Can't believe ESPN actual caught that and the moment they showed it I sat here like "Oh crap NT"

To *** point about Marion, Chuck said something I thought it was important as well. Marion not getting in foul trouble against Lebron as well.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Call me crazy, but I think Bosh is a very underrated defender.
Coach K said he was the best big defender on the redeem team, but hey what do me and coach k know?

He looked amazing on that last play. Quite the defensive juggernaut. Way to stop the slow, giant German with a bum finger.

Yeah how dare he let that bum of a hall of famer score
Pay me no mind, I just need to save this somewhere for a rainy day.

Xtapolapacetl wrote:
I'm seriously loving how many people think that the Mavs will win the series now. You will all be quiet soon enough. Even though they ended up losing this game, game 2 convinced me that they are the better team than the Mavs even more than game 1, which they won. It's obvious that when they turn it up, they completely control the game against this team. The Mavs defense isn't worth its rep. But them refusing to turn it up because they have a huge lead is a different matter.

The problem is that the Heat got bored after Wade hit that three. After he hit that three, all the Heat players got in a "Okay, we won this game. We can't possibly lose it." mode, which was their undoing. Then came a sequence of unserious plays by the Heat on both ends of the floor: LeBron trying to finger roll it when he could've easily dunked it, Kidd getting the most wide open 3 of the series so far, etc. I'm telling you, they got bored.

This Heat team isn't bad in the clutch. They've proved it over and over and over again in the Boston and Chicago series.. And actually in game 1 of this series as well. But they are mentally weak when it comes to being overconfident while having big leads. There is a difference between the two. Spoelstra needs to motivate the Heat players better in time outs when they have a big lead slipping away from them. That is all. The series is still Miami's.

But I seriously can't believe Chris Bosh. Is you serial?

Shooting 4-16? The hell was that turnover when he dribbled off his foot out of bounds. He wasn't even being that pressured by the defender.

At least he made it up by not letting Tyson Chandler grab those offensive rebounds.

Carry on......
I feel so much better D-Will didn't end up a Knick.

You can bet Prokhorov is on the phone with Walsh. 
Originally Posted by PMatic

I feel so much better D-Will didn't end up a Knick.

You can bet Prokhorov is on the phone with Walsh. 

That still won't make DWill stay though
Why do you pay that clown any mind CP? This dude wants to talk about Bosh's 4-16 but where's the mention of LeBron disappearing in the fourth? Or how come that defensive juggernaut didn't wanna pick up Dirk on the screen. Come on son. This is the same guy who ran into the thread making fun of Bron's hairline to defend his sugar daddy and to get people to stop making jokes.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Why do you pay that clown any mind CP? This dude wants to talk about Bosh's 4-16 but where's the mention of LeBron disappearing in the fourth? Or how come that defensive juggernaut didn't wanna pick up Dirk on the screen. Come on son. This is the same guy who ran into the thread making fun of Bron's hairline to defend his sugar daddy and to get people to stop making jokes.


Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Coach K said he was the best big defender on the redeem team, but hey what do me and coach k know?

He looked amazing on that last play. Quite the defensive juggernaut. Way to stop the slow, giant German with a bum finger.

Yeah how dare he let that bum of a hall of famer score
That was terrible D, there was no reason that Udonis/'Bron shouldn't have been on dude.  Terrible help D as well, but you need someone more physical than Bosh guarding Dirk on the last possession.
as soon as we get on the right track on turning this %#!@%$ up franchise around, we somehow manage to #+!* that up too.
If you guys aren't busy and want to see some hilarious panic and despair, mosey on over to ESPN's chat section. There's a NYK chat at 2PM ET.
Before he even began to speak Shaq had somebody hand him in a phone and he said "Yeah. Really? Okay I'll be there." and then said the nicks want him to be their new president/GM. So he's flying up to NY right after this

It was so on point.
Is Xpat a Heat fan? A LeBron fan? The dude has been speaking recklessly since the Finals started.

And it's not just on Bosh for that last play. How do you let the most clutch dude in the entire Western Conference Playoffs get a wide open three, and a couple drives to the basket that weren't well-contested.
Originally Posted by ColdCity


classic d whistle

the no call

 why is that moving like the cookie monster getting excited over the big cookie gif? someone should combine both them gifs together
Originally Posted by Proshares

If you guys aren't busy and want to see some hilarious panic and despair, mosey on over to ESPN's chat section. There's a NYK chat at 2PM ET.
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