Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Durant making that backpack his "thing" is extremely tacky.

The guy is an NBA superstar, not the third member of a boy band. Start acting like it.
It's called promoting a product. No differen't that funboy in Miami getting Witness tatted on his leg.
Nice argument. Good example.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

The stupid me still thinks Rubio is gonna be a knick. #17 and fields? 

why would you want to trade Fields?
I suppose Bhz.


Now THAT'S a team.

Why not just trade Love to Indiana, makes more sense than Hibbert/Granger/Collison, their three best players, all getting traded.

Of course, why didn't I think of Marc/Zach/Gay/Arthur.



It's not that far off I suppose. 
JPZ was saying Collison instead of Hibbert JA, not with Hibbert.  It wouldn't be all 3 players. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

JPZ was saying Collison instead of Hibbert JA, not with Hibbert.  It wouldn't be all 3 players. 
Oh okay, I was like damn, they going to include Larry Bird too?

I always thought OJ/TA was the first off the bench Bhz?

I thought we were strictly talking 6th men, like JET, Manu, Odom type guys.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by CP1708

JPZ was saying Collison instead of Hibbert JA, not with Hibbert.  It wouldn't be all 3 players. 
Oh okay, I was like damn, they going to include Larry Bird too?

I always thought OJ/TA was the first off the bench Bhz?

I thought we were strictly talking 6th men, like JET, Manu, Odom type guys.

   TA starts. During the season, Arthur would come off the bench before OJ in alot of games. You might as well call Arthur your 6th man. You have OJ/Shane/DA and we use all of them basically as the "6th man". OJ rarely comess off the bench first though.

I feel like going from Beasley to Granger wouldn't be that much of an upgrade.

Its not.
I would rather have Granger EASY over Beasley. 

And I think having him with Hibbert/Love would help him out a lot. 

But Kahn says this deal is BS anyways, does he not PM?  (you were much easier to address as Nas, get your old SN back damn it) 
Originally Posted by CP1708

I would rather have Granger EASY over Beasley. 

And I think having him with Hibbert/Love would help him out a lot. 

But Kahn says this deal is BS anyways, does he not PM?  (you were much easier to address as Nas, get your old SN back damn it) 
Same. At least Granger can defend some and won't be a crybaby.
Speaking of Beasley, someone on here tried to tell me a couple weeks ago that Beasley is the best player on the Wolves. He was dead serious too.

Granger maxed out his potential three years ago and is six years older than Beasley. I just don't see it.

T'Wolves should be looking for a veteran SG or a C. Anything else would be ending up where they started.

CP1708, that's the impression Kahn gave from the tweet I posted in the NBA Draft thread. But Kahn did previously work with Bird-Pacers and has been after Granger the last couple of years reportedly so who knows.

And I just prefer P.
I'll take Beasley over Granger.

Put him in a system where he is held accountable like the Bulls or Celtics, he will whip into shape pretty quickly, also he's younger and has a much bigger upside at this point compared to Granger who is who he is at this point of his career.
I would rather have Granger EASY over Beasley. 
He's 6 years older than Beasley, will be 29 next season (in his prime or past it) and their games aren't all that different.

I don't know, I just don't see the long-term upgrade.
Put him in a system where he is held accountable like the Bulls or Celtics, he will whip into shape pretty quickly
I would call the Heat a system where folks are held accountable. Not like he really flourished there, though. He would be the second banana in Chicago or Boston, just like he was in Miami.
Ok, so everytime I type P you gonna know it's you? 
  Alright then, I hate typing the 5 extra letters, I'm lazy. 

We've all said this before, Granger is the perfect 3rd guy.  If he's your 1A, or 1B option, you're dead, but lock him in as the third best guy and you got a shot.  Now him bein in Minny wouldn't even solidify that, Love is 1A, but I dunno about Hibbert bein no 1B either.  So certainly they would still need a piece. 

Beasley has proven he can score, and get some numbers, but I doubt very highly he will ever matter in terms of being on a team that does something.  It owuldn't shock me if he never plays more than 10-12 postseason games his whole career.  Even if he still can improve his game.  Maybe I'm bein hard on the guy, he just doesn't seem like a player I would want as a 2, 3 or 4th option.  He belongs on the Clippers honestly. 

I think Granger shoulda been moved long ago to somebody that coulda used him.  Now its too late since he's damn near 30. 
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