i wonder how the people of seattle feel about the thunder having all this success in oklahoma
@ Blake. Dude seems so quiet but he showed a funny side in that commercial. That corny phone commercial with the kiss was just annoying.

I'm suprised so many of yall thought the Mavs were unbeatable at home.
and there you have it. the impossible has been done. OKC beat dallas at their own home.

They cant win on the road but they already did in memphis. now in dallas. what a game tonight. thank you scott brooks. westbroke looked like he was tryna hide the fact he was mad salty. it had to be done
Originally Posted by NobleKane

and there you have it. the impossible has been done. OKC beat dallas at their own home.

They cant win on the road but they already did in memphis. now in dallas. what a game tonight. thank you scott brooks. westbroke looked like he was tryna hide the fact he was mad salty. it had to be done
Wait, what makes you think the Thunder can't win on the road? They had a great road record during the regular season, and they have won on the road in all three series so far.
You know what's funny?

Westbrook was having a FANTASTIC game.

He didn't take a single jumper I saw till about 5 layups, and then he hit his first few midrange jumpers.

Then he starting going into fifth gear, out of control, and turned the ball over a couple of times.

He just fell of a little, but he was still having a great game.

And Maynor got super hot and was making all the great plays to end the 3rd/start the 4th.


3 games this series where Russ shoots over 45%?
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by NobleKane

and there you have it. the impossible has been done. OKC beat dallas at their own home.

They cant win on the road but they already did in memphis. now in dallas. what a game tonight. thank you scott brooks. westbroke looked like he was tryna hide the fact he was mad salty. it had to be done
Wait, what makes you think the Thunder can't win on the road? They had a great road record during the regular season, and they have won on the road in all three series so far.

you ahve to look back a page or two to see why i posted that. in short a couple of dudes insinuated that the thunder couldnt beat dallas at home...
Originally Posted by PMatic

@timkawakami Multiple NBA sources: Jerry West is expected to join the Warriors front office in a non-decision-making capacity, reporting to the owners.

So what will he be doing? Getting paid for being Jerry West and making suggestions? Will he be some type of scout?

Hope it doesn't mean the Lakers will be gifted Steph Curry for DFish

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by NobleKane

and there you have it. the impossible has been done. OKC beat dallas at their own home.

They cant win on the road but they already did in memphis. now in dallas. what a game tonight. thank you scott brooks. westbroke looked like he was tryna hide the fact he was mad salty. it had to be done
Wait, what makes you think the Thunder can't win on the road? They had a great road record during the regular season, and they have won on the road in all three series so far.

you ahve to look back a page or two to see why i posted that. in short a couple of dudes insinuated that the thunder couldnt beat dallas at home...

if it's who i am thinking about, we couldn't beat memphis at home either
Forget Jerry West and some of his terrible decision making. He helped get Memphis to the playoffs, but he we all know he made more terrible draft decisions. Drew Gooden to play SF? Robert Archibald over Boozer (when I wanted Boozer and I was only 13!), always wanting to draft a damn 4 year senior, etc. He still tries to give information to the Grizz (Heisley) and I think he was a part of the Thabeet pick.

Old +@# man, go to Arizona or Florida and enjoy the rest of your life.

where do i remember hearing this before?

I'm not going to withdraw from that statement.
 Game 4 was the deciding factor of that series and instead of being up 3-1, it gave OKC life and tied it. Not sure how that game would've turned out with OJ and Conley still on the floor.

Good win last night though. I'm glad that Brooks went with Maynor down the stretch. Westbrook's smirk was getting on my last damn nerves.

If Harden doesn't start next year, I hope he causes some problems and they are force to trade him.
 Yea, I'm hatin

during regular season OKC was +1.89 with Westbrook on floor and +10.03 with him on the bench. In the playoffs also better with him on the bench.
That Durant dunk almost cost me my dinner. 

I was literally just sitting down with my plate full of tacos as they inbounded and 3 seconds later I jumped off that couch and had lettuce flyin all over the place. 

Now I come into work and some dude tryna tell me that dunk was nothing. 
the dunk was sick but i see people saying things like that dunk changed the course of the series. 2 points is 2 points. I think people exaggerate the importance of a crazy dunk
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Kareem on Colbert

What did he say?
Well the rumor about Kareem is that he keeps to himself unlike his recent comments would have one think and he did just that so Colbert did all the instigating
 Kareem just agreed and promoted w/e he was promoting. He didn't go on any rant or anythng like that. Just restated his feelings about the statue/respect issue
the dunk was sick but i see people saying things like that dunk changed the course of the series. 2 points is 2 points. I think people exaggerate the importance of a crazy dunk
Series is pushing it. I do agree that it changed how the game could've went. The whole flow was different after imo at least that's the vibe I got from OKC, it was like the crowd no longer mattered. I mean did they really give Kev a T for dunking on Hayward?

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Kareem on Colbert

What did he say?
Well the rumor about Kareem is that he keeps to himself unlike his recent comments would have one think and he did just that so Colbert did all the instigating
 Kareem just agreed and promoted w/e he was promoting. He didn't go on any rant or anythng like that. Just restated his feelings about the statue/respect issue
the dunk was sick but i see people saying things like that dunk changed the course of the series. 2 points is 2 points. I think people exaggerate the importance of a crazy dunk
Series is pushing it. I do agree that it changed how the game could've went. The whole flow was different after imo at least that's the vibe I got from OKC, it was like the crowd no longer mattered. I mean did they really give Kev a T for dunking on Hayward?


they gave lil homibe a T? for burying heywards soul
...taj didnt get one
Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I mean did they really give Kev a T for dunking on Hayward?
they gave lil homibe a T? for burying heywards soul
...taj didnt get one

yea, that T was BS.. between that and a T ibaka got when he argued a call CORRECTLY (the ball went out and they said it touched him, when it clearly didnt.. which was confirmed by reply.. dude stood there hands in the air waiting for the ball to go out and somehow they still call it out on him)
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