I know you hate him, but that's my boy CP.

I just think letting go of Amare and replacing him with Warrick didn't really do anything.

Your core was Marion, Amare, and Nash.

That wasn't bad back then, but they've done nothing to really have them be relevant in the future.

They traded away the one young good player they had. Not necessarily that he was worth banking your entire future on, but hell it's a piece.

Does someone have access to the Jim Rome Show? He had an interview with Caron and die to hear how that went.
I don't hate Nash at all.  How could anyone not like that guy?  I hated the crap everyone ran off at the mouth with back in the day.  Nash himself is fine. 

That team though, straight garbage.  Being run into the ground which is why you see me screaming how stupid they are with the draft pick giveaways, the trades they make, the signings they make, the direction, etc etc.  But everyone just sees me as a Nash hater and stops listening. 
Alright, I see what you're saying, that's fine and I agree.

Man, this off-season is going to be hectic, especially if there's a lockout.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh NOW you all wanna question what the @#$% they doin out in Phoenix. 

I been @#$%^%$# about them for a couple years now.  They lost as all hell.  And I love it. 
I wonder what ZoDogg is doing with his life nowadays...
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh NOW you all wanna question what the @#$% they doin out in Phoenix. 

I been @#$%^%$# about them for a couple years now.  They lost as all hell.  And I love it. 
I wonder what ZoDogg is doing with his life nowadays...

Ending it hopefully
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

If only I could find the quotes from JA when I said Nash should finish his career in Dallas...
I've always liked him.

It's not that I don't want him, it's just there's no way we can realistically get him without ruining the core we got now.
So, about a month ago we were talking in the Dallas Season thread that the Game 1 performance for Dirk was his best ever.

Well, last night, that was absolute magic.

It was definitely up there with 06 WC Semi's, Dirk's 50 against Phoenix, and the 48 against OKC.

9 straight to close out a game in the Finals? Clutch...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I know you hate him, but that's my boy CP.

I just think letting go of Amare and replacing him with Warrick didn't really do anything.

Your core was Marion, Amare, and Nash.

That wasn't bad back then, but they've done nothing to really have them be relevant in the future.

They traded away the one young good player they had. Not necessarily that he was worth banking your entire future on, but hell it's a piece.

Does someone have access to the Jim Rome Show? He had an interview with Caron and die to hear how that went.
Letting Amare leave town was fine. What's not fine was penny pinching and then splurging on some horrible role players.

That franchise is so misguided it's almost laughable.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I know you hate him, but that's my boy CP.

I just think letting go of Amare and replacing him with Warrick didn't really do anything.

Your core was Marion, Amare, and Nash.

That wasn't bad back then, but they've done nothing to really have them be relevant in the future.

They traded away the one young good player they had. Not necessarily that he was worth banking your entire future on, but hell it's a piece.

Does someone have access to the Jim Rome Show? He had an interview with Caron and die to hear how that went.
Letting Amare leave town was fine. What's not fine was penny pinching and then splurging on some horrible role players.

That franchise is so misguided it's almost laughable.
Kinda reminds me of the Kings transitioning from Bibby/Webber/etc to Kenny Thomas, Beno Udrih, and Mikki Moore
Turkoglu, Childress, Frye and Warrick last summer. 

At least they got out of the Turkoglu contract. They even managed to get a solid center in Marcin Gortat.
I know I'm making a big deal about this, but..


This is exactly why the stigma of Wade will never go away for me. This man phantom fouled his way to a championship we should have won. We choked, fine.

They cough up a big %%+ lead to us, showboating in front of our bench, can't close it out, resort to taking dumb jumpers late in the shot clock, and this is what he resorts to?


You watch him, he doesn't reach for his eye until after he sees he missed.

Afterwords the act was over, but that's the thing, it was an act.

You talk about any legitimate Hall of Famer in the past doing that crap?

Hell no.

Surprised he didn't stay down waiting for his...


Maybe he did. Maybe he stabbed his eyeball as far back as anatomically possible without losing your vision.

Or maybe he didn't.

Wade doesn't reach his eye till he sees the result.

I think maybe he was doing this because he couldn't believe they just blew that lead..

he throws a tantrum whenever a foul isn't called. i don't get why carlisle got a tech. he was pissed in the post game at the refs too.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Maybe he did. Maybe he stabbed his eyeball as far back as anatomically possible without losing your vision.

Or maybe he didn't.

Wade doesn't reach his eye till he sees the result.

I think maybe he was doing this because he couldn't believe they just blew that lead..

The Heat players obviously suffer from a 3 second delay when injured or harmed


The Mavs-Heat Finals thread has become a cesspool (then again it was from the start).

Re-watching the game 2, I'll say as long as the Mavs take care of the ball, they should be right there with the Heat. Dirk missed 12 shots, but he easily could've made 6-7 of them. I would say to take Peja completely out of the rotation, but then the alternative would be Cardinal (sorry rck
). Marion continuing to score 16+ points a game will be huge going forward since he has to play so many minutes to match up with LeBron.

I know the Heat were complacent after the 15 point lead, but credit goes to the Mavs for defending the last 7 minutes of the game. They did a good job hedging,  shutting down driving lanes and forcing the Heat to shoot jump shots. After Wade's three to put the Heat up 15, the Heat only drove to the hoop twice (LeBron missing an easy layup and fouled on another).

Originally Posted by PMatic

The Mavs-Heat Finals thread has become a cesspool (then again it was from the start).

Re-watching the game 2, I'll say as long as the Mavs take care of the ball, they should be right there with the Heat. Dirk missed 12 shots, but he easily could've made 6-7 of them. I would say to take Peja completely out of the rotation, but then the alternative would be Cardinal (sorry rck
). Marion continuing to score 16+ points a game will be huge going forward since he has to play so many minutes to match up with LeBron.
I've got to permanently ban myself from that thread... I'll catch a ban if I get in there much more.

On the game... The Mavs still missed a lot of open shots and gimmes... If they rebound like they did last night and they start knocking down shots, they're going to be fine.

Take two outta three at home and go back to Miami needing one.
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