Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Not really.  Dude hasn't had a real close relationship with any of his teammates over the years.  If you read Phil Jackson's book, you know how distant he was from the rest of those early Laker squads.  He got married at 19 to a bird and had a following out with his parents over it.  He is a loner, plain and simple.

And yes, I consider normal people those who go out somewhat.  He is a worshipped athlete in a city known for its nightlife, I'm not saying he has to be Hugh Hef or be doing lines with Paris Hilton but I've never even heard about stories about him going out.  Anyone who has that devotion to the game of basketball like he does is weird to me.  It's why Shaq is a normal guy.  If Shaq cared about ball like Kobe did he would be wearing def. more than 4 rings, but Shaq is a normal, cool dude.  He has other interests and has went from being poor to having crazy wealth.  He'd rather give a 3.0 effort than a 4.0 effort, Kobe gives a 4.5 effort.
1st of all
Does Kobe need a close relationship with the teammates ? No
The early squad that Kobe was with consist of players who are in their 30s while Kobe was only 17-21. You expect a 19 20 years old kid to be hanging out with old 30s something years old men ? What kind of relationship you want from them ?

Does Kobe need to show up in a club and taking pictures with bunch of fake people and post on his facebook/twitter  and pretending to be outgoing ? No
Does Kobe need to act a fool like 40 years old Shaq with all the immature/dumb stuff that Shaq does off court ? No
How do you know Kobe doesn't go out ? He obvious doesn't use twitter to brag.  He could be in Europe watching soccer, resting in Mexico beaches with the wife , go to Disneyland with his kids, etc
Does he need to report to TMZ where he go ? No
The point is you don't really know a person or what he does in his spare time until you spend a significant time with him/her.
You simply judge this guy from a tv, media and book .
And you think just like any random normal person would think which is not really open minded.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Imagine if they didn't give up Jordan Crawford and a first round pick to rent Kirk Hinrich for the next year and a half.
Imagine Mike Bibby as the starting PG for the Hawks. The Magic would be playing the Bulls right now.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

My whole point is, a good coach...

Chuck Daly, Pat Riley, Greg Pop, Larry Brown, if these guys had Jordan and Pippen, and Shaq and Kobe all those years?

Their resume would look a whole hell of a lot like Phil's.

All I'm saying.
you act like all those coaches had @+%! and a bag of peanuts to work with. quit your hating now japan air. just cuz the mavs beat the lakers you wanna act up.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I wish it were important enough to me to jot down the names of everyone making a big deal of the Bynum foul, just so I can bring it back up if those people ever complain about the league being too soft.

And I'm not saying he didn't do anything wrong, so don't even come with that.

I'm not even saying he was justified. It was terrible, he was given an F2, kicked out, and now suspended 5 games. But talking about how that wasn't enough? Like I said, I wish it were important enough to me to jot down everyone who feels that way.
come on now... you know this board. because he was wearing a laker jersey hes dirty... if he was wearing any other jersey the league is soft
typical niketalk sport forum...

   i thought the league would give him 10 games being how soft this league is now. he deserved 3 games suspended. They gave him 5. Not too bad...

remember dirty $## james posey football blind siding that one bulls player a couple years back in the playoffs? how many games did he get suspended for? was it even 1 game? That was a more vicious hit. but because bynum wears a laker jersey he deserves to get suspended for the whole season lol

looking at sacramento news tonight they are reporting rick adelman is in line for the lakers coaching position.... ehhh... idunno about that 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

My whole point is, a good coach...

Chuck Daly, Pat Riley, Greg Pop, Larry Brown, if these guys had Jordan and Pippen, and Shaq and Kobe all those years?

Their resume would look a whole hell of a lot like Phil's.

All I'm saying.
you act like all those coaches had @+%! and a bag of peanuts to work with. quit your hating now japan air. just cuz the mavs beat the lakers you wanna act up.
Pat had a great cast in his first stint, and had numbers comparable to Phil's.

When has Larry Brown ever had a great team?

Greg Pop had one guy who is in the top of his position all-time.

Phil had about 4.
He is a %*%#!% teammate and leader. He will never be a guy that can really inspire guys around him and as much as CP will tell you its amazing that those Lakers won 3 in a row, those teams left you wanting more and it was mainly due to Kobe's immaturity.

Verbally, no Kobe isn't going to inspire. You really think that Kobe doesn't inspire his teammates with his dedication and dominance of the game? I doubt that. And Kobe being odd/loner is one of the biggest reasons why he's that great. MJ verbally attacked his teammates on the regular but he's not criticized for that.

And the Bynum play was dirty yes. It was clearly done with poor sportsmanship after getting their *%# handed to them as well. The reason he got 5 games though was because of the stage that he was on. So many people were watching that game Stern wanted to drop the hammer on him. The Beasley foul didn't help as well. JRich agrees too..

jrich23 Jason Richardson
Damn 5 game suspension + 25k for Andrew Bynum is crazy. His foul was totally wrong but not worth that severe of a punishment.
How many games was Horry suspended for when he checked Nash into the scorer's table?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

How many games was Horry suspended for when he checked Nash into the scorer's table?
Horry got a 2 game suspension.  But I'm sure it was well worth it for the Spurs since Amare and Diaw were suspended one game each.
Let's say their is a lockout and players wont play next year or a portion of it or whatever. How you guys think this will help the old core? EX: KG, TD, Gasol, Kobe. You think it will help them recover from a long season and bring them more into shape whereas they would not have it during a regular offseason?
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Let's say their is a lockout and players wont play next year or a portion of it or whatever. How you guys think this will help the old core? EX: KG, TD, Gasol, Kobe. You think it will help them recover from a long season and bring them more into shape whereas they would not have it during a regular offseason?
Depends on the schedule. If it's anything like the '99 schedule, they're going to die.
 back-to-back-to-back games and three games in four nights.

I think the only one it'd benefit is Kobe. He wouldn't take as long to get going as a KG/Duncan/Ray would. Plus, I think some extra time to rest/workout in the offseason would do him good.
For those asking about a timetable for Caron Butler's return, Dallas has been very hush hush about his status. But Rick Carlisle said that he's now dunking the ball, and making more and more progress every day.

About a week and a half ago, he ruled out Butler for the LA series, without any hesitation.

This week, he won't rule out Caron for playing at all in the WCF.

Foreshadowing? I'd say so.

Rick also said that once Caron is back, he'll be 100%. I find that hard to believe, but Rick Carlisle isn't necessarily a coach who's going to go out and gloat about his team and say they're better than they are, or say that a player would be 100% when he isn't.

I don't think Caron would lose his outside shooting touch, as he's pretty much been shooting set shots every single day since he got hurt. The guys work ethic is ridiculous.

That said, his ability to get points down low may be limited.

Personally, I think he is available for the Finals.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Let's say their is a lockout and players wont play next year or a portion of it or whatever. How you guys think this will help the old core? EX: KG, TD, Gasol, Kobe. You think it will help them recover from a long season and bring them more into shape whereas they would not have it during a regular offseason?
Depends on the schedule. If it's anything like the '99 schedule, they're going to die.
 back-to-back-to-back games and three games in four nights.


If memory serves me correctly, everyone thought that young teams would have the advantage in 1999, but it was the veteran teams that played well.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Let's say their is a lockout and players wont play next year or a portion of it or whatever. How you guys think this will help the old core? EX: KG, TD, Gasol, Kobe. You think it will help them recover from a long season and bring them more into shape whereas they would not have it during a regular offseason?
Depends on the schedule. If it's anything like the '99 schedule, they're going to die.
 back-to-back-to-back games and three games in four nights.
I remember that, I would get bored of watching the Pacers back in the day when the shortened season was going on
Is the All Rookie Team by position? Or just top 5......... cuz if it is the latter, Monroe shoulda been 1st team.
2 Guards, 2 Forwards, 1 Center?

Wall, Neal
Blake, Fields

2nd team is..

Bledsoe, George
Favors, Wes Johnson

I actually think it's top 5... You look at last years...

BJ, Steph, Collison, Tyreke, and Taj, there's no way that's by position, even if it was 2 G, 2 F, and one utility.
It's definitely a strange day for Lakers fans and of course my brother-in-law, Lamar Odom. After two straight championship seasons, nobody expected these playoffs to end like this, especially with a blowout loss to cap a four-game sweep.

The Mavericks were an incredibly tough matchup for the Lakers, and Dirk Nowitzki was unbelievable throughout the series. Obviously, our entire family was cheering for L.A., but I have to give credit where it's due, and the Mavs deserved to advance with a performance that was close to perfect. I'm already looking forward to a chance for revenge next season.

Aside from my personal relationship with Lamar, it's hard to watch coach Phil Jackson go out this way. He's a legend, and it will be interesting to see how his successor takes control of the team next season if he really does retire. Personally, I think Phil will come back next season. I know everyone has said he's retiring, but I don't think a coach as great as he is would leave after a 4-0 sweep. I still believe that we'll see him again.

Back at home, it's been a stressful couple of weeks, especially since Game 1 of the Mavericks series. Losing is never easy, and when you have to listen to pundits and experts rip your team on national television, it gets even more difficult. So I've been doing my best to keep Lamar stress-free.

It wasn't easy with plenty of tension in the air, but we all tried our best to crack jokes and stay loose. Sure, you want to stay extra-focused during the playoffs, but thinking about it every second of every day will drive you crazy.

One of the better ways to relieve stress was the Xbox 360 and our favorite game, "NBA 2K11." Both Lamar and I get really into it, and I went easy on him last week, playing with the Mavericks and letting him destroy me with the Lakers. Unfortunately, that didn't happen in real life, but it was a lot of fun to pretend.

Now that the Lakers have lost, the offseason is officially here for my family. We all wanted another championship this season, but I'm looking forward to hanging out with Lamar, who finally has some free time after a long season on the court. It's the silver lining in what's been an emotional time, and it probably will take a while to get over the shock of the Mavericks series. Obviously, I feel for Lamar, and I know he'll work harder than ever to get better for next season.

Some of the experts are saying the Lakers are done, but we all know that's not true. They will be back and hopefully better than ever!

Rob Kardashian is spokesman for, an online site for playing video games, and will occasionally write for Page 2. He can be followed on Twitter here.

One of the better ways to relieve stress was the Xbox 360 and our favorite game, "NBA 2K11." Both Lamar and I get really into it, and I went easy on him last week, playing with the Mavericks and letting him destroy me with the Lakers. Unfortunately, that didn't happen in real life, but it was a lot of fun to pretend.

It was a lot of fun to pretend.


That's harsh man.
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