Originally Posted by bittersweet

Why do people keep saying when BOS and LA get old?

Then you have the next generation. OKC and CHI.

By then, boyyyyyy.

Chicago? They're not nearly in that discussion yet... Not even close.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Why do people keep saying when BOS and LA get old?

Then you have the next generation. OKC and CHI.

By then, boyyyyyy.

Chicago? They're not nearly in that discussion yet... Not even close.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

LeBron will win a chip, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't as #1 option. I have a feeling his career will look more like Oscar Robertson than anyone else in a sense, some of the greatest numbers ever, a top 10 all-time NBA talent but someone who was abrasive and never understood the complexities of a team.

Oscar understood the complexities of a team. It sounds like you're describing Wilt not Oscar. I also feel Lebron will never win a chip unless it's when he is older and a sidekick/role player.

*sheds tear* 

Coulda used all this backup the last 3 years. 

There was no evidence the past 3 years of this though, you were just hating cause you flat out don't like the guy
.  Regardless of what happens the rest of his career, he is the most spectacular athlete I have seen step on a basketball court.  I hope the general public learns from LeBron cause we made him what he is...The arrogrance he has is because we crowned the kid the GOAT when he was 16, and you know what...He actually looked like he head the potential.  He was one of the first people in a sense to live up to the hype and cause of it he felt entitled to everything, blind to perception and reality.

@ the Bulls being next
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

LeBron will win a chip, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't as #1 option. I have a feeling his career will look more like Oscar Robertson than anyone else in a sense, some of the greatest numbers ever, a top 10 all-time NBA talent but someone who was abrasive and never understood the complexities of a team.

Oscar understood the complexities of a team. It sounds like you're describing Wilt not Oscar. I also feel Lebron will never win a chip unless it's when he is older and a sidekick/role player.

*sheds tear* 

Coulda used all this backup the last 3 years. 

There was no evidence the past 3 years of this though, you were just hating cause you flat out don't like the guy
.  Regardless of what happens the rest of his career, he is the most spectacular athlete I have seen step on a basketball court.  I hope the general public learns from LeBron cause we made him what he is...The arrogrance he has is because we crowned the kid the GOAT when he was 16, and you know what...He actually looked like he head the potential.  He was one of the first people in a sense to live up to the hype and cause of it he felt entitled to everything, blind to perception and reality.

@ the Bulls being next
No evidence?  No evidence? 
  Bron came out the last 3 years and showed you a bunch of new moves?  Work he put in over the summer did he?  I saw a whole bunch of new handshakes, some new shimmys, but actual work out on the court?  I saw that? 

No evidence? 

That last half of your statement, isn't bad though.  I might even agree with it a lil bit. 

And sadly, it's not that I don't like the guy, I didn't like his fans.  But now lately, yeah I'm starting to lean to not liking him either.  Weird as it may be, he seemed more humble and chill at 20 then he does now.  Maybe that's normal, I dunno, but he's nothing but a dumb @#$% now.  Not sure if that makes me racist  (
) saying something bad about him, but whatever. 
No evidence?  No evidence? 
  Bron came out the last 3 years and showed you a bunch of new moves?  Work he put in over the summer did he?  I saw a whole bunch of new handshakes, some new shimmys, but actual work out on the court?  I saw that? 

No evidence? 

That last half of your statement, isn't bad though.  I might even agree with it a lil bit. 

And sadly, it's not that I don't like the guy, I didn't like his fans.  But now lately, yeah I'm starting to lean to not liking him either.  Weird as it may be, he seemed more humble and chill at 20 then he does now.  Maybe that's normal, I dunno, but he's nothing but a dumb @#$% now.  Not sure if that makes me racist  (
) saying something bad about him, but whatever. 
I agree with the idea that a lot of the league's teams are aging and their dynamics and personnel will soon have to change also, but it's hard to argue that the Spurs aren't defying this logic either as well. Of course I know in the long haul their age and wear and tear on those knees will catch up to them but it still impresses me how Coach Pop's system still shows its effectiveness with the team that he has or has had for that matter ... a league leading 14-2 record and not very many changes have been made to that organization.
I agree with the idea that a lot of the league's teams are aging and their dynamics and personnel will soon have to change also, but it's hard to argue that the Spurs aren't defying this logic either as well. Of course I know in the long haul their age and wear and tear on those knees will catch up to them but it still impresses me how Coach Pop's system still shows its effectiveness with the team that he has or has had for that matter ... a league leading 14-2 record and not very many changes have been made to that organization.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Can we just rename this thread, "The Heat/Grizzlies Symposium?"




Looking at the bottom of the West standings, it doesn't seem like it will take 50 wins to get the 8th seed this year. I don't know what Denver is waiting on by dealing Melo, but I'm sure they won't be on the same pace they are at now when the time comes. The 8th seed is at .500 (Portland)  right now. 

I can't see Portland, Phoenix, GS and Grizz just going on a 7-10 game win streak to pull away from the competition. It still should be a tight race though.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Can we just rename this thread, "The Heat/Grizzlies Symposium?"




Looking at the bottom of the West standings, it doesn't seem like it will take 50 wins to get the 8th seed this year. I don't know what Denver is waiting on by dealing Melo, but I'm sure they won't be on the same pace they are at now when the time comes. The 8th seed is at .500 (Portland)  right now. 

I can't see Portland, Phoenix, GS and Grizz just going on a 7-10 game win streak to pull away from the competition. It still should be a tight race though.
Originally Posted by CP1708

No evidence?  No evidence? 
  Bron came out the last 3 years and showed you a bunch of new moves? 
Well he did win MVP 2 out of the last 3 years and win 68 games once with a mediocre roster.  And why would he need to develop new moves when no one can simply stop him when he drives straight to the hole? But yea that's that last comment I have on the Heat for a while...The worst part about discussing this team is that they aren't even fun to watch
Originally Posted by CP1708

No evidence?  No evidence? 
  Bron came out the last 3 years and showed you a bunch of new moves? 
Well he did win MVP 2 out of the last 3 years and win 68 games once with a mediocre roster.  And why would he need to develop new moves when no one can simply stop him when he drives straight to the hole? But yea that's that last comment I have on the Heat for a while...The worst part about discussing this team is that they aren't even fun to watch
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CP1708

No evidence?  No evidence? 
  Bron came out the last 3 years and showed you a bunch of new moves? 
Well he did win MVP 2 out of the last 3 years and win 68 games once with a mediocre roster.  And why would he need to develop new moves when no one can simply stop him when he drives straight to the hole? But yea that's that last comment I have on the Heat for a while...The worst part about discussing this team is that they aren't even fun to watch

Good point.  It works so well for him in the playoffs.  All those trophies he has proves it.  Who wouldn't want to improve on that? 

Kobe has won and still works like a mad man to improve his game.  Bron wins some regular season games and we stop asking him to improve himself?  Great, makes my job easier then. 
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