honestly, as hot as the Mavs are right now, I will be SHOCKED if they can beat the Heat.

I just don't think they match up well with the Heat at all. They haven't seen anything like the Heat's defense this year. All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals. The Heat's defense is too fast, their rotations are too crisp. When Dirk iso's at the top of the circle, they'll bring the quick double teams and rotate on the Mav's shooters. There's absolutely no way Kidd can stay with Wade and marion won't be able to body LeBron like he did against Durant. And once Marion gets in foul trouble, who's going to check Lebron? Peja?

Someone tell me HOW the Mavs can win this series because I just don't see it. The Heat just look too fast, too athletic and the way their big 3 are playing AND getting haslem and miller back it might be over quick.
All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals.

Heard that too. First it was the Lakers saying oh well it was just how slow the Lakers were, and that the Mavericks wouldn't get those looks against the Thunder. We didn't get as many of those open looks, no, but we still hit down a bunch of em.

Dirk iso's at the top of the key? Damn, I didn't know.

No way Kidd can stay with Wade, just like he couldn't guard Kobe, and he wouldn't be able to keep up with Russell Westbrook. He guarded KEVIN DURANT for Christ's sake.

Marion will do just fine against Bron. Shut down? No, of course not. DeShawn on Bron after he gets in foul trouble.

Mavs are deep. The one weakness the Mavericks have is rebounding, but that's not a factor with Miami like it was with OKC. Heat have their guys, but once their guys hit the bench, rough. Mavericks have a great rotation and always got guys who can light you up, whether it's Dirk, JET and Peja from outside, Marion and Chandler inside, or Barea/Kidd creating for others.

It'll be a fun, entertaining series. We'll see what the Mavericks do to contain Wade/Bron, but they made it work with a much quicker Russ/Durant, with an X-Factor in Harden (Bosh), and the Thunder are MUCH deeper and MUCH more athletic, so we'll see.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals.

Heard that too. First it was the Lakers saying oh well it was just how slow the Lakers were, and that the Mavericks wouldn't get those looks against the Thunder. We didn't get as many of those open looks, no, but we still hit down a bunch of em.

Dirk iso's at the top of the key? Damn, I didn't know.

No way Kidd can stay with Wade, just like he couldn't guard Kobe, and he wouldn't be able to keep up with Russell Westbrook. He guarded KEVIN DURANT for Christ's sake.

Marion will do just fine against Bron. Shut down? No, of course not. DeShawn on Bron after he gets in foul trouble.

Mavs are deep. The one weakness the Mavericks have is rebounding, but that's not a factor with Miami like it was with OKC. Heat have their guys, but once their guys hit the bench, rough. Mavericks have a great rotation and always got guys who can light you up, whether it's Dirk, JET and Peja from outside, Marion and Chandler inside, or Barea/Kidd creating for others.

It'll be a fun, entertaining series. We'll see what the Mavericks do to contain Wade/Bron, but they made it work with a much quicker Russ/Durant, with an X-Factor in Harden (Bosh), and the Thunder are MUCH deeper and MUCH more athletic, so we'll see.

I think it'll be a competitive series as well, the Mavs are rolling right now, Dirk is playing unbelievable, and the Mavs space the floor and pass the ball really well. Just to put it out there, I'm no Heat fan although I will be rooting for them b/c I've always been a fan of Lebron's game. That said...

Kidd is a great and versatile defender no doubt, but Wade's game is another animal compared to Kobe/Westbrook. Kobe at this point of his career isn't much of a slasher anymore. He posts up and takes fadeaways and long jumpers. Westbrook is extremely athletic but as everyone knows, he makes a lot of questionable decisions and is a very streaky (and low % shooters). Everytime they ran pick & roll, Dallas would go under the screen. Westbrook, knowing his shot isn't that wet, would hesitate a lot of the times or if he decides to pull up, clank it off the rim (41% shooting from the floor). Wade's game on the other hand, is all about midrange & slashing to the basket. If Dallas goes under the screen, like it did against westbrook, Wade will kill the Mavs from 15-18 feet. If they go over, like they should, Wade will have lanes to the cup and Wade is quite possibly, the most creative slasher in the league. He changes direction at full speed and is extremely hard to draw a charge on. If Wade decides to attack off the pick and roll with Kidd on him, Kidd has no chance. The guys Kidd faced in the last two rounds were either a) slashers with an unreliable jump shot (westbrook) or b) primary jump shooters (kobe). Against those type of players, Kidd can do a very good job. But Wade combines both the slashing & midrange, so you have to play his jumpshot honest, and by doing that, I really don't think Kidd has much of a chance because he does not have the lateral quickness to stay with Wade.

I expect Lebron to have a huge series, but no one is arguing that. I think if Dirk can match him that'll be a W for dallas. Then it'll come down to Wade/Bosh vs. Dallas 2-8. One historic player and one very good/great player against 7 good/very good players. In order for Dallas to win, I think it's extremely important for them to not turn the ball over but at the same time, be patient on offense, making the extra pass and wait for that crease to open up. Miami's defense is faster than anything Dallas has faced thus far, and the amount of open looks the shooters will get will come at a premium compared to OKC/LA's defense.

I think Miami will play the opposite defense against Dallas as they're playing right now. Against the bulls, they're packing the paint and daring them to shoot. I think against Dallas, they'll do the opposite: Close out tight on the perimeter and force them to put the ball on the floor. Outside of JJ, Dallas doesn't have much in the way of penetrators. And when they do, Miami's help defense is as good as any. If they can create turnovers and get out on the fast break, they'll be very hard to beat.

This series ultimately boils down to defense, speed, athleticism vs. shooting, passing, and patience.
Sup Losers,

I finally got time to chill in the lobby of my hotel and use their wifi................... I am in Hong Kong...... this Wifi sucks....

What has gone on while I have been away in the world of sports and at home in America??!?!?!?

I noticed the Mavs have won the series with OKC
coulda won big mula with them.

How are the Heat/Bulls series going??

Whats the scuttlebutt around the league?

Mike Brown in La La Landd ROFL

Kings arena plan has come out finally
seems awesome.....

Whats this tornado deal thing??? I honestly don't know, and don't understand Cantonese well enough to watch the news here

Its 10 pm here and I'm streaming my local Sacto morning radio show
Heat in 6 or 7

I see you JA, i don't doubt the mavs at all I just don't think they can beat Miami 4 out 7. Just how I see it, really nothing against Dallas but I don't see it.

Will be a great series though, so many guys who want a championship.
I am here for like another 8 days

Here are some pics thus far for you clownass knuckle heads
I kind of find it suitable the Mavericks will start the Finals on the road.

They've won five straight, they were the best road team in the Regular season, and they've been the best road team in the Playoffs.

Won 10 of our last 11, just need four more.
Coach Rick Carlisle said today that: "It's unlikely, but I can't rule it out for sure,'' that Butler will play in the NBA Finals.

"I just want to see him in layup lines," Dallas guard Jason Terry said recently. "If he can get up in layup lines, it's going to boost us immensely emotionally. He's been here the whole way, though. This guy has worked so hard to get ready."

Not looking likely, but not counting him out like he has for just about every other series.
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

honestly, as hot as the Mavs are right now, I will be SHOCKED if they can beat the Heat.

I just don't think they match up well with the Heat at all. They haven't seen anything like the Heat's defense this year.
All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals. The Heat's defense is too fast, their rotations are too crisp. When Dirk iso's at the top of the circle, they'll bring the quick double teams and rotate on the Mav's shooters. There's absolutely no way Kidd can stay with Wade and marion won't be able to body LeBron like he did against Durant. And once Marion gets in foul trouble, who's going to check Lebron? Peja?

Someone tell me HOW the Mavs can win this series because I just don't see it. The Heat just look too fast, too athletic and the way their big 3 are playing AND getting haslem and miller back it might be over quick.
I dont think you understand basketball (real basketball atleast, u may be thinking of a video game). The Heat have 3 awesome players, and a bunch of trash. We played them twice during the regular season bud, and @ everything that I highlighted @%%!!!!!!!!! They play one-on -one basketball for the most part
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

honestly, as hot as the Mavs are right now, I will be SHOCKED if they can beat the Heat.

I just don't think they match up well with the Heat at all. They haven't seen anything like the Heat's defense this year.
All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals. The Heat's defense is too fast, their rotations are too crisp. When Dirk iso's at the top of the circle, they'll bring the quick double teams and rotate on the Mav's shooters. There's absolutely no way Kidd can stay with Wade and marion won't be able to body LeBron like he did against Durant. And once Marion gets in foul trouble, who's going to check Lebron? Peja?

Someone tell me HOW the Mavs can win this series because I just don't see it. The Heat just look too fast, too athletic and the way their big 3 are playing AND getting haslem and miller back it might be over quick.
I dont think you understand basketball (real basketball atleast, u may be thinking of a video game). The Heat have 3 awesome players, and a bunch of trash. We played them twice during the regular season bud, and @ everything that I highlighted :What the heck u talkin about!!!!!!!! They play one-on -one basketball for the most part
Played them twice without 3/8's of their current rotation.

both teams are vastly different.

Dallas hasn't seen a defense as quick and good as Miami's. And Dallas' ball movement is the best Miami will have seen.

When it comes down it, do not think Dallas has enough on the perimeter to keep Wade and LeBron from living at the rim.

but I think Miami is going to have to go to game 6 so this is still premature.
Damn Skip and Rob Parker called Durant the McNabb of the NBA

So the trade of Westbrook for CP3 talks begin?
Originally Posted by ChamWillJam23

Originally Posted by PoeticJays

honestly, as hot as the Mavs are right now, I will be SHOCKED if they can beat the Heat.

I just don't think they match up well with the Heat at all. They haven't seen anything like the Heat's defense this year.
All those open 3's that terry/kidd/peja get won't be there in the finals. The Heat's defense is too fast, their rotations are too crisp. When Dirk iso's at the top of the circle, they'll bring the quick double teams and rotate on the Mav's shooters. There's absolutely no way Kidd can stay with Wade and marion won't be able to body LeBron like he did against Durant. And once Marion gets in foul trouble, who's going to check Lebron? Peja?

Someone tell me HOW the Mavs can win this series because I just don't see it. The Heat just look too fast, too athletic and the way their big 3 are playing AND getting haslem and miller back it might be over quick.
I dont think you understand basketball (real basketball atleast, u may be thinking of a video game). The Heat have 3 awesome players, and a bunch of trash. We played them twice during the regular season bud, and @ everything that I highlighted :What the heck u talkin about!!!!!!!! They play one-on -one basketball for the most part

have you seen the playoffs? Boston proved last year, and Miami is proving this year that the REGULAR SEASON DOES NOT MATTER.

Chicago swept the Heat 3-0 in the regular season, never lost back to back games...etc. How they doin right about now?

Miami couldn't finish games in the regular season either...they were like what, 1-18 in last second shots or something? Now fast forward to the playoffs, Lebron choppin dudes heads off like he's Spartacus
(i.e. Game 5 against Boston, game 2 against Chi)

If you're comparing the Miami team you guys faced in the regular season to the Miami team now, you're about to be in for a rude awakening.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Coach Rick Carlisle said today that: "It's unlikely, but I can't rule it out for sure,'' that Butler will play in the NBA Finals.

"I just want to see him in layup lines," Dallas guard Jason Terry said recently. "If he can get up in layup lines, it's going to boost us immensely emotionally. He's been here the whole way, though. This guy has worked so hard to get ready."

Not looking likely, but not counting him out like he has for just about every other series.

Caron would be big for Dallas. They could definitely use his speed/athleticism against Miami.
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