get outta here with Paul Peirce's ceiling. 

I didn't say that they win by themselves, I said they get you where you wanna go. 

When the game is on the line, and you need buckets, on the road who gettin them for you?  A role guy may help you with a shot or two, maybe a game, but a 7 game SERIES?  Stars make it happen in the NBA.  Been this way FOREVER. 

That Pistons team is like the loniest team in history, because it's pretty much the only one without any elite players.  The Bulls are not exactly the Pistons in terms of their defense.  And if Malone doesn't get hurt, then the Pistons probably wouldn't give anyone anything to argue about. 
  Slava Medvedenko v Rasheed Wallace didn't work out too well for us. 

And you act like OKC's defense is pitiful or something and the Bulls is elite.  That's not the case. 

And Melo tapped out?  He reached his ceiling with a bunch of tattoo'd freak misfits? 
  Come on JA, you better then this. 
Let's pretend for a second that OC is still alive..... 

Anyone else die of laughter to see him saunter out onto the court during a timeout with his purse strap firmly around his shoulder and see him walk up and slap Bron across the face like a girl that you never called back? 

I think I would.  I think I would die a happy man. 

I can't wait to see that crowd tomorrow. 
Let's pretend for a second that OC is still alive..... 

Anyone else die of laughter to see him saunter out onto the court during a timeout with his purse strap firmly around his shoulder and see him walk up and slap Bron across the face like a girl that you never called back? 

I think I would.  I think I would die a happy man. 

I can't wait to see that crowd tomorrow. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Who was the star on these Boston teams? Paul Pierce? How high was his ceiling? Sure you got KG/PP/Rondo too, but that's a team.

This has nothing to do with the rest of your argument, but you can't seriously believe that ANYONE other than Kevin Garnet was the best player on that team. Do people seriously ask that question.
I'm just saying, Durant by himself ain't enough to get it done. Him and Russ by themselves ain't enough to get it done. Jeff is a great piece, maybe the MISSING piece for another team, but he isn't the piece for OKC.

In the Lakers win last year, in the Finals, how many of Kobe's games did he shoot above 45%? Only two. Those other two games, he was TERRIBLE. In those other two wins, it was Fisher, Shannon Brown, Artest, Odom, Pau, who got it done. Those ain't the stars. You can get away with calling Pau the star, sure, but it was huge contributions from guys like that who won it for them. I don't think OKC has those kind of guys. I don't know if I can really say that KOBE made it happen. It's all about the team.

They get you there sure, but Durant just doesn't have the pieces yet. Am I crazy for thinking that Durant's ceiling isn't THAT much higher than Roses? I mean there's no doubt who's ceiling is higher, but Rose has a lot of tools to be probably the most well-rounded PG out there with his size/strength/speed/athleticism.

OKC's defense is not pitiful, but you gotta have a cast full of guys to get it done in the NBA. A cast with guys who are big enough to compete. Serge is the only big they have who is competent enough to bang down low. Collison is nice, but he's not big enough nor aggressive enough to be a force for them. The thing about Chicago is they got size. Noah may not be the BIGGEST guy, but he'll battle with ANYONE down in the paint, from Bogut to Dwight to Shaq, he'll play like he IS that big.

They're a scary rebounding team. You have guys like Noah and Boozer crashing the boards? And guys like Deng/Taj who can also grab boards? When I watched the last Mavs/Chicago game I was shocked to see Taj Gibson go out there and out-rebound pretty much every Maverick out there. You can slam the Mavericks for that, but that is a hell of a rebounding team. They scare me a whole hell of a lot more than OKC, that's all I'm saying.

Carmelo has averaged damn near 29, 30 ppg, he's a solid enough rebounder, he passes the ball well, he's a decent defender. What more do you expect out of Carmelo Anthony THE INDIVIDUAL? I don't see anything from him that makes me say he's going to improve a lot more. He's efficient inside. He's efficient outside. He's rebounding the basketball well, I mean other than defense, he's a polished, elite NBA player. What else do you want from him?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Who was the star on these Boston teams? Paul Pierce? How high was his ceiling? Sure you got KG/PP/Rondo too, but that's a team.

This has nothing to do with the rest of your argument, but you can't seriously believe that ANYONE other than Kevin Garnet was the best player on that team. Do people seriously ask that question.
I'm just saying, Durant by himself ain't enough to get it done. Him and Russ by themselves ain't enough to get it done. Jeff is a great piece, maybe the MISSING piece for another team, but he isn't the piece for OKC.

In the Lakers win last year, in the Finals, how many of Kobe's games did he shoot above 45%? Only two. Those other two games, he was TERRIBLE. In those other two wins, it was Fisher, Shannon Brown, Artest, Odom, Pau, who got it done. Those ain't the stars. You can get away with calling Pau the star, sure, but it was huge contributions from guys like that who won it for them. I don't think OKC has those kind of guys. I don't know if I can really say that KOBE made it happen. It's all about the team.

They get you there sure, but Durant just doesn't have the pieces yet. Am I crazy for thinking that Durant's ceiling isn't THAT much higher than Roses? I mean there's no doubt who's ceiling is higher, but Rose has a lot of tools to be probably the most well-rounded PG out there with his size/strength/speed/athleticism.

OKC's defense is not pitiful, but you gotta have a cast full of guys to get it done in the NBA. A cast with guys who are big enough to compete. Serge is the only big they have who is competent enough to bang down low. Collison is nice, but he's not big enough nor aggressive enough to be a force for them. The thing about Chicago is they got size. Noah may not be the BIGGEST guy, but he'll battle with ANYONE down in the paint, from Bogut to Dwight to Shaq, he'll play like he IS that big.

They're a scary rebounding team. You have guys like Noah and Boozer crashing the boards? And guys like Deng/Taj who can also grab boards? When I watched the last Mavs/Chicago game I was shocked to see Taj Gibson go out there and out-rebound pretty much every Maverick out there. You can slam the Mavericks for that, but that is a hell of a rebounding team. They scare me a whole hell of a lot more than OKC, that's all I'm saying.

Carmelo has averaged damn near 29, 30 ppg, he's a solid enough rebounder, he passes the ball well, he's a decent defender. What more do you expect out of Carmelo Anthony THE INDIVIDUAL? I don't see anything from him that makes me say he's going to improve a lot more. He's efficient inside. He's efficient outside. He's rebounding the basketball well, I mean other than defense, he's a polished, elite NBA player. What else do you want from him?
i've said all along that the thunder need to move green.. not only for themselves, but for him as well

he is their most attractive movable piece (harden might also fit into this category).. other than expiring contracts

we also need an ariza/bruce bowen type for the 2 guard position.. someone who can shoot 3s and play good defense

also i'm not sure how harden fits with this team, since he looks like who needs the ball in his hands (he played well with KD and green hurt) and that's not going happen with westbrook and durant
i've said all along that the thunder need to move green.. not only for themselves, but for him as well

he is their most attractive movable piece (harden might also fit into this category).. other than expiring contracts

we also need an ariza/bruce bowen type for the 2 guard position.. someone who can shoot 3s and play good defense

also i'm not sure how harden fits with this team, since he looks like who needs the ball in his hands (he played well with KD and green hurt) and that's not going happen with westbrook and durant
It's funny how people like talk about how defense wins championships but people only recognize or get star status for their offensive contributions. The Pistons had elite level players Ben Wallace was a monster and the best player on that team, Chauncey and Sheed for the half season when the won  chip.

Also Jeff Greene is garbage, I've been saying that for a long +#* time.
It's funny how people like talk about how defense wins championships but people only recognize or get star status for their offensive contributions. The Pistons had elite level players Ben Wallace was a monster and the best player on that team, Chauncey and Sheed for the half season when the won  chip.

Also Jeff Greene is garbage, I've been saying that for a long +#* time.
I'm not talkin Melo as an individual.  You said he was on a great team.  No, just no.  They couldn't even inbound a ball in pressure situations, they were not a great team.  That was what I was talkin about on Melo. 

And without the elites, those teams never get anywhere NEAR the NBA finals.  Hence, stars win championships.  Of course not alone, but as you spoke, Ron, Lamar, Shannon, Pau, Drew, and Fish weren't gonna do anything in the finals without Kobe, because they wouldn't BE in the finals without Kobe.  Make better sense? 

You obviously think less of OKC then I do, but we both like Chi, so we're close, just different ways of getting there is all. 
I'm not talkin Melo as an individual.  You said he was on a great team.  No, just no.  They couldn't even inbound a ball in pressure situations, they were not a great team.  That was what I was talkin about on Melo. 

And without the elites, those teams never get anywhere NEAR the NBA finals.  Hence, stars win championships.  Of course not alone, but as you spoke, Ron, Lamar, Shannon, Pau, Drew, and Fish weren't gonna do anything in the finals without Kobe, because they wouldn't BE in the finals without Kobe.  Make better sense? 

You obviously think less of OKC then I do, but we both like Chi, so we're close, just different ways of getting there is all. 
JapanAir21 wrote:

They get you there sure, but Durant just doesn't have the pieces yet. Am I crazy for thinking that Durant's ceiling isn't THAT much higher than Roses? I mean there's no doubt who's ceiling is higher, but Rose has a lot of tools to be probably the most well-rounded PG out there with his size/strength/speed/athleticism.

Last season, I probably wouldn't have agreed with this but now its very possible. 
Rose is still getting better and KD hasn't made his stride this year. He made a HUGE stride last season and Westbrook is making a big stride. I warned people that young guys don't CONTINUALLY improve each season especially if they did very well the previous year. People were expecting Durant to go crazy this season and he basically did that last season. 

Now, there are people who are calling him overrated but the thing was that expectations were too high for him this season in the first place.

I've been a fan of them moving Jeff Green, but I'm not so sure on if it will happen. Just like I knew the Bulls weren't going to move Noah for Melo. I just don't see OKC moving Green mainly because he's so close with their core. Its up to the GM to do what he feels best for the team even if it is taking Westbrook and KD's friend away.

Not so sure on who the Bulls could go after to play SG. I'm thinking they would wait til' close to the deadline to make a move for one just to see how they play with Boozer in the lineup. They will look like a completely different team with a 18/10 guy at PF. Once he's back, Chicago's frontline ALONE (Deng, Boozer, Noah) would give you around 30+ boards a night.
JapanAir21 wrote:

They get you there sure, but Durant just doesn't have the pieces yet. Am I crazy for thinking that Durant's ceiling isn't THAT much higher than Roses? I mean there's no doubt who's ceiling is higher, but Rose has a lot of tools to be probably the most well-rounded PG out there with his size/strength/speed/athleticism.

Last season, I probably wouldn't have agreed with this but now its very possible. 
Rose is still getting better and KD hasn't made his stride this year. He made a HUGE stride last season and Westbrook is making a big stride. I warned people that young guys don't CONTINUALLY improve each season especially if they did very well the previous year. People were expecting Durant to go crazy this season and he basically did that last season. 

Now, there are people who are calling him overrated but the thing was that expectations were too high for him this season in the first place.

I've been a fan of them moving Jeff Green, but I'm not so sure on if it will happen. Just like I knew the Bulls weren't going to move Noah for Melo. I just don't see OKC moving Green mainly because he's so close with their core. Its up to the GM to do what he feels best for the team even if it is taking Westbrook and KD's friend away.

Not so sure on who the Bulls could go after to play SG. I'm thinking they would wait til' close to the deadline to make a move for one just to see how they play with Boozer in the lineup. They will look like a completely different team with a 18/10 guy at PF. Once he's back, Chicago's frontline ALONE (Deng, Boozer, Noah) would give you around 30+ boards a night.
Originally Posted by CP1708

 And if Cassell doesn't get hurt, then the Pistons probably wouldn't give anyone anything to argue about.


And Westbrook and Ibaka alone make OKC better defensively.  Does anyone see a lot of similarities between Pippen and Westbrook despite the position difference?  I'm much younger than a bunch of you so tell me if I'm out of line, but the way Westbrook roams defensively and can lock up his man while still making plays off the ball is amazing.  Plus they both are fearless going to the hoop and above average passers.  Just throwing that out there, I obviously don't remember Pippen's heyday very well.
Originally Posted by CP1708

 And if Cassell doesn't get hurt, then the Pistons probably wouldn't give anyone anything to argue about.


And Westbrook and Ibaka alone make OKC better defensively.  Does anyone see a lot of similarities between Pippen and Westbrook despite the position difference?  I'm much younger than a bunch of you so tell me if I'm out of line, but the way Westbrook roams defensively and can lock up his man while still making plays off the ball is amazing.  Plus they both are fearless going to the hoop and above average passers.  Just throwing that out there, I obviously don't remember Pippen's heyday very well.
 come on, I know you ain't tryna say the T-Wolves were gonna do something.  I mean damn, they got beat by Kareem Rush, that got nothin to do with Sam at all. 
  And I like Sam, he was good money, but back then KG was still scared come 4th quarter time. 

And Durant is leading the league in scoring, and we're calling him done? 
  My guess is he's gassed from the Summer ball he played.  Maybe not, maybe I'm wrong, but at some point it has to catch up to you a lil bit.  Plus I'm sure defenses have spent all summer figuring ways to slow him down a notch. 
 come on, I know you ain't tryna say the T-Wolves were gonna do something.  I mean damn, they got beat by Kareem Rush, that got nothin to do with Sam at all. 
  And I like Sam, he was good money, but back then KG was still scared come 4th quarter time. 

And Durant is leading the league in scoring, and we're calling him done? 
  My guess is he's gassed from the Summer ball he played.  Maybe not, maybe I'm wrong, but at some point it has to catch up to you a lil bit.  Plus I'm sure defenses have spent all summer figuring ways to slow him down a notch. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Let's pretend for a second that OC is still alive..... 

Anyone else die of laughter to see him saunter out onto the court during a timeout with his purse strap firmly around his shoulder and see him walk up and slap Bron across the face like a girl that you never called back? 

I think I would.  I think I would die a happy man. 

I can't wait to see that crowd tomorrow. 

pretty sure OC is welcome2jungle. i'm sure he's someone on this board. it's crazy he's really the only cavs fan who vanished
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